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Attack of the Lady Manager! (Part 1)


"Oh Tamaki, my dearest Tamaki, why are you so beautiful?" A guest of the blond asked, blushing as she leaned in. "I'm hoping to catch your eye. Even if for just one second." The princely type answered smoothly

"Then why is your voice so very sweet and mellow?" Another guest inquired, also leaning in with a blush "To set your nerves at ease, so that my true feelings might reach your heart" He answered

Another guest then asked "Why are your eyes filled with tears every time you look at me?" Tamaki pushed his hair back, revealing the tears in the corner of his eyes "Because the sight of your beautiful smile causes the fountain inside me to start overflowing"

"Oh Tamaki~" His guests awed, blushing red.

"Princess Kiyo, what happened?!" Isamu panicked over her tears slightly rolling down her cheeks "My dress is ruined! It's my fault, I accidentally spilled black ink on it and now the pretty dress the twins' mother made for me is ruined!" She explained with slight sniffles as she tried to wipe away her tears 

"Princess Kiyo, what happened?!" Isamu panicked over her tears slightly rolling down her cheeks "My dress is ruined! It's my fault, I accidentally spilled black ink on it and now the pretty dress the twins' mother made for me is ruined!" She expla...

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(Honestly I don't know if this.. fits the theme for that episode but heck it, it's pretty right?)

Fumiko, Daisuke and another female guests started comforting her with Isamu "It's alright Princess Kiyo!"

"We can probably wash it off.." Fumiko trailed off, seeing a small sized splash on her dress

Kiyo shook her head as more tears came out "No, It's probably permanent! What do I do? The twins are gonna be angry with me!" She hiccupped and buried her face in her hands. Daisuke gently grabbed her hands and patted her head "They wouldn't be angry with you, Princess Kiyo"

The girl sniffled, looking up at him "Really?" Her guests nodded hastily, the girls having a light blush 'She's so cute~'

Kiyo timidly nodded her head and rubbed her eyes cutely "I suppose.." Fumiko lightly squealed as she shook Isamu "She's so cute Isamu-kun!" Isamu nodded dizzily "Mhm.."

The twins came over to them "Hey, what happened?" Hikaru asked "Yea, why is Princess Kiyo crying?" Kaoru frowned 

Kiyo turned to them with a frown "I'm sorry, Kao-kun, Hika-kun. I ruined the dress you gave me-" Her voice cracked as she bowed her head in shame "I'm sorry, please don't be mad at me.."

The twins frowned and crouched. "We could never be mad at you Kiyo" Kaoru reassured. Hikaru nodded "Yea! We could always make you a new one" They smiled and patted her head "Please don't cry! You're our dear cousin~" They said in unison

She looked up at them and gave them a big grin and threw herself at them in a hug "You're the best!"

The (female) guests squealed

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