Part 11 ~We've got you now part 4~ ~engwnt~

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Tw: Mentions of self harm.

*In the middle of the night*
It happened again, I've had the same nightmare for at least the last week, maybe longer. It's a horrible one too, I'm just hiding in an alleyway because I'm in a very bad part of town at the moment and I just see someone walking towards me, I panic and try to run past the man but he grabs hold of me and starts just punching and kicking me, he does this until I'm nearly passed out on the ground and then he feels in his jacket pocket and pulls out a gun before shooting me but missing his intended target and hitting my leg instead, this is when I wake up, screaming and crying. I hate it when this happens, you'd think I would be used to it by now, but when I wake up this time it's different, instead of feeling completely alone I feel and strong pair of arms wrap themselves around me, making me feel very safe.

Lucy: It's ok kiddo, I got you.
Y/n: Sorry.
Lucy: Nothing to be sorry about, are you ok now?
Y/n: Yeah, it was a nightmare, sorry for waking you both.
Jordan: It's ok darling, as long as you're ok.
Lucy: Jordan's right, we don't care you woke us up, we just want you to be ok.
Y/n: What's the time?
Lucy: Half 5, do you want to try and get some more sleep or do you not think you can?
Y/n: I won't be able to get back to sleep, I never can after a nightmare.
Lucy: How often do you get them?
Y/n: Quite often, twice maybe three times a week.
Jordan: Aww kiddo that's awful.
Y/n: It's ok, you get used to it after a while, that was an especially bad one though.
Lucy: It's ok, we've got you, do you want to just get dressed then?
Y/n: Yeah ok

I go to pick up my clothes from yesterday but Jordan stops me, instead giving me some of her training clothes to wear.

Jordan: Wear these, they're clean.
Y/n: You sure?
Jordan: Of course.
Lucy: And cause Jordan is a very forgetful person she's lost her jumper so you can wear my spare one, might be a bit big though.
Y/n: Thanks guys.
Lucy: If you want privacy while getting changed then you can go in the bathroom.
Y/n: Thanks I'll be back in a minute.
Jordan: Ok kiddo.

I go into the bathroom to get ready with no intention of doing what happened but when I saw the razor there, after I was ready and about to go back out, I just felt the urge over come me. I didn't mean to go that deep but it just happened and before I knew it, I fell to the ground with a thud.

Lucy's pov:
Me and Jords were just talking about how we are going to talk to Y/n about what we saw when there's a loud thud from the bathroom, me and Jordan look at each other, panic written on both of our faces, I knock on the bathroom door but there's no response so I turn to Jordan after knocking a few more times.

Lucy: She's not responding, should I just go in.
Jordan: Not sure, try knocking one more time.
Lucy: Ok *knocks on the door* Y/n can I come in? *you don't respond* Right I'm coming in kiddo.

still Lucy's pov:
I open the door and see something I never would have imagined I would see, Y/n is laying there on the ground with her arms covered in blood and Jordan's razor laying next to her, I run back out the bathroom quickly.

Lucy: Jordan help me get her to the physios now!
Jordan: Ok, what's happened?
Lucy: Just come look, can't bring myself to say it.
Jordan: *walks in* Shit, let's get her straight down there.

Jordan helps me pick up y/n and we start to walk out of the room, as we get down there she starts to wake up, catching my attention.

Y/n: Lucy?
Lucy: I'm here kiddo, what's up?
Y/n: I'm sorry, it hurts.
Lucy: It's ok kiddo, can I ask you why you did it?
Y/n: I don't deserve to be here.
Lucy: Yes you do kiddo, look I know you've had a tough time, but we've got you now and we won't ever let you get hurt again ok.

We get to the physio and walk in, John the physio sees Jordan first and smiles before seeing me with Y/n in my arms and his smile falters a bit.

John: What can I do for you today girls?
Lucy: Can you check out her arms and clean them so they don't get infected.
John: Of course, if you can sit down here kiddo.
Lucy: Don't worry darling, I'm not going to leave you.

Y/n sits down and I sit next to her with my arm still protectively wrapped around her shoulders.

John: These are quite deep, I'm going to just bandage them up now, they're all clean, Lucy will you be able to clean them once a day?
Lucy: Of course. *he bandages
y/n's arms* thank you John
John: No problem, be careful.
Lucy: Come on, let's go get some breakfast kiddo.

Y/n doesn't say anything so I just grab her hand to let her know I'm there for her and we walk into the dining room where most of the girls are, I notice that Keira has left two chairs next to her so I take y/n over to her.

Keira: Morning.
Lucy: Morning baby *kisses Keira on the head* can y/n sit here while I go get us some food?
Keira: Of course she can, can you get me a coffee while you're up there babe?
Lucy: Of course, I'll be back in a minute kiddo.

Y/n's pov:
Lucy walks off to go get some food and I just sit there playing with the ends of the jumper Lucy gave me earlier and just look down, I didn't even notice who else was in the table other then Keira, who places her hand on my shoulder to get my attention.

Keira: Are you ok kiddo?
Y/n: What? oh yeah sorry.
Leah: Aren't you hot in that jumper kid?
Y/n: Umm no I'm fine.
Jordan: Leah, leave it baby.

Lucy comes back over with food but when she places mine down I notice she only got me a small amount, which I'm grateful for.

Y/n: Thank you Luce.
Lucy: No problem darling, *whispers* just try to eat a bit for me and Ellen ok.
Y/n: Ok I'll try my best.
Lucy: That's all I ask.

We eat and then the girls say they have training so we start to walk down to the boot room.

A/n: Hope you enjoy. would anyone like a part 5 or leave it there?

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