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The Job of a High School Host! (Part 2)

Tamaki is angrily slurping ramen in the corner, mumbling about something. 

"Hey boss! Why don't you stop eating that commoner's ramen and come over here to help  us with the party planning?" Hikaru called out to their club leader.

"Does it really bother you that Princess Kasuga has taken a liking to Haruhi?" Kaoru asked. The club members were sitting around a table as Kyoya was typing on his laptop. 

"He shouldn't really be surprised. She's had the illness for a while now, hasn't she?" Kyoya said without looking up from what he was typing.

"What illness?" Haruhi asked in curiosity. Meanwhile, Kiyo walked over to Tamaki an managed to sit on the table. "It's okay Tama-kun" She patted his head as the blond prince kept his gloomy mood.

"She's got the host-hopping disease" Hikaru told the girl while lifting his arms in an 'I don't know' pose. His brother then stepped from behind him, mirroring his twins' pose "AKA: The 'Never the same boy twice disease'"

Kiyo then cleared her throat, covering her mouth in a lady-like manner. Kaoru then re-stated his sentence "Sorry, AKA: The 'Never the same boy/girl twice disease'"

Haruhi rose a brow "Kiyo-senpai was also involved?" Honey nodded "Yup! Those were the dark days" He shivered.

"The.. dark days?.." Haruhi had a lot of questions. The twins giggled mischievously "Meaning that Honey-senpai couldn't spend more time with Kiyo because Princess Kanako was taking up her time" 

Honey sighed and nodded dejectedly "Worst days of my life" Kiyo smiled with empathy "The worst.." She mumbled 

"Usually, our customers choose a favorite host and then see them regularly. However, Princess Kanako tends to change her favorites.. on a regular basis"

Honey jumped in again "That's right! 'Cause before she chose you, she was with Tama-chan!"

Haruhi understands now. "Ooh.. So he's upset because I took her from him?" Tamaki was suddenly in front of Haruhi "Shut up! I couldn't care less!" 

Tamaki grunted then dramatically pointed at Haruhi "I'm running out of patience. Haruhi! It's time you started dressing like a girl!"

Kiyo sweat dropped from her place at the table at the blond prince's dramatic nature but, just sighed and continued listening to their club leader's insane commands. 

Honey walked over to sit on the table with Kiyo and smiled at her, completely ignoring Tamaki and focused his gaze on Kiyo. The girl blushed, memories of what happened just a few hours ago replayed in her mind as she took notice of Honey.

"I don't understand how you can be so popular with the ladies, when you yourself are a lady!" Tamaki expressed, frustrated. 

"She is a natural, Tama-kun. You agreed with me and Kyo-kun awhile back" The white-haired cutie said from behind him as she got back to her senses.

Tamaki huffed but continued on his rant "No one in the entire school knows the truth except for those of us here!" 

"That's because you forced her to wear a guy's uniform, made her a host and made the entire school think she's a guy because of that. It's your fault Tama-kun" Kiyo deadpanned, crossing her arms. Honey nodding and doing the same.

Tamaki ignored her, and so did the twins. "Yea, she opted out of taking gym classes" Hikaru said from one side of Tamaki, holding up his arm, going back to what the club's leader said awhile ago.

"And the attendance numbers are all mixed together, so no one can tell." Kaoru said from the other side, holding his arm too but the opposite side of his twin.

Tamaki rushed to the side and magically pulled out a treasure box that says "King's Private Property" on the side and opened it. He started rummaging through it while saying "That's enough Haruhi. Now you listen to daddy!" 

He somehow pulls out a large portrait and shoves it onto Haruhi's face, tears streaming down his face "Daddy want you to go back to the way you were!" Apparently the large portrait was Haruhi when she had long hair.

"Don't go pulling out my photos without asking me first!" Haruhi scolded, irritated. Kiyo sweat dropped "How did Tama-kun even get that..?" She muttered to herself in confusion. 

The rest of the host club then continues to stare at the portrait displayed on the wall with Tamaki crying in front of it. Kiyo sighs tiredly as she stood beside Haruhi, looking at the boys in front of them

"The more I look at the picture, the more amazed I am" Hikaru said as he compared the portrait to the first time they met Haruhi. 

"How could this possibly become that?" He continued his thoughts as they all looked towards the girl in question. "The day before school started, one of the kids in my neighborhood got some gum in my hair" 

Kiyo's mouth formed an 'O' before she nodded in understanding "It's a real pain to get gum out of hair so, I decided to cut it all off. I didn't care if I look like a dude you know." Haruhi said, touching her hair.

The shorter girl placed a finger on her lips "Understandable. It is a shame though. You have really beautiful hair, Haru-chan" She smiled. Haruhi smiled back in thanks before the dramatic blond shouted at Haruhi in distress 

"Girls should never refer to herself as a dude! MOMMA!" The prince cried as he looked towards 'Momma' aka Kyoya. "Haruhi is using those dirty boy words again~!" Tamaki wailed as he kneeled on the floor

"I'm sorry, but who's 'Momma'?" Hikaru asked as he looked towards Kyoya. "Based on club position, I assume it's me" Kyoya answered indifferently. 

"Look, I don't see what you're crying about. Working as a host, I can pay back more of my debt. It'll never happen if I'm just an errand boy" The honor student told the sobbing blond.

Then the white haired girl spoke up "You know Haru-chan, I can help pay off your debt if you want. I don't want you to suffer because of their antics" She pouted

Honey turned red by witnessing the change of facial expression from Kiyo. 'She's just so cute'

Haruhi shook her head "As much as I would like to get out of here as soon as possible, I'd feel awful having you pay for something I did. You are the only one I like here Kiyo-senpai"

Said girl giggled and touched her chest where her heart is "I like you too Haru-chan. I feel honored"

"WHAT? Kiyo is the only one you like here?! What about Daddy?!" Tamaki interjected. Haruhi just looked away and said "No comment" which made 'Daddy' wail even more.

"Hate to change the subject but, do you have formal dancing experience? You'll need it at the party" Hikaru informed the brunette. She paled slightly then went ahead to say "No, but the party doesn't have anything to do with my quota right?.. I'm not interested in going to events, so if I could be excused.." 

Haruhi said hopefully until she felt the presence of Tamaki behind her already having a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Definitely not. A refined gentlemen, must know how to dance." Tamaki posed "If you want to live the life of a host that badly, you're going to have to show us how far you're willing to go Haruhi."

Tamaki then proceeded to tell Haruhi how she should master dancing or he's going to tell the whole school she's a girl and get her dropped back down to errand boy.

Kiyo sighs "Looks like we're going to teach Haru-chan how to waltz" Honey immediately perked up "I'll dance with you Ki-chan!" He took her hand then started spinning in circles, giggling madly

Kiyo stumbled a little because there was no warning, but she laughed as her dress flowed along with her. Honey's smiling face reminded her of what he did a few hours ago

'He kissed me' She blushed as she continued dancing with the boy who made her heart beat faster multiple times today.

Hoped you liked this! Please leave a vote and/or a comment! Don't be shy to tell me any suggestions or requests! ~ Angel-chan

Word count: 1347


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