~What have I done to you pt 2~ ~Awfc & Thwfc~

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I signed my contract and then did all the necessary media before Beth started to show me around the training complex, she seems really nice and before I know if she's showing me the changing rooms and I'm about to be introduced to the rest of the team, this is when the nerves kick in because obviously my only experience with a senior team was at arsenal and that just didn't work out in any way.

Beth: Don't be nervous, they're such a nice group, we're like a little family.

Y/n: Yeah sorry, I've heard that before though.

Beth: Well I promise you, everyone is so nice, now are you ready or do you need a minute

Y/n: No I'm ready.

Beth: Ok come on then *walks in to the changing room, with you following* hey girls we have a new signing, please can we all welcome Y/n

Molly: Omg Y/n/n is that you?

Y/n: Mols!

Molly: I haven't seen you in ages

Y/n: I know it's been too long

Eveliina: How do you two know each other then?

Molly: We used to play together in the academy

Y/n: Yeah, we were inseparable

Molly: Ahh I've missed you mate

Y/n: I've missed you too, glad to not be playing against you anymore

Molly: You and me both, come on lets go out

Me and Molly walk out, just both catching up and then we begin training, still catching up and going together in all the drills, after training I go home and me and Flo have dinner before watching some tv then going to bed.

*skip a few days, it is now match day against arsenal, when you're in the changing room before the game*

We have just warmed up and now everyone is back in the changing room getting ready for the match, I don't bother getting my match shirt on because I assume I will not make my debut today, which is understandable, however as I am thinking this, Robert walks in to tell us who is starting. I do listen, but he doesn't have my full attention, that is until I hear.

Robert: And our front line today will be Celin, Jess and in the middle will be Y/n making her debut. *everyone cheers*

Beth: Yes Y/n you deserve this, now come on girls let's go show them who we really are.

We walk into the tunnel and I think I am still slightly in shock, I really was not even expecting to play today so the fact that I am starting is a real shock, we line up in the tunnel and although I can feel all of the arsenal girls looking at me, I ignore that and instead decide to interact with the little girl who is my mascot.

Y/n: Hello darling you ok?

Mascot: Yeah, I can't believe I get to walk out with you, you are my biggest idol

Y/n: Oh really? And what is your name?

Mascot: I'm Sophia

Y/n: That's a beautiful name, if I manage to score today, what should my celebration be?

Sophia: Hmm I'm not sure.

Y/n: I'll surprise you then, if I score it will be dedicated to you.

Sophia: Wow!

Y/n: You must be a big fan, you already have Y/L/N on the back of your shirt

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