Part 8 ~We've got you now pt3~ ~engwnt~

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Ellen's pov:
I'm so happy that Y/n is ok, and that it's only a slight concussion and a broken leg. But I'd be even happier if I could find this doctor, I have no idea where he could be so I go up to the first person that works at the hospital.

Ellen: Hello, I'm not actually sure of the doctors name, but he was looking after the little girl in room 326.
Nurse: Oh yes, that would be doctor Smith, is everything ok with Y/n?
Ellen: Yeah she's just woke up and I was told to find him when she did.
Nurse: I'll send him in.
Ellen: Thank you.

I walked back to the room and when I get back Y/n is sobbing very hardly in Lucy's arms. It's a hard thing to see so I just walk over and rub Y/n's back to try and calm her down, she turns around and I hold one hand and Lucy holds the other one.

Ellen: The doctor is just on his way.
Lucy: Ok.
Ellen: You're going to be ok kiddo, would you like to stay with us after we get out of here?
Y/n: *really quiet* yeah.
Lucy: *her phone starts ringing* I've got to take this, it's Ke. Will you be ok with Ellen kiddo?
Y/n: Yeah all good.
*on the phone outside*
Lucy: Hey baby.
Keira: Don't hey baby me, where the fuck are you?
Lucy: Calm down, I'm at the hospital.
Keira: That should not be said like that, what's happened, why are you in the hospital?
Lucy: It's not for me, me and Els found a little girl in a bad state, we have to look after her.
Keira: Oh Luce, I'm sorry for getting annoyed, be safe yeah.
Lucy: Yeah, love you and I'll see you soon. *walks back in*
Ellen: The doctor said she just needs to eat something then we can go home.
Lucy: Ok that's great, what do you want to eat kiddo?
Ellen: That's the problem, she doesn't want to eat anything.
Y/n: I don't need to eat anything.
Lucy: When was the last time you ate kiddo?
Y/n: I don't know, but I'll be fine.
Ellen: But you can't go anywhere until you eat something.
Lucy: Just try to eat something small please.
Y/n: Ok I'll try I guess
Lucy: Well done kiddo.

Y/n's pov:
I really didn't want to eat anything but I also didn't want to have to lay in this hospital bed for any longer than needed so I agreed to eat something and then the doctor came in and gave me a plate of food that I just immediately frown at.

Lucy: Just try to eat some of it please darling.
Y/n: Ok, I'll try.

Y/n's pov:
I try to eat a bit but it's just hard, every time I eat anything I just end up feeling really guilty after I have eaten even the smallest of things, I hate myself for this but I know that I have to eat if I want to get out of this hospital, So I eat a tiny bit, it couldn't have been more than three bites and then I just moved the food around so it looked like I had eaten a lot more than I had.

Ellen: Well done kiddo, I'm so proud of you for that.
Lucy: Well done, you ate loads.
Y/n: Thanks guys, can we go now?
Doctor: *Walks in* Well done for eating, if one of you could sign these then we can let you go.
Lucy: Ok, thank you for everything.
Doctor: Of course, now Y/n take it easy for the next couple of weeks, no physical activity and try not to stand on that leg of yours, here are your crutches.
Y/n: Ok, thank you.
Doctor: Ok you're free to go whenever you're ready. *leaves the room*
Lucy: Right let's get you ready, Els can you call someone and get them to pick us up?
Ellen: Yeah, I'll go, be back in a sec. *walks out the room, on the phone* Hey Sarina.
Sarina: Hey Ellen, what's going on is everything ok?
Ellen: Yeah all good, I was just wondering if someone could come and pick us up and bring us back to sgp?
Sarina: Yeah I'll send Leah, see you soon.
Ellen: Thank you, see you soon
Sarina: Bye, see you soon.
*end of phone call, Ellen walks back in*
Ellen: All sorted, right this might take a while so should we start going down?
Lucy: Yeah, kiddo have you used crutches before?
Y/n: No I haven't.
Lucy: Ok take your time then, we don't want you injuring yourself more.

Ellen's pov:
You can tell that Y/n has never used crutches before, she's very wobbly on them and is going very slowly. It is ok though because we will go as slowly as she needs to make sure she's comfortable and safe on them so she doesn't hurt herself any more than she already has.

Y/n: Sorry I'm going so slow.
Ellen: It's ok kiddo, take it at your pace.
Lucy: Ellen's right, we want you to be ok.
Y/n: Thank you, I want you both to know that I really appreciate you both.
Lucy: Of course, we've got you kiddo, and look, we've made it, well done.
Ellen: There's Leah.

We get in the car and Leah drives us back to sgp, when we get there what I feared was going happen has happened, practically the whole squad are there watching us get out the car, Leah notices and walks over to them telling them to give some space, they all eventually leave apart from Sarina and Keira.

Sarina: Hey kiddo how you feeling?
Y/n: I'm ok, a bit sore.                    Sarina: Well I am glad to see that it wasn't as serious as what it could have been.
Lucy: I agree, now look it's up to you kiddo, who do you want to stay with tonight?
Y/n: *Really quiet and looking down at the ground almost embarrassed* Can I stay with you please?
Lucy: Of course you can kiddo, in that case there are two people we should introduce you to then, come on kiddo *both walk over to Keira*.
Sarina: Ellen, Leah can I speak to you both quickly? *With you and Lucy*
Lucy: This is Keira, my girlfriend, Ke this is Y/n.
Keira: Hi darling, are you ok?
Y/n: *nervous* Y-y-eah.
Keira: No need to be nervous, I don't bite. *giggles*
Y/n: Sorry, its just you're both like my biggest idols so it's quite a lot to process that I've met you. Keira: Aww that's really sweet, it's ok kiddo. So you like football then?
Y/n: I love it.
Keira: Well you'll have to show us your skills when that leg gets better, what position do you play?
Y/n: Centre mid, like you.
Keira: I like you even more now kiddo *Laughs*
Lucy: Can you stay here Ke? I'll just go get Jords.
Keira: Of course babe, *Lucy walks off to find Jordan* So, I won't tell Lucy but who's your favourite out of the two of us?
Y/n: You, you were my first idol and ever since I first saw you play, I have wanted to grow up to be like you
Keira: Aww kiddo, that is so sweet, thank you.
Lucy: *Walks back over with Jordan* Hey kiddo, this is Jordan, I thought I should introduce you to her because she's my roommate, Jords this is Y/n.
Jordan: Hey kid, you ok?
Y/n: Not too bad thanks, what about you?
Jordan: I'm good thanks
Lucy: it's getting quite late and you have had a very long day kiddo, shall we get you up to bed?
Y/n: Yes please.
Lucy: Come on then, I'll carry you up, can one of you two get her crutches?
Keira: Yeah, come on lets go.

Lucy's pov: We walk up to mine and Jordans room, and I have Y/n in my arms. It is not a long walk, no longer than five minutes, but when we get to the door and Jordan opens it using her key because I left mine in the room, she was already fast asleep in my arms.

Keira: Aww look, she's fallen asleep already, how old is she by the way Luce?
Lucy: It's her 14th birthday tomorrow, or that's what she told me and Els earlier.
Keira: She's so small for her age, do you think we should do something for her birthday? Lucy: Maybe, I'll talk to her in the morning, are you coming in tonight baby?
Keira: No I'm going to go to bed I think, see you in the morning.
Lucy: See you in the morning, sleep well babe.

Still Lucy's pov: After I have said goodnight to Keira, I go in our room to find Jordan sitting on her bed looking at her phone, she looks up as I place Y/n gently on my bed and start to get ready for bed myself.

Jordan: I put one of my hoodies and a pair of shorts on the end of your bed for Y/n to use, cause we're more or less the same size. Lucy: Thanks Jords, I don't want to wake her so I'll put them on her once I've brushed my teeth. *Lucy walks into the bathroom to do her teeth, when she comes back she starts to get Y/n ready for bed but when she lifts your shirt over your head, she doesn't know what to do so she just looks at Jordan*
Lucy: She told us her parents used to abuse her but I never thought it would've been this bad.
Jordan: Poor girl.
Lucy: Yeah, I'm not going to let her get hurt again now though.
Jordan: You're an amazing person Luce, for looking after her.
Lucy: Just being a decent human.

Then me and Jordan go to sleep but as I get in to bed and lay down, I notice that Y/n immediately starts to cuddle into my side, so I wrap my arms round her to show her I'm going to protect her from now on.

A/n: Thanks for reading, hope you enjoy. this is turning into its own little book, would you like a pt 4 or should I leave it here?

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