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The Grade School Host is the Naughty Type! (Part 3)

"Hello Tsubasa-sensei. I'm here as you requested, I'm also accompanied with one of your students" Kiyo said as she greeted the teacher. Mr. Tsubasa smiled "Thank you for coming Hirano-san. Ah, Shiro-kun there you are."

Shiro nodded and just hurried away to sit on the windowsill near a piano. Kiyo glanced over at the rest of the elementary schoolers as they chatted and played other instruments "Who are the students you would like me to teach?" 

Mr. Tsubasa smiled "Hina-chan and Rita-chan. Come here please" he called over two girls. "Introduce yourselves, this is the upperclassman I requested to help you" a girl with pigtails stepped forward and smiled "Hi senpai! My name is Hina Kamishiro. I'd like your help in the piano please" 

The other girl with dark short hair waved "My name is Rita Sumiko, I need help in playing the flute" Kiyo smiled and nodded "My name is Kiyo Hirano, It's a pleasure to meet you. I'll help Sumiko-chan first if that's alright with you Kamishiro-chan"

Kamishiro nodded "That's alright senpai! I'll be reading the notes of the piece sensei gave us" She walked away and the third year turned to Sumiko. "Thank you for helping me, senpai!" She bowed and Kiyo waved her off

"It's no problem, I would love to help you. What do you need me to teach you?"

Sumiko beamed "Follow me. And call me Rita!" she walked over to a corner and picked up a flute, Kiyo nodded with a soft smile "Alright Rita-chan. Call me Kiyo" then followed her. The white haired girl hummed then turned to the dark haired girl "I can't seem to get the right tune I want" Rita frowned

Kiyo tapped her lips in a thinking manner "Can you try playing for me?" The elementary schooler nodded and played. The tune was off and a little pitchy, it hurt her ears a little. Kiyo grimaced slightly before nodding "I can help you with that"


"Alright Hina-chan, do you have anything in particular you want me to help you with?"

After helping Rita with her problem and letting her try to do it on her own, she moved onto the next girl, Hina Kamishiro. She insisted on being called her first name

Kiyo was seated in the same seat as Hina in front of  the grand piano. "Well, I always mess up on one part. I can't do it very quickly." Kiyo hummed "Can I see the piece you teacher gave you?" Hina nodded and handed her the music piece.

Kiyo skimmed it over and smiled "Ah, you're playing a duet arrangement of Mozart Sonata in D Major" Hina grinned brightly and nodded "Well at what part are you having difficulty with?"

Hina leaned over and pointed at the part. Kiyo nodded "It is fast, but so is the rest of the piece. You can handle it perfectly well. Try playing it for me Hina-chan" 

The girl with pigtails nodded and played. A few seconds later, a wrong note was played and after that Hina lost track. The girl sighed. Kiyo hummed "Try playing it slowly first" Hina complied and did it slowly, watching where her fingers are pressing

The same wrong note was played and Kiyo stopped her there "You played the wrong note, Hina-chan" Hina blinked and looked back at the music piece "Oh! I did" Hina fixed her mistake and tried playing again, slowly.

The right note was hit and the rest of the song was played smoothly. Kiyo smiled "I suppose you just misread the note" Hina smiled "Maybe, can I try again?" The golden eyed girl giggled "Of course you can" 

Hina played again, this time in the tempo that it was supposed to be played in. Kiyo smiled and closed her eyes, enjoying the music. Hina finished the piece and the upperclassman sighed in content "That was beautiful Hina-chan"

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