Part 3 ~We've got you now~ ~engwnt~

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Tw: Mentions of abuse, abusive relationships, self harm, attempted suicide and depression.

A/n: I just want to say before this one that it may be quite hard to read so if you have been or are being affected by and of those things, please don't make it worse by reading this, but also, talk to someone, it doesn't matter who, just don't go through it alone, my messages are open if anyone needs me at any time, day or night, and with that out the way, let's get on with it. (don't worry there's a happy ending) :)

I think I've always kind of known that I like girls, I was just always too scared to admit it and tell people, well that was until just after my 13th birthday, you see my mum and dad are both very religious so I was always worried about how they would react, but knowing that I'd have to tell them at some point, I decided that one Tuesday morning to be a good time. Turns out my doubts about telling them we're right, because when I told them, my dad hit me and told me it was disgusting and wrong of me, and my mum just shouted at me to get out her house, so there I was, kicked out at just 13 years old. I had nowhere to go either, with all of our family living in Australia and not really having too many friends at school, I decided to go and ask the one person who was nice to me at school if I could stay with them just for a few days, she said yes and turns out she liked girls too. I still remember the night where it started like it was yesterday, we were sitting on her bed, she was called Alice by the way, anyway we were sitting on her bed and she obviously knew I liked girls because that's why I was living with her, but she turned to me and just said I like you, and kissed me. I liked her back so things went from there and we started dating. It all went really well for the first two months or so and for the first time in nearly a year, I was genuinely happy. This did not last long however and after about 2 months of Alice being very sweet and loving, something in her just changed and the relationship became very toxic, she would hit me if I talked to any other girls at school, she would constantly tell me that I was eating too much or that I needed to loose weight and that I didn't deserve her and I was lucky she was staying with me. I put up with all of this mental and physical abuse for just under 3 months before I worked up the courage to tell her it wasn't right and left her. But after I left her I had nowhere to go, that was nearly a month ago now and I've been living on the streets ever since, I rarely go to school and I'm just constantly hiding from people incase I give something away by how I look. I never stay in one place for long and right now I'm really close to St George's park, where the england teams train, and I know for a fact that the lionesses are there right now because I could actually see them training through the fence near where I have been sleeping, well trying to sleep.

Lucy's pov:
We're at camp with England right now and it's been great but earlier when we were training I had to go and get a ball from the far corner of the pitch, which overlooks a field, but when I went over there it looked like there was a young girl laying under one of the trees, but I couldn't do anything because I had to get back to training, I think I'm going to say something to Ellen or Leah at dinner though, they're the two most likely to know what to do.

Lucy: Ells, Le can I speak to you quickly?
Ellen: Yeah coming Luce.
Leah: Coming, *they walk out of the dining room* So what's up?
Lucy: Well you know the field behind the training pitches, the one that has that weird cliff thing over the city? When I went to get one of the balls earlier, I swear I saw a young girl laying there, trying to hide behind a bush.
Ellen: Lucy are you being serious?
Lucy: Yes I promise, I didn't know what to do and thought one of you may have an idea.
Leah: Right you and Ells are going to go to the field and have a look, I'm going to go and find Sarina to inform her, and then we'll sort it from there ok girls?
Lucy: Ok cool, come on Ells.

Me and Ellen walk off and start going to where I saw the girl, we get there pretty quickly due to the speed of our walk and when we do, I see the same girl as earlier on in the day.

Back to Y/n's pov:
I saw them walk towards me but I couldn't tell who it was because everything was a blur from the amount I had been crying, I had finally decided to do something I had been told to do so many times, I was going to end it all, I should've been pretty easy and if I had been only slightly quicker I wouldn't still be here but I was just sitting on the edge, ready to slide off and forget the pain, when I felt two people sit either side of me.

Lucy: Hey kiddo, aren't you cold out here?
Y/n: No I'm fine, now if you wouldn't mind I was kind of in the middle of something, *begins to shuffle closer towards the edge*
Ellen: No you don't *grabs hold of you to pull you back at least a bit, but you flinch* I'm so sorry, I won't hurt you, I just don't want you to slip off.
Y/n: Why don't you want that? Neither of you even know me.
Lucy: No but we still don't want you to get hurt, now can you tell us your name?
Y/n: It's Y/n Y/l/n, why do you want to know?
Ellen: Cause we want to help you kiddo, where are you parents?
Y/n: No idea haven't seen them in over a year, they kicked me out.
Lucy: Please don't tell me you've been living on the streets for a year?
Y/n: No I moved in with my now ex-girlfriend but then we broke up because of stuff she did, and she kicked me out so I've been living on the streets for about a month now.
Ellen: That's awful kiddo, how old are you?
Y/n: It's my 14th birthday tomorrow, but I don't want to be here for that.
Lucy: No please don't jump, I'd love you get to know you, I'm Lucy.
Y/n: I know who you both are, you're two of the best footballers in the world.
Ellen: So you're into football?
Y/n: I love it, I've always wanted to play it when I grow up but  not anymore.
Lucy: Why not?
Y/n: Because I can't do it anymore.
Lucy: Yes you can, look it's too cold to stay out here, can you come back with us?
Y/n: No I'm fine.
Lucy: No I'm not letting you stay out here any longer, you look really weak already, it's the middle of winter and it's freezing cold, no one is going to hurt you kiddo, we just want to help you.
Ellen: Lucy's right kiddo, and I can tell you don't want to go back to your parents, and that's fine, no one will force you, we'll look after you.
Y/n: Really?
Lucy: Of course, at least come back with us so we can get you into some warm clothes ok.
Y/n: But I could just slip off and everything would stop hurting.

I try to just slip myself off the edge, it would solve everything and I nearly managed it but of course they had to intervene and Lucy managed to get her arms around me and pulls me back and onto her lap.

Y/n: Just let me do it.
Lucy: I can't do that kiddo, come on, I'll carry you if you'd like.
Y/n: No it's ok, I can walk.
Lucy: Ok but hold my hand yeah?
Y/n: Ok.

Ellen's pov:
And just like that we're walking back to sgp, but this time with a little girl, I walk just behind Y/n and Lucy to make sure Y/n doesn't try to run for it.

A/n: Part 2? I could write more but it's up to you guys if you do, I know I've already said this but if anything affects you from this chapter, please message me, I'm here for you all :) xx

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