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hey guys!! sorry i didnt post this week, i was supposed to post a few hours ago, but the power went out hahha. then we got into a small accident when me and my family were on our way home from a family dinner. it got me shaken up a lot but dont worry, no one got hurt!

ill be posting a double chapter next time to make up for it! thank you for understanding <3

𝙎𝙒𝙀𝙀𝙏 𝙏𝙍𝙀𝘼𝙏𝙎 // 𝘔.𝘏𝘢𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘰𝘻𝘶𝘬𝘢 𝘹 𝘖𝘊Where stories live. Discover now