~She's so strong, she'll make it~ ~Leah Williamson~

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Being so young and getting my first call up to the national squad comes with both its positives and negatives. As excited as I am and as honoured, I know I won't be able to fully enjoy it because of Leah, ever since I joined arsenal Leah has been like a mum to me, all the girls have treated me like family but Leah is the only one who properly babies me, which can get very annoying. I love Leah don't get me wrong but she never lets me do anything fun, like I'm 16 not 5. I know I have to tell her so I'm going to do it now while we're still at training.

Y/n: Leah, I have something to tell you.
Leah: What's wrong? Who hurt you?
Beth: Leah calm down, it might be a good thing.
Y/n: Thank you Beth, it is actually, I'm fine.
Leah: Well what is it then kiddo?
Y/n: I got my call up.
Beth: Omg! Yess Y/n/n. *hugs you*
Y/n: Thanks Beffy.
Leah: I am so proud of you, you deserve this.
Leah: Thank you Le.

*skip to when they arrive at camp*

Leah: Right Y/n, don't leave my side okay? I don't want you getting hurt.
Y/n: I'm not a baby Leah.
Leah: I know but I just want you to be safe
Y/n: Leah we literally play football for a living, I'll be fine.
Leah: Okay kiddo.

We walk into camp and have a meeting, in which Sarina welcomes us all and then says who is rooming with who, I find out I'm with Leah, which is a good thing because I already know her but it also means that I will not get a single minute of alone time this whole camp. We go up to our room and I just end up going straight to sleep.

*skip to match day*

I've been in training with the girls for a few days now and I think I fit in quite well and all of the girls are so nice, but I have especially bonded with Rach, she's really taken me under her wing, we are currently on the bus on the way to the stadium for our first game.

Rachel: You okay kiddo, you look nervous
Y/n: No Rach, I'm so nervous, I mean I doubt I'll make my debut today but what if I do and then I mess up?
Rach: You won't mess up kiddo, I'm sure you will make your debut and even if you don't we are all so proud of you.
Y/n: Thanks Rach.

Not much more is said and when we get to the stadium we do all the usual things like pitch inspection and then we warmed up so now we are just having the final team talk from Sarina before we walk out to the bench whilst the girls who are starting line up in the tunnel. Neither me or Rach are starting so I'm sitting next to her on the bench.

Rach: You're going to make your debut today I know it.
Y/n: Thanks Rach.
Rach: No need to thank me, you deserve this kiddo.

The game kicks off and the girls are playing well, Beth and Grace both scoring before half time. At half time we all walk back into the changing room so that Sarina can talk to us again.

Sarina: Right great first half performance girls, well done Beth and Grace on the goals, now I will be making some changes at around 60 or so minutes. One of those changes will be more special than the others because I am planning to sub you on Y/n.
Y/n: Oh my god, really? Thank you Sarina.
Sarina: Of course, you deserve this kid, right come on girls get back out there.

The girls go back out and you and Rachel start to warm up rather than just sitting back on the bench.

Rachel: You can do this kiddo, I believe in you.
Y/n: Thank you Rach *Sarina calls you over* I better go.
Rachel: You have got this *she hugs you*
*You run over to Sarina and she tells you to get ready, so you do and then you walk back down*
Sarina: Right you got this, just play your game and it will all be ok.
Y/n: Ok thank you Sarina.

The next time the ball goes out the fourth official holds the board up showing that you are replacing Alessia, the crowd has mixed reactions to that, some clapping and cheering but all you could hear was the negative side, all the booing. Alessia runs over to you and gives you a hug as she's coming off.

Alessia: Don't listen to the booing, you deserve this.
Y/n: Thanks Lessi.

You run on after that and get into your position ready for the match to restart. When it does you immediately start pressing to get the ball back. You must have only been on the pitch for a maximum of five minutes when it all goes wrong, you were running off the ball when everything just went black.

Leah: Shit! Y/n, Y/n wake up.
Grace: Leah you need to give her some space.
Leah: Grace don't tell me what to do, get the physio's over here.
*They run over*
Physio: Leah we need you to move back a bit so that we can check her.
Leah: O-ok.
Physio: Thank you, she's going to be ok. *gets you on the stretcher*
Leah: If she wakes up before the end of the game tell her I will be there as soon as I can.
Physio: We will Leah, don't worry she's safe.
Leah: Ok *kisses you on the head as you get stretchered off*

*skip to when you wake up in the medics room*
Physio: Oh good you're awake, were you aware that you have diabetes?
Y/n: What no?
Physio: Well that's the reason we found to be why you passed out, your blood sugar was low.
Y/n: Ok well can I still play even with this diagnosis?
Physio: Of course, you will just have to be careful, how we will go about it is I will talk to the physios at arsenal and we will get the equipment so that we can monitor it easier.
Y/n: Ok and how would we go about that?
Physio: Well you will have to wear this little monitor, it's called a dexcom, you will have to wear it all the time and there is an app on your phone that will alert you if your blood sugar levels are ever getting low and then during matches we will make sure that the physios can access that too incase it becomes low while you're playing.
Y/n: Ok thank you.
Leah: *comes rushing in* Y/n are you ok?
Y/n: I'm fine.
Leah: What happened?
Physio: We have found out that she has diabetes but we have a plan already sorted out.
Leah: Oh thank god you're ok, I was so worried *kisses you on the head*
Y/n: I'm ok Leah, like you always say, I'm strong and I can get through a lot of things.

A/n: Here you go, it's not the best and I don't think I like it but whatever.

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