Part 19 ~You. Are. Mine Pt2~ ~Georgia Stanway~

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Y/n's pov:
Well last night was a very long one, but I love G and she is the best girl I could ever ask for, I woke up this morning and instead of being in the warm embrace of my girlfriend, I awoke to an empty bed, wondering where G is I get up and throw on one of her hoodies and a pair of her boxers that were on my side of the bed. I make my way downstairs and into the kitchen where I find my beautiful girlfriend sitting at the breakfast bar with a coffee in her hand, she looks so beautiful but before I can admire her anymore, she looks up from her phone, smiling at me.

Georgia: Good morning princess.
Y/n: Morning baby.
Georgia: Are you ok?
Y/n: Yeah, are you?
Georgia: Yeah, I'm sorry for getting so jealous yesterday.
Y/n: It's ok babe, and thanks for making recovery even harder today, my legs are killing. *laughs*
Georgia: It's my pleasure, now come over here and sit down.
*Y/n sits down on the chair next to Georgia* No I meant here silly *Pulls Y/n onto her lap.*
Y/n: I love you G.
Georgia: I love you too y/n/n, right come in let's go get ready for training.

We walk upstairs and I sit on the bed whilst Georgia is getting ready, before starting to get ready myself.

Y/n: Babe, you know how you love me?
Georgia: Yes baby, what's up?
Y/n: Can I borrow one of your training jumpers?
Georgia: Of course but where is yours baby.
Y/n: Well if you look down I think you might answer that question. *giggles*
Georgia: Oh sorry I must've picked up the wrong one *goes to take it off*
Y/n: No leave it, I like you wearing my clothes and plus it means I get to wear yours.
Georgia: You're too cute *kisses you on the head* now finish getting ready or we'll be late. *walks out the room*

I finish getting ready and then join G on the sofa for a second before she stands up, grabbing my hand and pulls me up.

Y/n: But babe, I want to sit on the sofa and watch films with you all day.
Georgia: I know you do but we have recovery and then we're all going round to Magda and Pernille's to welcome the new signing that's starting today.
Y/n: We have a new signing?
Georgia: We do, someone from spain or something like that.
Y/n: Oh right.
Georgia: Now come on, car now.
Y/n: Ok mum. *laughs*
Georgia: Oh just get in the car babe.

We get in the car and Georgia drives us to the training centre, where we get out and walk down to the changing room to get ready for recovery and wait for the other girls.

*skip to after recovery when they are back at home, before going to Magda and pernille's*

Y/n: How come this new signing wasn't there today?
Georgia: That's a good point, I'm not sure, maybe cause it was only recovery.
Y/n: Yeah I guess.
Georgia: Right no offence babe but you need a shower, you stink after the gym.
Y/n: Aww love you too. *laughs* fine I'm going, I wouldn't mind if you joined. *smirks*
Georgia: Oh I'm sure you wouldn't, fine but we can't be long.
Y/n: Will you wash my hair babe, it's always nicer after when you do it.
Georgia: Of course I can, now come on.
*They have a shower and Georgia washes your hair before you both get out and start to get dressed*
Y/n: What are you wearing tonight babe?
Georgia: Nothing special, we're only going round Magda's.
Y/n: Ok *grabs Georgia's hoodie which she knows is her favourite*
Georgia: Hey I was going to wear that.
Y/n: Well I'm wearing it now *she sprays some of Georgia's perfume on her*
Georgia: You may as well be me at this point.
Y/n: We both know full well you're going to do the exact same thing.
Georgia: Fair enough, *puts your jumper and perfume on* right let's go.
*Skip to at Magda and Pernille's*
Magda: Hello girls.
Georgia: Hi Magda.
Pernille: So change of plan, the new signing is ill so we thought about just watching a film.
Georgia: Sounds good to me, this one is just going to fall asleep straight away.
Magda: Aww is little baby Y/n tired *laughs*
Y/n: Stop being mean Magda, babe!
Georgia: Sorry babe but you are a bit small.

*Y/n just hides her face into Georgia, they go inside and end up watching some German film so it was actually Georgia who fell asleep before Y/n, but the latter was not far behind, after the film*

Pernille: I'll wake G up.
Magda: No wake up Y/n, G won't wake up easily.
Pernille: Ok. Y/n Zeit aufzustehen (Time to get up)
Y/n: Danke Pernille (Thanks)
Magda: English please. *laughs*
Pernille: Sorry.
Magda: We thought you would be easier to wake up.
Y/n: Yeah, I have my ways to wake this one up, but I'll just take her home and get her to bed.
Magda: Ok well we will see you at training tomorrow.
Y/n: See you tomorrow, bye thanks guys.
Pernille: No worries.
*Y/n carries Georgia out to the car before driving home and carrying Georgia up to bed*
Georgia: *half asleep* hmm babe don't leave.
Y/n: I'm not going anywhere my love, just let me get you changed.
Georgia: Hmm ok.

I get a pair of my old united shorts and then an England hoodie and put them on G, before stealing some of her clothes to put on myself.

Georgia: You better not have put me in your united shorts again baby.
Y/n: No promises, now come on let's go to sleep.
Georgia: Ok, come here then.
*They both lay down and fall asleep very quickly after.*

Thanks for reading:)

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