chapters 26 Jaune vs Team CRDL

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Yn pov

I awoke in my tent with my wife summer entangled in my arms I quickly made my way towards my feet I made my way towards my mother Freya ln in the guest room

Yn: hey mom how you doing today

Freya: I'm doing fine your house is so beautiful and your wife is beautiful and my grand children are so beautiful but I must ask were is Yangs why doesn't she look like you're wife summer

Yn: it's complicated mom her mother abandoned her and placed Yang in Summers care

Freya: you need to find her I know you still love her

Yn: I don't think she wants to come home

Freya: what is impossible with true love son

Yn: nothing is impossible with true love

Summer stood in the middle of the doorway with a slight smile on her face

Summer: you really are the best husband in all of remnant

Yn: i need to get to class I'm sure Mr Arc has alot payback to dispense

I made my way towards the entrance of the training room Glynda began picking students who were going to face each other in sparring

Jaune: I'll face Team CRDL

Professor Goodwitch: are you sure Mr Arc

Jaune: yes I'm sure

Cardin: your in for quite the beating Jaune

Team CRDL began to surround Jaune Cardin charged forward and Jaune shield bashed Cardin the rest of team charged forward Jaune slashed Russell across the chest and he shield bashed Dove and slashed sky knocking him back

Team CRDL aura shimmered and Jaune charged forward at the team and slashed really fast strikes and Team CRDL auras shattered as they fell to the ground unconscious

Professor Goodwitch: very well done Mr Arc I'm impressed

Jaune: thanks Professor Goodwitch

Yn began clapping as he walked towards Jaune who approached him with a slight smile on his face

Yn: I'm proud of you Mr Arc

Jaune: thanks Professor Ln

Yn: anytime i expect you to have fun you've earned it

Jaune walked off with his team and Yn smiled under his helmet everything was going according to plan or so he thought soon everything would change whether they were ready for it or not

The last thing we see is Emperor Palpatine walking through the streets of vale late at night with twin lighsabers clipped to his side everything was going just as he had forseen and the scene cuts to black

Boom cliffhanger

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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