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The Sun, the Sea and the Host Club! (Part 1)

The sound of waves crashing on the shore provided a relaxing atmosphere, take a second to feel the sand in your feet and-

Wait, why does this sound just a tad bit familiar?

"The beach?" 

"Of course, the beach!" The twins echoed the words of the honor student. "But why?" Haruhi asked from her place at the table where she is studying. "Don't you remember what you said?" Hikaru grinned. "You said you'd like to go to a real beach." Kaoru repeated her words from last chapter.

"Did I say that?" Haruhi asked. The brothers looked at her with a deadpan stare. "Yes, Haruhi." They then separated to show Haruhi the multitude of mannequins wearing swimsuits once again, but in the club room this time.

"Here's the fun part." They said in sync. "We brought some swimsuits for you to choose from." The younger twin pointed out the obvious. "Pretty cute, don't you think?" The swimsuit was a pink two piece with ruffles on the top piece. 

"Can I match swimsuits with you, Haru-chan?" Kiyo asked. She was holding hands with Honey, dragging him towards the mannequins. The brunette blinked before giving a half-smile. "Of course, Kiyo-senpai." 

"We picked this swimsuit because it hides the fact Haruhi is so flat chested." The twins explained. The white haired princess glanced at them with a raised eyebrow. "It is rude to point out the chest size of a lady." She shook her finger and sighed. "Apologize." She commanded firmly.

The devil twins pouted, but turned to Haruhi. "We're sorry." They grumbled, but got over it quickly. They shoved the mannequin to Haruhi. "Take it anyway." They insisted. Tamaki then came over and hit both of them over the head with a baseball bat.

The golden eyed girl froze as she saw her cousins fly across the sky. She was then pulled out of it when Honey tugged on her hand gently and pointed to a mannequin with a swimsuit similar to the one Hikaru and Kaoru were giving Haruhi.

 She was then pulled out of it when Honey tugged on her hand gently and pointed to a mannequin with a swimsuit similar to the one Hikaru and Kaoru were giving Haruhi

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She smiled at Honey. "Good find, Mi-kun. I'll tell the twins." Honey beamed happily, they were then pulled out from their conversation by Tamaki who was chastising the twins. 

"You punks had better quit sexually harassing my little girl!" The blond prince growled. "I've had enough of you!" The twins were hiding behind the table that Haruhi was studying on. Haruhi was looking at Tamaki like he grew a second head.

"That means, we're not going to the beach?" The twins asked, raising an eyebrow to their leader. Tamaki brought the bat up to rest on his shoulder. "Who said that we're not going?" He sounded like he was talking to children, which technically, he was.

"Really?" The twins asked, grinning as they peaked out from their hiding spot. "So you wanna go after all?" Honey and Kiyo emerged from the maze of mannequins, the former bouncing in joy. "Can Usa-chan come too?"

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