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The Job of a High School Host! (Part 1)


"You finally made it Haruhi. You're so late" The twins said in unison, dressed in a tropical outfit like the rest of the club.

Kiyo giggled lightly, her hair beautifully matched with a yellow flower crown, wearing a white flowy dress with gold details. Paired with gold sandals. 

"Come on guys, the guests aren't here yet so it's fine." She told them, backing up Haruhi. 

Haruhi then pulled up a calendar, a toucan peacefully sitting on her head, and said "I could be wrong but, my calendar says it's still early spring"

"Huddling under a kotatsu table, fearing the cold is nonsense! And besides, the heating system we have is... the best~" Tamaki said dramatically, sparkling again. Seriously how does he sparkle? Is he Aoyama? No, couldn't be right? Back to the story.

While that was happening, Honey was riding on Mori's shoulders, having fun as always. Kiyo just amusingly smiling at them as her eyes follow their movements.

"Do you have a problem with the way we run our club, Haruhi? Be careful of what you say, you owe us 8 million yen, remember?" Kyoya said and asked, making Haruhi flinch.

"Gentlemen don't bundle up in bulky clothing. It may be chilly in early spring out there in the real world but, here in the club we want to surprise our chilly little kittens with a warm, tropical paradise."

There goes Tamaki narrating everything for Haruhi.

Honey was still riding on Mori's shoulders, Mori zooming around the clubroom with a blank face. Kiyo was just sitting in between the twins, waiting for the club to open as she fiddled with the end of her dress.

"Did you get enough sleep Kiyo?" Hikaru asked, "You can sleep right now. We can wake you up in a few minutes." Kaoru suggested.

Kiyo gently shook her head "I'm fine. As long as my mother stays in America for a few months or so, I'll be alright." She smiled. The twins frowned "It'd be better if she just stayed there forever and you can come live with us" They said in unison

The girl chuckled "We can only wish, right?"


"Princess Kiyo, I heard that there's gonna be a party next week? And that the Host Club is hosting it." Fumiko asked excitedly. The other three boys from yesterday also were curious.

Kiyo smiled "Yes, we are going to be hosting a party. I hope I'll see you all there!" She said.

Fumiko squealed "Of course I'll be there Princess Kiyo!" she then turned to the other three, specifically Keishin.

"Will you be there Keishin-san?" Fumiko asked, blushing lightly. He grinned "Sure! I'll be there" 

Kiyo giggled "Will you all be bringing dates?" she asked, childishly swinging her legs. "I just transferred here so, no maybe not" Isamu said, shrugging "But, yea sure. I'll go" He said, biting on his key lime pie.

Daisuke raised his hand "I'll be there to third wheel. As always." he nodded to himself. The princess of the host club sweat-dropped but just grinned.

"I'll dance with you, Isa-kun! Dai-kun!" She threw her hands up in joy, making nearby guests squeal at the cuteness.

Honey then rushed over and said "How about me, Ki-chan! I wanna dance with you too!" He pouted. The guests leaned in, wanting to know what the white haired beauty has to say to that.

She blushed lightly "Of course I'll dance with you, Mi-kun" She said then bashfully cupped her cheeks in a futile attempt at hiding how red they were. 

The guests squealed once again "I need to bring my phone to record them dancing together!" "They're so cute!" "Are you sure they aren't in a secret relationship?!"

Honey blushed bright red then dashed to his table, hyperventilating, his heart pounding. "Takashi, I think I'm gonna die" he said dramatically.

Mori blinked "No you're not"

"And another album for the Princess Kiyo and Honey package" Kyoya said as he wrote whatever on his notebook. Haruhi blinked and looked over at Kyoya with a raised eyebrow "They're acting? It looks so real"

Kyoya chuckled "Oh no, Haruhi. That's all real. They make my job easier because they sell a lot, Princess Kiyo and Honey-senpai's relationship is a new type of love. They like each other but don't know why they feel like that."

"They never got into a relationship before?" Haruhi asked. "Well, not Honey-senpai. Princess Kiyo has been in... a few arranged marriages before" Kyoya frowned lightly. 

Haruhi was speechless "She never loved one of them?" The boy with glasses shook his head

"Because she was already in love with someone else, whether she knows it or not."


"TADA!" Honey exclaims as he spreads his arms out, his neck sporting a flower lei "Oh you're so cute Honey-senpai!" Honey grinned "Hi ladies! I love these Balinese flowers! We had them flown in" He tells his guests. 

Mori then walks going to them, holding a pineapple. "Takashi!" The lolita boy calls to him. He climbs on his cousin and places a matching flower lei on his neck and smiled widely "There! We match!" 

His guests fangirled together. Honey then sees Kiyo walking towards them "Hi Mi-kun, Mo-kun! It seems like you're matching today" She cutely says as she places her hands behind her back.

"Ki-chan!" Honey exclaims and jumps down to stand in front of Kiyo. "You look really pretty with your dress today" He complimented 

The white-haired girl blushed and looked to the side "Thank you. You look cool with your Balinese outfit" She giggled 

Honey blew a fuse "Thank you" He mumbled out then hastily kissed her cheek and dashed and hid. 

The guests squealed even louder "Honey-senpai just kissed Princess Kiyo!" "Oh my god! This is going down in the history books!" "I NEED TO DRILL THAT SCENARIO IN MY BRAIN" 

Kiyo stood there frozen, her face red and smoke is coming out of her head. The Hitachiin twins smirked and went to either side of her "Hey Kiyo~ your face is super red, y'know that?" they teased.

Meanwhile with Honey, he is currently hiding his face in his hands, blushing madly. 'I can't believe I just did that!' He screamed in his head. His heart is beating erratically and he had to take deep breaths. 

Yea, so that was happening, Kiyo is malfunctioning and Honey might have a heart attack. Anyways...

In the other side of the room, Kanako approached Haruhi with the intention of spending time with her. "You're even cuter than I expected." She said as she tilted Haurhi's chin upwards to make the brown-haired girl/boy look at her

"I've decided. From now on you're going to be my new favorite host Haruhi." Kanako said while Tamaki turned white after hearing that. 

Hoped you liked this! Please leave a vote and/or a comment! Don't be shy to tell me any suggestions or requests! ~ Angel-chan

Word count: 1182


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