Part 1 ~Lover~ ~Leah Williamson~

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Leah's pov:
It took me a very long time to get over Jordan but I think that I have finally done it. Well I know for almost certain, after many weeks of considering it, I am finally going to ask Y/n to be my girlfriend. When she first came to arsenal something inside me just clicked, I knew that I had feelings for her and she clearly has feelings for me as well because we have been on a few dates and we are always really flirty in training, speaking of training, that is where I am off to now.

Leah: Hey you.
Y/n: Hey gorgeous, you ok this morning? *hugs Leah from behind*
Leah: Yeah I'm good cutie, I have to ask you something after training.
Y/n: *worried* Is everything ok darling?
Leah: Yeah nothing bad, don't worry, now let's get to the gym before Jonas gets angry. *giggles*
*You both walk to the gym*
Beth: Oh here come the love birds.
Leah: Oh shush, you're only saying this because Viv has other friends and isn't always right by your side in training.
Beth: *blushes and walks off to Jonas, followed by you and Leah because he started talking*
Jonas: Right, so today we just have a gym session, you can have some lunch and then you're free to do whatever for the rest of the day.
*You all go off and do your own things, you and Leah are obviously doing it all together*
Leah: Here let me help you with that *wraps her arms around your waist from behind*
Y/n: And how is you giving me a hug going to help with my weights?
Leah: Thought you might need some moral support and I've finished so yeah.
Y/n: Look Leah I love you hugging me but how about I finish first, I have 15 reps left.
Leah: Ok, but I'm staying here, you look really good when you're working out.
Y/n: You only say that because I only have a sports bra on so you can see my abs *giggles*
Leah: I mean I won't deny it *laughs* Now come on, I have something to ask remember.
*You finish your reps and everyone has already gone to get lunch so it is you and Leah in the gym*
Leah: Look this is not really how I would have imagined saying this to you but I just can't wait anymore. Look Y/n you are the most perfect girl I have ever met, from the minute I saw you I knew you were special and that there could be something there. Look if I have the wrong idea here I am so so sorry, but will you y/n y/l/n be my girlfriend?
Y/n: Of course I will Leah, how could I say no to someone as gorgeous as you?
Leah: Aww well thank you.
Beth: Aww, it's about time you two.
Leah: Oh shush Beth, now shall we go get some lunch?
Y/n: That's a great idea.
*Skip to after lunch*
Beth: Me and Viv were wondering if you two wanted to come round ours to watch a film later?
Leah: Yeah I'm up for it.
Y/n: Umm I think I need to see family, sorry. *walks off*
Leah: Weird, she told me her family don't live anywhere near, I'll go check on her.
*Leah runs out the room to come find you, she finds you sitting on the floor with your head in your hands*
Leah: Hey gorgeous what's up? You told me your family lives far away.
Y/n: They do, I lied.
Leah: Why, do you not want to go round Beth and Viv's?
Y/n: I never really talk to any of the girls apart from you. They probably wouldn't even like me. *looks down*
Leah: No don't even think that for a second *puts her hand under your chin so you look at her* Anyone would be stupid not to like you, now I know you're not the best with people you're not close with, but come on just hang out with Beth and Viv and me tonight, and if it turns out that they don't like you then it can just be me and you outside of training ok.
Y/n: Thanks.
Leah: Of course, anything for you baby.
*You walk back to Beth and Viv*
Y/n: Change of plan, if the invite is still there then I would love to come round.
Beth: Great.
Leah: Do you want to go with me y/n, I know where they live.
Y/n: Yeah sure.
Jonas: Y/n, my office now!
Y/n: *worried* I'll be back in a bit.
Leah: Don't worry.
*You walk in to Jonas' office.*
Jonas: I wanted to talk to you now because I have noticed that you have been very close to Leah, now as much as I know I can't force you to do anything, I want you to back off a bit, we can't have Leah getting distracted.
Y/n: Ok Jonas sorry, I'll back off.
Jonas: Thank you, that is all you may go.
*You walk out the room and just break down crying, Leah finds you*
Leah: What's up baby? *hugs you*
Y/n: Jonas told me to back off from you, he doesn't want me to distract you.
Leah: Ignore him, I'm never leaving your side ok baby.
Y/n: Thank you gorgeous.
Leah: Now let's go to Beth and Viv's and just forget about all this ok baby.
*You both leave and then soon get to Beth and Viv's*
Beth: Hey gu- wait Y/n are you ok? you've been crying.
Y/n: Yeah I'm fine now thank you.
Viv: Come on guys, I want to watch the film.
Beth: Coming now.
*You and Leah sit down on the sofa which Beth and Viv are not on, as you're watching the film you start to get tired and end up falling asleep tangled up in a tight hug with Leah, something that you wish you could do forever*

A/n: I hope you enjoy this one, thank you for suggesting Leah, I'll do more of her in the future obviously.

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