Part 16 ~We'll be ok~ ~Beth Mead and Viv Miedema~

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I personally think I am the luckiest person alive, my girlfriends are Vivianne Miedema and Beth Mead, everyone knows they're together but no one actually knows that I am also a part of the relationship, I don't mind about that though because I know that there would be a lot of backlash if the public found out, and most of them think that I see Beth and Viv like parents, like Laura does, but of course I don't. We all play for arsenal and all of the arsenal girls know but they're basically family, today is both Beth and Viv's first game back since their acl injuries.

Beth: We need to get going Viv.
Viv: Yeah well you try and get ready with Y/n clinging to you like a koala.
Beth: Y/n come here while Vivi gets ready. *Y/n comes in and sits on Beth's lap*
Beth: Why are you being so clingy babygirl?
Y/n: I just love you both.
Laura: And she's worried about you and Viv playing again, she doesn't want you to get hurt again.
Y/n: Laura! I told you not to say anything.
Beth: It's ok baby, it's cute but we will both be ok, and I'll try and score for you.
Y/n: I wish I could play with you both today.
Beth: But your ankle getting better is more important.
Y/n: I know.

Beth's pov:
Viv eventually gets ready and then the four of us leave to go to london colney to get on the bus to go to meadow park.

*Skip to just before the match*
Jonas: Ok so the lineup will be Manu in goal, in defence we have Katie, Lotte, Leah and Amanda our midfield will be Kim, Lia and Steph and then the front line will be Stina, Caitlin and
back from injury Beth *everyone claps* and Viv you will make an appearance in the second half, now come on let's go.

Viv's pov:
I'm so proud of Beth for starting and the fact that I'm at least getting some game time, I go sit on the bench with Y/n and she immediately cuddles right into me, she never normally acts like this in public, not that it's a problem.

Viv: What's up babygirl?
Y/n: Nothing.
Viv: You're never like this in public though, I mean I love it but it's just odd.
Y/n: What if you or Beth get hurt again?
Viv: Don't worry about that, is that why you're so clingy?
Y/n: Yeah, I mean Laura is still injured and so am I and you two have only just come back.
Viv: It's ok to be scared but just remember it'll be ok, it all works out in the end.
*Skip to after half time*
Jonas: Viv you're coming on.
Viv: Ok, I have to go babygirl but I promise I'll be ok.
*Viv leaves, which mean y/n is alone, she begins to worry and thinks back to when her girlfriends got injured*


I knew as soon as she went down what it was, and I can be almost certain she felt the same way, with Beth doing the exact same thing only weeks before, I ran straight to Viv to check on her, the medics already round her, as well as me and Laura, I knew there was nothing I could do apart from be there for her in this moment in time, so that is exactly what I did, and as she was stretchered off Jonas shouted me over.

Jonas: Go with her, I was going to sub you off in a minute anyway
Y/n: Thank you Jonas, I'm going to get Beth from the bench quickly. *runs up to Beth* Come on we're going with Vivi.
*Skip to at the hospital*
Doctor: I'm sorry miss Miedema but I can confirm that it is a ruptured anterior cruciate ligament.
Viv: Oh ok thank you for letting me know. *the doctors leaves and she starts to break down*
Y/n: We will get through this together, I will just have to look after both of you now.
Beth: I can't think of anyone I'd rather have to spend my recovery with.
Viv: I love you both.
*end of flashback*

Laura: They'll be ok Y/n/n, they're so strong.
Y/n: I know, and you'll be back even better soon, I just know it Laura.
Laura: I hope so y/n/n.
*skip to the end of the game, Beth scored 2 and Viv scored 1*

I walk to my girlfriends, with Laura, still on my annoying crutches because of my ankle, I tell all the girls they played well and when I get to Beth and Viv I just hug them both so tightly.

Y/n: I am so so proud of you both.
Viv: That goal was for you darling.
Beth: And my goals were for you and Laura, our little family *laughs*
Viv: I love our little family.
*You and Laura find a ball and start passing it between you*
Viv: No I don't think so, *takes the ball.*
Laura: Ok mum *laughs*
Beth: You'll both just injure yourselves more.
Y/n: But I'm bored, I want to play football.
Viv: Y/n listen to Beth or else you know what will happen.
Katie: Ha Y/l/n isn't getting any.
Caitlin: Watch it Katie or you won't either.
*Katie just goes red as everyone goes to get on the bus to go home*
Y/n: You would never deny me anyway.
Viv: Watch us *kisses Beth*
Y/n: That's just mean.
*They sit down and then make the journey back to the training ground, when they get there Beth, Viv, Y/n and Laura get in their car and make their way home.*
Viv: Me and Beth are going upstairs, we'll be back down soon.
Y/n: Please don't do this Vivi.
Viv: Sorry babygirl but I can't go back on my word can I. *walks upstairs with Beth*
Beth: We aren't actually going to do this to her are we?
Viv: Of course not, we'll either just sit here for a while and then go back down smirking or we'll wait for a minute and she'll come up asking for a cuddle, either way her reaction will be cute.
Beth: You're cheeky Vivi.
*skip 5 minutes, downstairs*
Y/n: I'll be back down soon Laura.
Laura: 5 whole minutes, I'm impressed. *laughs*
Y/n: Shush you. *runs upstairs* Beth, Vivi, I'm sorry for not listening to you.
Viv: It's ok, we just don't want you to hurt yourself.
Y/n: What did you do without me?
Beth: Nothing babygirl, we were just teasing you.
Y/n: I love you both.
Viv: I love you too, now come here babygirl.

I climb into bed between Beth and Viv, well on Beth but still you know.

Beth: You comfortable there? *chuckles*
Y/n: Very, you're very comfortable.
Beth: And you're a very good blanket.
Viv: You two are the cutest.
Y/n: I love you Vivi.
Viv: I love you too.

And with that I fell asleep on Beth, with Viv holding us both close.

A/n: I love this, it's actually rlly cute

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