Part 6 ~It will be fine~ ~Keira Walsh~

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My name is Y/n Williamson, yes I know what you're thinking, my sister is Leah Williamson, she's actually younger than me but only by a couple of minutes because we are twins. But despite the fact she is actually younger than me, she thinks that she should have to protect me and that I'm more of the younger one, and this is why she can never know the truth of who I am dating. Who am I dating you may ask, well I'm dating the lovely Keira Walsh, who just happens to be Leah's best friend, and that is the reason why Leah can never find out, she would be caught in such a hard place and if anything happened I don't want her to have to take sides. I'm finding it very hard to hide it though, I love Keira so much and I hate having to hide it but I think it's for the best. The only person that knows about our relationship is our best mate, Lucy, we didn't plan on telling her but we were at England camp and me and Ke were in my room when Lucy walked in on us kissing and cuddling. She promised to keep it to herself though and it actually helps because when we're at camp with England I always share with Lucy so we haven't got to worry about anyone walking in on us if we're together, like we are now.

Y/n: Can we cuddle and watch a film babe?
Keira: Baby, I have to go, Le will get suspicious.
Y/n: No she won't, she's a bit slow.
Keira: Ok cheeky, but I have to go.
Y/n: No babe please don't leave.
Keira: Well what excuse are we giving to Leah this time then?
Y/n: Leave it to me, I'll be back soon *walks out the room*
Keira: Where are you going?
Y/n: To make an excuse to Leah.
Keira: Ok well be quick gorgeous *kisses you on the head when a door is slammed shut*
Y/n: Shit was that?
Keira: I think your sister may know.
Y/n: Shit! Le *knocks on the door* Le please let me in.
Keira: You forget this is my room too *holds up her key*

When Keira opens the door I can hear Leah sobbing and I just run to her side and hold her, despite her thinking that she is the more mature one and the more protective one but I will always be there for my little sister.

Y/n: Why are you crying Le?
Leah: What was that?
Y/n: What was what?
Leah: You two, just then, Kissing.
Y/n: I don't know what you're talking about.
Keira: Oh Y/n I think she knows, it's ok just tell her.
Leah: Tell me what?
Y/n: Me and Keira are together.
Leah: You're what!
Y/n: Me and Keira have been dating for how long? 9 months now?
Keira: 10 months tomorrow.
Leah: And either of you didn't think to tell me at all in those 10 months?
Y/n: It was for all the right reasons.
Leah: I swear if this is your fault Keira, we may be best mates but I might have to kill you.
Y/n: Woah, it was actually my idea so you better not even touch her.
Leah: *getting really angry* Why didn't you tell me?
Keira: Ok, I get your frustrations Le, but I think you're getting a bit too angry.
Leah: Don't Le me, and no I'm not, I don't believe you
y/nickname you tell me everything. It must've been Keira.
Y/n: No you don't get to say that, Keira has told me every day these past 10 months that it would be fine to tell you, but I didn't because I was scared.
Leah: You can stop covering for her *goes to punch Keira but you get in the way*
Y/n: You idiot.
Leah: I didn't mean to punch you. *Moves round you and punches Keira and knocks her over*
Y/n: Leah you twat!
Leah: She deserved it.
Y/n: She's done nothing wrong, look Leah just fuck off.
Leah: This is my room!
Y/n: Ok then we'll leave.

I help Keira up but she is struggling to stand to I pick her up and carry her to mine and Lucy's room, holding her tight as she sobs into my shoulder, we get back into my room and Lucy immediately notices the crying girl in my arms. She just gives me a sympathetic look and nods as if to ask if we needed space but I shook my head, I knew Keira wouldn't mind, she would just want to be close and because it was Lucy, she wouldn't mind.

Keira: I c-can't believe s-she would do that. *crying*
Y/n: I know babe, I know *places her on the bed and lays next to her* I've got you babe.
Keira: *crying* I thought she'd be happy.
Y/n: I know, look it's ok, it means we don't have to worry about hiding anymore, can we tell our parents now?
Keira: You've been dying to tell your mum haven't you baby?
Y/n: Yeah.
Keira: We can call her now if you want.
Lucy: I'll be back soon
Y/nickname, just going to see Ellen.
Y/n: Ok Luce. *she leaves* Are you going to tell your parents?
Keira: Yeah of course, would you like to phone yours first?
Y/n: Oh yes please.
Keira: Go on then baby, let's start telling people, I'm actually quite happy, I can't wait to get to show you off. *you phone your mum*
Y/n: Hey mum.
Mum: Hey darling, how's camp going?
Y/n: Not bad, me and Le aren't talking but that's not why I called you.
Mum: Why aren't you talking?
Y/n: I don't want to talk about her right now, I phoned you for a much better reason, so can I tell you that?
Mum: Ok, what's up?
Y/n: Well I've got Keira here and we have something to tell you and dad.
Mum: Ok let's me just get your dad, DAVID, Y/n is on the phone and she has something to tell us.
Dad: *walks in from the kitchen* I'm only here, no need to shout.
Mum: Oh I thought you were upstairs.
Dad: Hey kiddo, what's up then?
Y/n: Well me and Keira are dating.
Mum: That's amazing darling, I'm so happy for you both.
Dad: Well done kiddo, I'll be back I just have to go finish in the kitchen. *walks back out*
Mum: When you finish camp you'll have to come down and have dinner.
Y/n: Yeah, well we have a week after camp where there's no training for city so we'll come done one day that week.
Mum: Ok darling, I'll let you get on, do you want me to talk to Leah?
Y/n: No it's fine.
Mum: Ok bye darling.
Y/n: Bye mum.
Keira: Are you happy now?
Y/n: Yeah, it's a relief that they're fine with it.
Keira: Of course.

We then phone Keira's parents and they tell us that we should go for dinner when we get back from camp as well, because of course I've met Keira's parents because of Leah and she's met mine, but this time it would be different, we would be meeting the others parents as their girlfriends, but I couldn't wait.

A/n: I know I've already done a Keira one but someone asked me to do one where the reader and Leah are family and this was the idea I came up with. part2? Enjoy :)

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