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The Job of a High School Host! (Part 3)

"It is so good to see you here tonight, my little lambs" Tamaki said as he stood at the top of the staircase, the rest of the host club standing on either side of him "The Ouran Host Club would like to bid you.." Tamaki lifted his hand then brought it down across his stomach as he bowed, a spotlight shining on him


The rest of the light opened as an orchestra started playing music. The guests clapped in awe, ladies and gentlemen were scattered across the room, listening to Tamaki. The host club the stood up straight and Kyoya spoke up

"As always ladies and gentlemen, the host club members are here for your entertainment. So we invite you to dance to you hearts content." He announced to them as he held his arms out "Based on your dancing skills, one lucky young lady will be chosen as tonight's Queen. The Queen's reward will be a passionate kiss on the cheek from our King"

Tamaki posed "Good luck to you, my darlings~" He winked as he held his hand out to them. The room erupted in squeals from the girls while the few guys sweatdropped at them.

The twins appeared on each side of Haruhi "Haruhi, show some enthusiasm" They scolded her while the brunette stared at the guests, specifically the girls, as her eyebrow twitched "Well excuse me you guys, sorry. I'm not used to this sorta thing." She explained as the twins looked at each other with their eyebrow raised

"I've only ever gone to festivals held at my neighborhood park" Her lip twitched. Kyoya then spoke up while he was writing something down on his notebook "I don't know if you can really consider that a party or not.." He said as he looked up slightly

Kiyo was surprisingly seen resting on top of Kyoya's shoulders as she childishly swung her legs, her elbows on top of the bespectacled boys' head and rested her chin on her fists. "Well, since you're already here, you might as well get yourself something to eat. We've got quite the spread"

Haruhi blinked "A spread?" She then looked to the side bashfully "With fancy tuna?" The sound of a pen breaking echoed as the host club stared at her in shock.

Kiyo looked at Haruhi with her mouth slightly open in surprise, her arms falling limply by her side. "FANCY TUNA?!" Tamaki then flipped in the air and landed next to his members. The twins were hugging the poor honor student, who wore a red face, Kyoya on the other side of them holding his phone as if he anticipated this. Mori and Honey on the other side looking at Haruhi being smothered by the twins

Kiyo, who was still sitting on Kyoya's shoulders, looked at them with a sweatdrop. Tamaki stood up and pointed at Kyoya "Get some fancy tuna here right now!" He ordered as Kyoya dialed a number and brought it to his ear

"Add some deluxe sushi" Kyoya said, unbothered by Kiyo's hands playing with his hair "And some crabs, please" Kiyo told him as she focused on removing the knots in his hair

"Add king crabs as well" Kyoya said to the person on the phone, relaying Kiyo's request.


The host club members started dancing with their guests, Honey and Kiyo were being twirled around by their guests seeing as they are shorter than them. Kiyo giggled as she danced with Isamu, who is starting to become one of her regulars. He was careful when he spun her around his smile widening as he saw her laughing in delight. 

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