Part 2 ~My girl~ ~Keira Walsh~

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Tw: Mentions of suicide.

I woke up so early this morning, I was just laying there when I realised how amazing the girl next to me truly is, all this thinking is making me feel and realise that I do not deserve her, Keira is the most amazing person in the world and she deserves much better than me.
Keira: *Snuggles into you* Morning baby *half asleep*
I'm just crying silently so I don't respond to Keira, she knows I'm awake so turns around and see me crying.
Keira: Baby what's up? Why are you crying?
Y/n: No please don't worry, it's nothing.
Keira: Nope, you don't get to do that, I know that something is up so please tell me, I love you, you know that.
Y/n: Fine, I guess I'm just feeling insecure lately and also something happened.
Keira: What happened baby?
Y/n: Ever since we told the fans I've been getting a lot of hate, and some of it is not just from fans.
Keira: Oh baby, it's ok, do not listen to them. What are they saying anyway?

*The comments*
User235382: Why on earth is Keira with Y/n? She could do 10x better.
->Replied to User235382: User252736: Fr, Keira is way out of her league.
katiezelem: how is she on the England team? She's so useless.
->Replied to katiezelem: User163946: Literally, you should definitely be on the team over her.
-> Replied to katiezelem: rueshalj: Or maybe she's just better than you and you're jealous she gets picked every time and you don't.

Keira: Zel said this to you? I'm saying something to her next time I see her, she had no right.

Y/n: It's ok, she's right, she deserves that spot on the England team more than me.

Keira: No she doesn't, you're an amazing player and Sarina can obviously see that if she keeps picking you.

Y/n: I guess, maybe it's better if you don't read any more *tries to grab the phone*

Keira: No I'm reading them.

*one stands out to Keira even more*
User2732927: Y/n doesn't deserve Keira, she doesn't deserve anyone she should just kill herself.
Replied to User2732927: rueshalj: No you don't get to say that to anyone, especially not someone who you do not know, grow up and leave her alone.
Tap to view more.

Keira: Baby, how many of these did you read?
Y/n: All of them *crying* they're all right, maybe I should just die.
Keira: Nope, you're not going anywhere, look there are so many people who love you, like look for every negative comment there's at least two backing you up and saying how much they love you or that they love us together, look even some of the girls are backing you up, Rue has got your back.
Y/n: Thank you babe, I love you.
Keira: I love you too baby, now today all we are going to do is cuddle and watch films, I want to make you feel better.
Y/n: Thank you babe.
Keira: You're welcome my baby girl.
*Half an hour later there is a knock on the door*
Keira: I wonder who that could be, I'll be back in a minute baby.
Y/n: Ok babe.
*Keira walks downstairs and opens the door*
Keira: Katie, Rue what are you two doing here?
Rue: We wanted to come and check on Y/n, is she ok?
Keira: Not really, the comments and media are really getting her down, you know the comment that told her to kill herself, she said maybe they were right and she should.
Katie: Shit not again!
Keira: What do you mean again?
Rue: When she was at arsenal, she got a load of hate because of something she said, which wasn't horrible, all she did was call me mama and Katie mum because that's the relationship we have and she umm, nearly killed herself, *they've moved into the living room by now and hear the door slam*
Keira: Shit, I need to go after her.
Rue: Do you want us to leave you?
Keira: No she'll need you just as much right now, come on.

Keira's pov:
We all ran out the house and down the road trying to catch up with Y/n but by the time we caught up with her she was exactly where I knew she would be, near our house there is this tall building that has a roof where you can go for picnics and stuff, it's very high up and would be easy to jump off the edge, that is where Y/n was, she was sitting on the edge looking out over the city.

Keira: Can one of you go over first? I'll just cry.
Rue: Of course I'll go, Katie, stay with Keira.
Katie: I will, *Rue walks off* it's going to be ok, I know we aren't the closest but I'll always be here for you ok, this will affect you as well as her, if you ever need to talk ok.
Keira: Thanks Katie.
Katie: Of course.

*With you and Rue*

Rue: Hey kiddo.
Y/n: Rue? What are you doing here?
Rue: I came to check on you when we saw the comments on insta and when we were talking to Keira, you ran out.
Y/n: We?
Rue: Katie's here too, but right now we need to talk kiddo, can I sit next to you?
Y/n: Sure.
Rue: *Sits next to you* What's going on in your head kiddo?
Y/n: I just can't do it anymore, what if they're all right and I should just leave, I could do it right now.
Rue: You could, but you won't.
Y/n: Why won't I?
Rue: Because you need to show them all wrong, show them that you can be the best in the world because I know you have the potential.
Y/n: But I can't do it anymore mama, I just can't.
Rue: You can, me and Katie will always be there for you, look, that's the first time you've called me mama since all of what went on at arsenal, that's a huge step.
Y/n: But what if they're right, I know they are, I should just do it *tries to move off the edge*
Rue: No no no, *grabs you and pulls you into her and away from the edge*
Rue: No I can't, kiddo I've got you, scream, cry, punch or kick me, just let your anger out on me.
Rue: Yes you can but I won't let you, you may be an adult but you're still my baby girl.
Y/n: Really?
Rue: Of course baby, come here *hugs you*
Y/n: You know I've never stopped loving you like a mum, I was just scared to call you mama because of what people might say.
Rue: I know kiddo, now let's go back ok.
Y/n: Ok *you walk back over to Keira and Katie* I'm sorry babe *hugs Keira*
Keira: It's ok, I'm here and I've got you, just please if you're feeling like this again, just talk to one of us ok.
Katie: Keira's right kiddo, we're all always here for you.
Y/n: I know, thanks mum.
Katie: Aww that's the first time you've called me that in ages, I love you chick.
Y/n: Love you too.
Keira: Shall we get home? Do you two want to stay and watch some films?
Rue: Sounds good to me.
Katie: Me too.

And so we walked back to the house but this time I had Y/n with me, our hands locked together and I hoped I would never have to let go again.

A/n: Hope you enjoy, this was quite hard to write for me but I want you to know that if you are going through anything, even if you think it's only small, please talk to someone, my messages are always open if you need a chat, please don't suffer in silence, someone cares about you, and so do I :) xx

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