Part 21 ~What have I done to you?~ ~Afwc & Thwfc~

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You always wanted to have football as your career so when you got offered a professional contract you couldn't turn it down, even though it was from your childhood rival team, Arsenal. Your whole family had always supported Tottenham so you were a little bit nervous to tell them that you were going to be playing for Arsenal, however that fear didn't last for long and your family were all completely supportive of you, you little sister joking that she would only come to your matches when you were playing spurs but you knew that she would support you either way.

That was nearly a year ago and you pretty much regret every minute of the past year, you moved out of your parents house and into an apartment of your own, but then your sister moved in with you because your mum and dad kicked her out for her Gcse results, even though she passed all of them, so neither of you see them anymore. But all of this is nothing compared to the real reason that you have regretted all that has happened, that is because of what you have to deal with at football.

*At training*
Jonas: Right so we are just going to finish up with a match.

*Towards the end of the match, Katie tackles you very roughly*
Katie: Oh get up, I barely touched you.
Kim: McCabe no, this has to stop.
Katie: What she just needs to be stronger, she's like a baby
Jonas: McCabe stop, everyone go inside, we're finished
Kim: Do you need some help up Y/n?
Y/n: I can't walk Kim.
Kim: Jonas this is everyday, it's not fair on Y/n/n.
Jonas: I know, look Y/n as much as I don't want this to happen cause you are an amazing player but I think you might have to leave Arsenal, I have an offer for you already.
Y/n: Thank you Jonas, who is the offer from?
Jonas: It's from spurs, who I know you have always dreamed of playing for, I think it would be a great move for you.
Kim: I agree, and it's not too far away so I can still see you and little Florence (that's your sister).
Y/n: Thank you both
Jonas: Of course now take your time but I will call a meeting to announce that you're leaving.
Kim: Thanks Jonas, we'll be in soon. *Jonas leaves* Do you think you can walk?
Y/n: I can try but my ankle is really sore.
Kim: I swear I'm going to kill McCabe.

Walking into the changing room, Kim going over to her own locker, you notice that all of the girls have already left, you assume to the meeting room to wait for Jonas and once yourself and Kim have finished getting changed you both also make your way to the meeting room, sitting down next to Kim, you hear a few of the girls make comments about how you're always late or along those lines. The comments stop when Jonas walks in.

Jonas: Right hello girls, sorry to call a meeting so randomly but I have some news for you all, Y/n will be leaving us to transfer to another club.
Leah: Finally getting rid of her.
Kim: Leah!
Caitlin: What we are all thinking it, so where's she going?
Jonas: Not that it should matter to you guys with the way you've treated her but she is moving to spurs.
Katie: That makes the north London derby even better.
Caitlin: Yeah be ready for that one.
Kim: If any of you even think about what you're thinking about I will make sure you are all benched for not only that game but many others.
Laura: Yeah. Leave Y/n alone.
Beth: Laura stay out of this.
Laura: No, she hasn't deserved any of what you've done to her.
Jonas: Laura is right, now all of you can leave and Kim is right everyone who has said things, I know who you are, you will not be playing until you sort out your behaviour. *They all leave* Good luck Y/n go show them all what they've been missing.
Y/n: Thank you Jonas. I'm going to miss you Kimmy.
Kim: You can still see me whenever, you're going to do great things Y/l/n.

After that you left and made your way back to your apartment to get ready for tomorrow as you were already going to be signing your contract at spurs. You've had a shower and are now making some dinner for yourself and Flo when she gets back in from work, which she does just as you have finished dinner.

Flo: I'm home.
Y/n: Hey, how was your day?
Flo: Pretty decent, and yours?
Y/n: Pretty bad but then it ended good, I am no longer an arsenal player.
Flo: About time *laughs* where are you going?
Y/n: Where would you want me to go?
Flo: I think we both know where.
Y/n: Well then I think you're going to be happy.
Flo: You're going to Spurs?
Y/n: Yeah, I sign my contract tomorrow.
Flo: I am so proud of you.
Y/n: Awh thanks Flo.

You both eat your dinner, Flo thanking you for making it before you both watch some tv and then both decide on making your way up to bed. The next morning you wake up and have to leave before Flo so you make her some breakfast and leave it on the side before leaving and beginning your drive. You get there and the nerves begin to kick in, and who could blame you, you were about to sign a contract with your childhood club. But you pushed the worries down and made your way into the training complex, trying to find Robert's office.  As I'm walking I bump into someone.

Y/n: I am so sorry
Amy: No don't worry about it, I should have been looking where I was going, oh you must be Y/n.
Y/n: Yeah that's me.
Amy: You looking for Robert's office?
Y/n: Yes, I've got a bit lost.
Amy: I'll show you.
Y/n: Thank you you're a lifesaver.
Amy: No problem, I'm Amy by the way.
Y/n: I knew that but thanks for the introduction.
Amy: *laughs* oh no problem. Right here's his office.
Y/n: Thanks Amy.
Amy: No problem, I'll see you around.

I knock on the door and wait to be told that I can go in, when I hear a voice who I assume is Robert's I open the door and see that there is two people already sitting in there, Robert being behind the desk and then a blonde girl who I immediately recognise as Bethany England sitting on the other side, a chair next to her where Robert invites me to sit.

Robert: Hello Y/n, it's lovely to meet you.
Y/n: It's lovely to meet you too.
Robert: This is Beth, after you've signed your contract she's going to show you around.

a/n: hope you enjoy, I will start doing requests now, do you want a part 2?

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