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The Twins' Fight! (Part 3)

"Wow! I can't believe Hikaru and Kaoru weren't as mischievous as they are now." Fumiko clapped. Isamu nodded with her "Yea, I always thought they were troublemakers as a kid" 

Kiyo giggled "They did when they got older, obviously" Daisuke grinned "So they were the ones who gave you the clip?" The white haired princess softly touched the flower on her hair "Yes, they were" She smiled softly

"Hey Haruhi! We've got a favor to ask you" Kiyo heard the twins as her guests started talking amongst themselves. She turned her head to the twins and Haruhi "What is it?" The brunette dryly asked

"The next time we get a day off," Hikaru started, his hand raised as if we were answering a question in class "Can we come over to your place to hang out?" Kaoru finished the sentence, his hand also raised

Kiyo can clearly see the ear of Tamaki growing bigger to hear the conversation properly from where he is sulking in a corner "Why would you wanna do that?" Asked Haruhi. The twins moved closer to her with mischievous grins "We're curious! We want to see where you live"

Haruhi looked away "No way" She rejected flat out. "Aw, pretty please?" Hikaru and Kaoru asked in sync. "Princess never told us where you live" Hikaru pointed to Kiyo who looked at them indifferently 

Kaoru nodded "You asked her not to tell us, didn't you?" He also pointed at his cousin. Kiyo came over and shoved their hands down "Pointing at people is rude. Also I would of never told you where Haruhi lives even if she asked me not to. That's for her to tell, not me" The white haired girl huffed as she crossed her arms

"No way" Haurhi repeated, answering their first question. "You guys are just gonna make fun of me" The honor student protested. "No matter how much we beg you?" "No way."

Kiyo sighed while rolling her eyes at the twins. "I, too, have been thinking that it's about time I pay my respects to out beloved Haruhi's family" Tamaki dramatically declared only to get shot down by Haruhi "No way in hell senpai"

Kiyo then smiled and tugged on Haruhi's blazer. The chocolate-eyed girl looked down only to see the club's princess making puppy eyes at her "Can I go to your house? I won't bring the others" 

Haruhi stared at her for a second before giving in "Sure" Kiyo looked at Tamaki and the twins smugly as if to say 'I won'. They looked at her in betrayal but the twins jumped back and slid behind Haruhi

"We can settle this with a game! If you can't pick out which one of us is Hikaru, then your penalty will be the two of us coming over to your house later tonight" The two boys said in sync, wearing identical hats to cover which way they part their hair.

"And as always, Kiyo can't help you!" said girl sighed and crossed her arms to watch them 'I've  been sighing a lot lately'

The twins then switched places multiple times before asking "Okay! So which one of us is Hikaru?" They smiled. Without hesitation, Haruhi pointed to the twin on the left "This one is Kaoru," she then pointed to the one on the right "This one's Hikaru" 

The white haired girl lightly patted Haruhi's back "No pointing Haru-chan" She gently scolded. Haruhi blinked and put her hand down "Right, sorry senpai" Kiyo smiled "It's okay"

"Uh-oh! You got it wrong!" The twins announced with cheerful voices. Haruhi stared at them for a second before smiling "No, I know I'm right" She said with confidence. The Hirano girl smiled at that, because she is right

"You guys may look alike but, you're very different" The twins blinked in surprise at her statement. A minute later the twins looked at each other while some guests questioned Haruhi

𝙎𝙒𝙀𝙀𝙏 𝙏𝙍𝙀𝘼𝙏𝙎 // 𝘔.𝘏𝘢𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘰𝘻𝘶𝘬𝘢 𝘹 𝘖𝘊Where stories live. Discover now