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Beware the Physical Exam! (Part 2)

The next day, Kiyo woke up in a familiar guest bedroom. She fluttered her eyes open as the sun greeted her good morning. She grumbled lightly, rubbing her eyes with her fists she blinked slowly, trying to get herself to wake up

The sound of the door opening was accompanied by the voices of the twins "Good morning Kiyo" She mumbled back sleepily "Morning.."

Hikaru walked over in front of her and crouched to get on eye level with her "How are you feeling?" Kiyo felt the bed dip from behind her then was enveloped with a warm hug from Kaoru "Did you have a good sleep?" He asked

Kiyo smiled at Hikaru "I'm feeling refreshed" She then turned to Kaoru, burying her head on his chest "I did" She answered the younger twins' question "That's good" They said in unison.

"Thank you" She mumbled, feeling grateful she has cousins like them. Kaoru patted her head "No problem, Princess" Hikaru replied as he sat on the bed. A knock on the door was heard and the twin maids entered "Good morning Hikaru and Kaoru. Good morning Princess Kiyo" They said in unison

Kiyo blinked then looked at the maids "I keep forgetting your servants are twins as well" The maids smiled "Let us help you get ready for school"


'I'm in love love with you Tamaki-senpai!' Haruhi giggles in Tamaki's arms as he laughed joyfully 'Oh you~' 

Tamaki had a pleased look on his face as he thought about what the world would be like if Haruhi revealed she was a girl to the school. Honey and Hikaru were looking at him with different expressions on their face

"He must be having a great daydream!" Honey exclaimed. "He's kind of creeping me out" Hikaru said with a deadpan. Tamaki opened his eyes then looked at them with a smirk "Envious Hikaru? This is all part of my strategy. While you wasted time blinded by your jealousy, I've foreseen the outcome of this charade"

Tamaki dramatically (once again) posed and broke the fourth wall "This fanfiction is obviously a romantic school comedy. Haruhi and I are the main characters. So that means we're love interests"

The rest of the club, besides Haruhi, looked at him with a deadpan, while Honey was looking at him in awe "Yea, then what are we?" The twins asked, unimpressed. 

Tamaki pointed at them "You boys are the homosexual supporting cast, while Honey-senpai and Princess Kiyo are the side couple" Tamaki drew a line in between him and the rest of the club "So please make sure that you don't step across this line"

"You've gotta be kidding" The twins deadpan and look at their club leader. "You and Haruhi aren't the main characters of this fanfiction, Kiyo and Honey-senpai are."

Kiyo and Honey looked at them in confusion "Huh?" 

"Hey listen boss," Hikaru started "I don't think you get it" Kaoru finishes his twins' sentence "If word gets out that Haru-chan is really a girl, then she won't be able to be in the host club anymore" Honey said 

"Even if I am here, you already deceived the customers that Haru-chan is a boy. If they learn that she is a girl, we might lose customers and poor Haru-chan will hate you forever because she can't pay off her debt anymore" Kiyo told him, crossing her arms with a sigh

Tamaki turned pale at what they all said, realizing that these facts are true. "But~ If Haru-chan started wearing girls clothes, I bet she'd be even cuter than she is now!" Kiyo said with a mischievous grin while Honey nodded  

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