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The Twins' Fight! (Part 2)

The sound of soft clicking echoed around the hallway of the massive house, sunlight shining through the large windows as the 9 year old girl marveled at the sight as she walked. Her white hair tied up in an elegant bun, a pale blue dress draped around her figure perfectly, white gloves adorned her hands. She had on light makeup as she held her posture just as her mother taught her.

She just wanted to find the restroom but it seemed impossible in this huge mansion. Her aunt offered to bring her but her mother gave her that look. The look that says 'Don't be a disappointment' So she declined her offer and went to look for it herself.

Her pride as a Hirano would not let her ask someone for help so now she is a little lost. She made a few turns and went up some stairs until she bumped into two identical little boys. "Oh, I apologize.." She trailed off before realizing these must be her cousins

"I am your cousin, Hirano, Kiyo. Pleasure to meet you little ones" She smiled professionally, she was slightly taller than them which made the twins question her: "You're little too, why are you calling us that?" They asked in sync which freaked Kiyo out slightly

Kiyo cleared her throat "I am older than you both, my height does not matter" The twins just looked at her with blank faces. "What are you doing here" They asked. "My mother is having a meeting with your mother, she wanted me to accompany her"

The two boys tilted their heads "You're speaking like a grown up" Kiyo blinked a few times before answering "Well yes. It was how I was taught" She gave them a tight-lipped smile "I must get going now. I was just on my way to the ladies room"

She turned around but before she could start walking, the twins called out to her "You're going the wrong way" She paused in her step then looked towards them to see they were pointing to a door a few feet away from them

She blushed lightly in embarrassment before chuckling slightly to cover it up "Right, I knew that" She sped walked her way to the door, her heels clicking against the pristine floors and entered the restroom. She sighed in relief and did her business.

After she washed and dried her hands, she walked out only to jump slightly as the twins were standing in front of the door. "Ah! Oh-" She cleared her throat again and put on a smile "You startled me there, you two. Did you need anything?"

"My name's Hikaru" The one on the right said "I'm Kaoru" The one on the left said. Kiyo giggled lightly "Nice to meet you Hikaru, Kaoru" Two pairs of footsteps were heard from around the corner and they looked to the sound to see their mothers walking towards them

"Kiyo, darling. We must get going" Kiyo's mother called. She looked elegant with the way she held herself, her aura screamed 'Perfect'

"Oh! You met the twins! I hope they weren't trouble" The twins mother, Yuzuha Hitachiin, chuckled lightheartedly. Kiyo straightened up and smiled politely "They weren't any trouble, Auntie." She walked towards her mother to stand next to her 

"Well we'll go back home and retire, Yuzuha" Kiyo's mother said to her sister. "We'll see you out" Yuzuha said. Mrs. Hirano shook her head "No need. We'll be leaving. Let's go Kiyo"

Kiyo nodded then curtsied to the Hitachiins. "Lovely meeting you, Auntie, Hikaru, Kaoru" Mrs. Hirano smiled in satisfaction at her daughter, then lightly patted her shoulder as a signal. Kiyo straightened up then followed after her mother.

Yuzuha sighed quietly as she stared at the retreating forms of her sister and her niece. "Oh Kazue, when will you let Kiyo act her age..." She whispered under her breath as she placed her hands on the twins' shoulders

𝙎𝙒𝙀𝙀𝙏 𝙏𝙍𝙀𝘼𝙏𝙎 // 𝘔.𝘏𝘢𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘰𝘻𝘶𝘬𝘢 𝘹 𝘖𝘊Where stories live. Discover now