Part 15 ~Don't give up~ ~Mary Earps~

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tw: Mentions of suicide

I never really liked football growing up and I always knew I wanted to do rugby when I grew up, which is what I do, I play for Saracens and I love every minute of it, but my girlfriend makes me more proud than I can ever explain, she does play football and she's the best goalkeeper in the world, Mary Earps, Since I've been with Mary she has taught me everything there is to know about football and I have done the same with her and rugby, we go to each others games as much as possible, which is currently where I am now, and this is a special one, it's England vs the Netherlands at Wembley, I especially love seeing Mary play at Wembley because I know how much it means to her. I'm already actually here but there's still 2 hours until kickoff but I always get here early for Mary. I decide to message her to check she's doing ok.

My girl❤️:
Y/n: Hey gorgeous, how you feeling? xx
Mary: I'm so nervous Y/n/n. xx
Y/n: Well I'm already here and you'll be great, I love you my girl xx
Mary: We're coming out to look at the pitch soon so I'll come see you quickly, love you too baby xx

I knew she'd be nervous, only me and her teammates know this, but she's been really struggling with her mental health again recently, and I am really worried about her to say the least.
*Skip to during the game*
They're all playing well and Hempo has just had a great shot that is saved by the dutch goalie, the ref somehow awards a goal kick even though it was blatantly a corner, this causes the dutch to break and Lucy and Jess are trying to defend but sadly they get in the way of Mary so she doesn't have enough time to be able to save it, meaning the dutch have taken an early lead. I see her face and Mary looks devastated in herself, but Lucy goes straight to her, to both help her up and say what I'm guessing is reassuring words. Just over 20 minutes later the dutch manage to break again and Mary slips, the ball going into the back of the net again, I instantly know exactly what Mary is thinking, I can tell it on her face.
*Skip to the end of the match*
The girls pulled off a great comeback to win 3-2 but I can tell Mary is still beating herself up, I decide on waiting for Sarina to give them their team talk and then I'll go be there for my girl, well that is until I notice Sarina walking my way.

Sarina: Y/n Mary needs you, can you come down to the pitch?
Y/n: Of course, I'm coming.

I walk down to the pitch with Sarina and Mary has her back to me so I go up behind her, wrap my arms around her but I have to go on my tiptoes to whisper in her ear with the fact that she is considerably taller than me.

Y/n: Don't you dare blame yourself, you were amazing.
Mary: Get off Y/n.
Y/n: No I'm not going anywhere.

I let go of Mary and she storms off to the rest of her team to join the huddle, Sarina just looks at me before starting her speech. Once she's finished she takes Mary off for a walk around the pitch.

*With Mary and Sarina*
Sarina: Mary please don't blame yourself or let this affect you, you still played amazingly.
Mary: I can't do it anymore Sarina.
Sarina: Can't do what? And please don't push Y/n away, she cares.
Mary: I don't know, Football, anything. *starts sobbing*
Sarina: It's all going to be ok, now let's get you to your girl, and she can stay at camp if it will help you.
Mary: Thank you Sarina.

Mary and Sarina are walking over to me but even from the other side of the pitch I can see Mary is about to break down so I run over to them.

Sarina: Mary remember what I told you. *walks off*
Y/n: Tal-
Mary: I'm sorry for pushing you away baby.
Y/n: It's ok, just breathe darling, I'm here whenever you're ready to talk.
Mary: Well Sarina said you can stay at camp so can we go into the changing room and worry about this later?
Y/n: Of course but you are going to talk to me because I know it's getting bad again.
Mary: I love you Y/n.
Y/n: I love you too Mary, my girl.

We walk into the changing room and all the girls greet me, I congratulate them on the win and then a few ask me what's up with Mary. I tell them not to worry and that Mary will open up in her own time, to which they accept. The girls are about to go get on the bus so I start to say bye when Sarina comes up to me.

Sarina: You can travel back with us if you want.
Y/n: Thank you Sarina.
Sarina: Of course Mary needs you. Did she talk to you.
Y/n: Not really but I said she was going to have to later because I am there for her.
Sarina: You two are perfect for each other.
Y/n: Thank you.

I walk out with Sarina and I catch up to Mary, interlocking our hands immediately. I look up at her and notice that she has tears in her eyes.

Y/n: What's up darling?
Mary: I can't do it anymore, I'm going to tell Sarina and Marc that I'm quitting.
Y/n: No you're not, you can't let the people who are being horrible win, you can't just give up on football.
Mary: Ok how about I just give up on life then like so many people have been telling me to do.
Y/n: Mary look at me *She doesn't* Mary Alexandra Earps look at me right now.
Mary: What?
Y/n: You're not giving up, you want to know why.
Mary: Why?
Y/n: Because one if you do it means they win and two, if you go I do too.
Mary: You couldn't do that, don't hurt yourself.
Y/n: Why is it ok for you to hurt yourself then but not for me to?
Mary: *just sits there*
Y/n: Exactly, but look I'm in no way angry at you, I just care and I want you to be ok.
Mary: I love you Y/n Y/m/n Y/l/n
Y/n: Oh full name? You must mean it, I love you too Mary Alexandra Earps.

Mary cuddles into my side and falls asleep pretty quickly, I end up talking to some of her teammates that I have grown to know very well, in particular the united girls because Mary sees them pretty much everyday and they often come round for team building. I end up speaking to Ellie, one of Mary's closest friends.

Ellie: She really loves you Y/n/n.
Y/n: I really love her too *kisses Mary on the head*
Ellie: I swear whenever we're at camp she never stops talking about you.
Y/n: Aww how cute.
Ellie: You did well to calm her down as well.
Y/n: Yeah she is very stubborn is our Mary but she'll be ok.
Ellie: Of course, she has all of us.
Y/n: She does indeed.

And with that I just smile down at the girl who is laying in my arms, we get back to sgp shortly after but I just carry Mary up to her room and don't wake her, getting her changed and into bed before stealing a hoodie and pair of shorts and climbing into bed next to her.

Y/n: Goodnight Mary, I love you my girl

a/n: hope you enjoy, I actually really like this one tbh

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