~Watch it, darling~ ~Rachel Daly~

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Tw: Suggestive, also it's really cringey cause I'm rubbish at writing this stuff but we move whatever.

You and Rachel Daly never seemed to get on, on the pitch you would constantly be going at each other, much to the fans amusement. Many of whom believed it was all just a front and that you and Daly were actually dating, this however was far from the truth, the rivalry on the pitch carried off it, with both of you just never really getting on with the other, this made for a great match whenever your teams, Tottenham and Aston villa, met for a match. Today was one of those days, the only difference being that this was your first match being captain for spurs, due to the usual skipper, Beth, picking up an injury to her ankle in the previous game. To say you were excited to be captaining your childhood club would be an understatement, it was just a bit of a shame it had to be against aston villa and Rachel. That aside, you've just arrived at the stadium with the rest of the girls and you're walking into the changing room.

*skip to the match*

The fact that you're a centre back means you get to see a lot more of Rachel in games than what you would want. It's only 10 minutes in and spurs already have a corner, which means you're up on the edge of the box, getting marked by Rachel. You feel hands on your hips as you bend down a bit to sort your shin pads out.

Rachel: Already bending over for me are we Captain. *smirks*

Y/n: Focus on the game Daly.

Rachel: Ok Y/l/n whatever you say.

This catches you majorly off guard, you can't let her get to you though, of all the people on this pitch, she can't be the one who distracts you. Nothing much else happens for the rest of the game, apart from a goal from yourself to win the match in the 80th minute. After you've had your post match talk with Robert, you and all the other girls start to walk round to thank all the fans, some of the girls talking to some of the villa girls, you're just walking round on you're own when you feel someone collide into you, turning around you see Rachel.

Rachel: Watch it, *whispers* darling.

Y/n: Go away Daly.

Rachel: *in your ear* I'll see you later *winks and walks off*

Martha: What was that about? I thought you two hated each other?

Y/n: She's just trying to get into my head.

Martha: Oh right, it didn't look like she did a bad job, you're proper blushing.

Y/n: Oh shut it Martha.

With that you walk off down the tunnel, well you begin to before you're pulled off into one of the physio rooms and shoved up against the wall.

Y/n: What are you doing Da-

Rachel: Shush, wouldn't want anyone hearing us.

Y/n: Well what's this all about?

Rachel: Stop talking would you *kisses you, which you immediately reciprocate* see I knew you'd like that.

Y/n: W-What are you thinking?

Rachel: That this is exactly what we have both wanted for a long time *kisses you again and moves her knee in between your thighs* You're not as confident now Captain *smirks*

Y/n: Well you've taken charge, maybe you should be wearing this *points at the armband*

Rachel: Oh really, you'd like that wouldn't you?

Y/n: Maybe I would, maybe I wouldn't.

Rachel: Well you're clearly not cut out to be wearing it right now, not so mouthy anymore are you.

Y/n: Hmm maybe if you actually did something I would be.

Rachel: Well this isn't really the place, go do what you have to do, but be quick and I'll wait by your car, I know where it is.

Y/n: Inviting yourself round are you Daly.

Rachel: Yeah but I think we both know you don't mind, oh and bring this *pings the captains armband against you* it might come in handy.

You just blush before walking out and going back to the changing room, a few of the girls giving you questioning looks as to where you've been but no one really pushes, luckily, I mean what would you say? Oh yeah sorry I was just getting pinned to a wall by the girl you all think I hate but who I secretly think is super fit. Without saying much you get changed and put your stuff in your bag, including the armband, deciding that you'll just say it must've fallen in your bag when a staff member undoubtedly asks at training. Without saying bye to any of the girls, you walk out the changing room and out to where you parked your car earlier, a very smug Rachel leaning against it.

Rachel: Took your time didn't you.

Y/n: Yeah, well that's cause I actually had the decency to get changed out of my kit rather than just throw a jacket on.

Rachel: I thought you would've understood that it didn't really matter what you're wearing *walks over and whispers in your ear* You won't be wearing it for long anyway. *smirks and gets in your car.*

You stand there for a minute, not knowing what to make of that comment, you do however know that Rachel is completely aware of how she is making you feel, which annoys you more than anything. You eventually leave your trance and get in your car, driving you both back to your house, when you get back Rachel gets out first and gets both your bags out the back of the car.

Y/n: I can carry my own bag Daly.

Rachel: It's fine, we still going with Daly I see.

Y/n: Hmm it feels right, how about I call you babe?

Rachel: I mean I won't stop you, did you remember my request, baby?

Y/n: I did, it's in there with my training kit.

Rachel: Well done. *you blush at that as she opens the door*

A/n: hope you enjoyed, if you'd like a part 2 I can but it would be smut so idm. :) not proofread cause that's too much effort

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