chapter 10 darkness cometh

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Maul killer pov

I bowed before my master as he entered the room

Maul killer: master you honor us with your presence

Emperor Palpatine: rise my young apprentice

Roman: so your this horned freaks master are you

Maul killer: silence fool you will treat my master Emperor Palpatine with respect or I'll cut out your tongue

Roman: ah whatever I don't have time for this

Emperor Palpatine: you will learn to respect your betters

Force Lightening struck Roman in the back forcing him to the ground

Neopoliton ran towards Emperor Palpatine and tried to strike him with hush only for Emperor Palpatine to blast her with Force Lightening knocking her to the ground next to Roman

Roman: mercy don't kill us

Emperor Palpatine: see that as a lesson not to underestimate my power

Roman grabbed Neopoliton and ran towards their personal quarters

Cinder walked out of the shadows with a look of complete reverence on her face

Cinder: your power is truly remarkable

Emperor Palpatine: not unlike the power of the maidens

Cinder: yes but next time ask before you torture my allys

Maul killer: you don't get a say my master is beyond your strength

Cinder stormed off in annoyance and disappeared into her private quarters

Emperor Palpatine: don't worry my young apprentice everything is going as I have foreseen

The last thing we see is a red eyed Raven sitting on the window cill of Team RWBY dorm and the scene cuts to black

Boom cliffhanger

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