Part 12 ~Ok mum~ ~Sarina Wiegman (mother relationship)~

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One thing you should know about me is I have never got on with my mother, well my biological mother, you see she kicked me out when I was 14 for being gay and then I had to live on the streets for a year, whilst still going to school and my academy training. I have played for arsenals academy since I was 8 and that is another reason my mum kicked me out, she said football was for boys. But on my 15th birthday I got the surprise of my life, I got a call from Jonas Eidvall, the arsenal women's first team coach, inviting me to join his team, I don't think I had ever accepted something so fast in my life, so here I was, at the age of 15, already fulfilling my dream. I signed my contract and got introduced to the girls, they were all so kind and I've just kind of become the team child, none of them know my situation and I'm hoping to keep it this way, I wouldn't want them to look at me differently.

Viv: You sure you don't need a lift home kiddo? It's freezing outside.
Y/n: No I'm good walking thank you though.
Viv: Ok, text us when you get home so we know you're safe.
Y/n: Of course, see you tomorrow. *walks off*
Beth: We're following her to make sure she gets home safe, it's already dark.
Viv: I was going to suggest the same thing.

Beth's pov:
We get in the car and start to drive but can't see Y/n anywhere.

Beth: Shit we took too long talking to the girls, wait she messaged, she said, just got home love you see you in the morning.
Viv: Guess we'll have to take her word for it then.
Beth: Guess so, let's go home then.

we carry on our way home and as we're driving past a park and I see a young girl laying on one of the benches, she didn't look much older than 15.

Beth: Poor girl.
Viv: Wait that's, that's Y/n.
Beth: Oh my god, stop the car. *jumps out and runs over to y/n* kiddo, what are you doing out here? You said you got home.
Y/n: Well, umm well.
Viv: You can tell us kiddo.
Y/n: No I cant *goes to run away but Viv grabs her arm and pulls her onto her lap.*
Viv: Talk to us darling, why are you out here?
Y/n: My mum kicked me out ok, there I said it.
Viv: *pulls her close* why didn't you tell us, and how long has it been since you got kicked out?
Y/n: Nearly 2 years now.
Beth: So the whole time we've known you you haven't had anywhere to live? why didn't you come to one of the girls?
Y/n: Because I didn't want any of you to see me differently.
Viv: We won't darling, look you can't live out here, it's not safe and it's literally snowing right now and all you have on is your training kit, come on, let's go home.
Y/n: Really?
Beth: Of course kiddo, come on you're freezing.

Still beth's pov:
I feel so bad that she felt like she couldn't come to any of us but also that we didn't notice something was wrong with the young girl. We've just got back and I carry Y/n in because she is clearly very tired and still freezing.

Beth: Are you feeling ok darling? You're still freezing cold.
Y/n: I'm fine.
Viv: Come on, I'll get you some shorts and a hoodie.
Y/n: Thanks Vivi.
Viv: Here you go kiddo.

y/n's pov:
I get changed and then Viv just hugs me and says I still feel really cold so we go downstairs and Beth opens her arms for me to sit on her lap.

Beth: You're freezing darling, babe, can you pass me a blanket please?
Viv: Of course, here you go *places the blanket over you and Beth*
Beth: It's England call ups tomorrow, you think you'll get a call?
Y/n: I doubt it, I'm not even 16 yet.
Beth: Believe in yourself, you're amazing.
Viv: Beth's right, you have to get called up, Sarina would be silly not to call you up.
Y/n: Thanks guys.
Beth: Of course, now let's watch a film.
*They watch a film and Y/n falls asleep on Beth, skip to the next day at training*

Y/n pov:
We're all just sitting in the canteen eating lunch when my phone starts to ring, I don't recognise the number so I just leave it.

Leah: Aren't you going to answer the phone kid?
Y/n: No I don't recognise the number.
Lotte: Kiddo, it's call up day, what if it's Sarina?
Y/n: I doubt it is but ok *picks up the phone* Hello.
Sarina: Hello am I speaking to
Y/n Y/l/n.
Y/n: Umm yes that's me, how can I help you?
Sarina: I would like to invite you to camp for England.
Y/n: Oh my god, thank you so much for this opportunity.
Sarina: Of course, now I'll see you next week, have a good rest of your day.
Y/n: You two, thank you.
*End of phone call*
Beth: Good news?
Y/n: I've been called up.
Viv: Kiddo I am so proud of you, well done.
Y/n: I can't believe it.
Caitlin: Well done kiddo, I think this calls for a team night, to celebrate seen as we can't go out.
Katie: Why can't we go out?
Caitlin: Because Y/n is 15.
Katie: Oh yeah *laughs*

*skip a week and it's camp day, you and Beth have just got there*

Beth: You ready kiddo?
Y/n: No, I can't do this, I'm so nervous.
Beth: Yes you can do this, all the girls are going to love you, now come on, you have a meeting with Sarina right?
Y/n: Yeah I do.
Beth: I'll walk you there, come on kiddo.

Y/n's pov:
Beth walks me to Sarina's office and I stand outside the door but I can't knock, I just freeze up and get in my own head.

Beth: Y/nickname it's ok kiddo, there is no need to be nervous, I'm here for you, and Sarina would not have picked you if she didn't think you could do it. *knocks on the door*
Sarina: Come in, oh hello Beth and Y/n, it's great to finally meet you.
Y/n: Y-you too.
Beth: I'll see you soon kiddo, *leaves the room*
Sarina: Come sit down, there's no need to be nervous.
Y/n: Sorry *looks down and then your phone starts going crazy.* Sorry it's my mum *starts to cry* 
Sarina: It's ok darling just breathe for me, why is your mum texting getting you like this?
Y/n: Well I haven't seen her in ages and she's saying horrible stuff.
Sarina: Can you tell me what.

a/n: hope you enjoy, Sarina didn't really come into it yet part 2 will be out soon, if anyone has any requests then let me know

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