~Mini you~ ~Mackenzie Arnold~

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You and Mackenzie have been dating ever since you were both 14, so 10 years now. Ever since you got together you always knew you wanted to have children with her, even to the point that you talked about it when you were only 15.

*flashback, you are Macca are 15, you're round hers in her room*
Y/n: Hey babe?
Mackenzie: Yes baby.
Y/n: Have you ever thought about if you want to be a mum when you're older?
Mackenzie: Yeah I've thought about it.
Y/n: Well, do you?
Mackenzie: Well yeah, do you?
Y/n: Yeah, having a mini you running around the house would be so cute.
Mackenzie: A mini you would be even cuter.
Y/n: You're cute.
Mackenzie: Oh shush, you are.

*back to now*

Mackenzie: You can do this babe, and think about meeting our little one when you do this.
Y/n: I know but it really hurts.
*skip to after*
Mackenzie: You did it baby, nine months and you did it. I am so proud of you.
Y/n: I love you Mackenzie.
Nurse: Here she is *hands your baby over for you to hold* And what would you like to name her?
Y/n: Florence Arnold.
Nurse: Ok thank you *walks off*
Mackenzie: You want her to have my last name? *tears up*
Y/n: Of course I do, we are married. Do you want to hold her?
Mackenzie: Yes please *You pass her over* Hello little one, I'm your mama.

*Skip a few days to when you've just got home from the hospital*

Mackenzie: You get some rest darling, I'll look after Flo.
Y/n: Thank you babe, come get me if you need me.
Mackenzie: Don't worry, just get some sleep and I'll wake you up for something to eat a bit later.
Y/n: Ok babe, love you.
Mackenzie: Love you too babe. *you go upstairs and Mackenzie gets Florence settled before starting to make your favourite dinner* Ok Flo, I'll be back, I'm just going to get mummy. *walks upstairs* babe, time to wake up, I made your favourite.
Y/n: Hmm ok, wait where's Flo?
Mackenzie: Don't worry, she's fast asleep downstairs, now come on or dinner will get cold.
Y/n: Ok I'm getting up.
Mackenzie: Ok babe.
*downstairs Flo is starting to wake up, wanting to be fed*
Y/n: Hello baby girl, would you like some milk?
Mackenzie: Do you want me to feed her while you eat?
Y/n: But what about you eating?
Mackenzie: I can eat after, you're the one who gave birth three days ago, sit down and relax.
Y/n: Fine.
Mackenzie: It's perfectly ok to accept help, especially from me, I'm Flo's mum too.
Y/n: I know I just feel so guilty leaving her already.
Mackenzie: Oh baby, that's ok, but you can't overwork yourself, it's not healthy.
Y/n: I know.
Mackenzie: And plus even if you do let me help you with Flo, I can already tell she's going to be a mummy's girl rather than a mama's girl.
Y/n: You think?
Mackenzie: I know.
Y/n: She'll still love you though, it's not like you're not going to be here or anything.
Mackenzie: I know that, don't worry, now come on, you need to eat.
Y/n: Ok but feed her in here, I want to spend time with you both.
Mackenzie: Of course baby, I'm not going anywhere, don't you worry.
Y/n: I love you Mackenzie.
Mackenzie: Full name, you must be serious *kisses your head* I love you too baby, now eat.

You finally gave in and begin to eat the food that Mackenzie made for you, making you realise just how bad hospital food was, also making you grateful that Mackenzie was such a good cook, after you've eaten you turn to Mackenzie who's just finished feeding and burping Flo.

Y/n: Want me to take her back while you eat?
Mackenzie: As long as you've eaten enough baby.
Y/n: Yes I've had plenty thank you, it was lovely as usual. Thank you for making it.
Mackenzie: *hands you Flo* Of course baby, I'm glad you enjoyed it. Do you want to watch a film after I've finished?
Y/n: *doesn't respond to Macca* Hello babygirl, did you drink all your milk for mama?
Mackenzie: I see how it is. *laughs*
Y/n: What? I'm just talking to our daughter.
Mackenzie: *smiles* Yeah, it's very cute, suppose I can't get annoyed at you for not finishing your conversation with me.
Y/n: What can I say, got to make sure she does become a mummy's girl.
Mackenzie: We'll see about that, anyway as long as she's a matilda  like her mama when she grows up that's all that matters.
Y/n: Uh no, she's gonna be a lioness just like her mummy.
Mackenzie: Hmm, we'll see.
Y/n: She came home in an england shirt with my name on.
Mackenzie: Actually I think you'll find it had my name on it, which you stole.
Y/n: I did not steal it, you asked me to marry you actually.
Mackenzie: You're so cute baby.
Y/n: *blushes*
Mackenzie: I see I still have the same effect on you after all these years.
Y/n: I mean you can't blame me.
Mackenzie: Ok cheeky, come on let's go watch that film.
Y/n: Now that is a great idea.

You both walk into the living room and then you put Flo down into her little cot next to the sofa before you settle down next to Mackenzie and she chooses a film for you both to watch, which you end up falling asleep through, but you just enjoy the time together, as your little family.

A/n: Bit of a shorter one but here you go.

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