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The Sun, the Sea and the Host Club! (Part 3)

At the Ootori Family Villa, Kiyo had showered and changed into her night wear. She is currently drying her hair with a towel as she sat in front of the vanity. Silence enveloped the room and she's left alone with her thoughts.

'Don't forget you're a girl!'

'I'm not speaking to you until you can admit that you were wrong!'

The white haired girl sighed, placing the towel on the chair she was sitting on. "I wonder.." She muttered, "Does Tamaki think the same of me?" Kiyo stared into space for a while until she was broken from it by her phone ringing from its place on her bed.

She walked over, her white nightgown floating around her. She wore white fluffy slippers with white socks. She left her hair down, her flower clip left on the vanity. 

She picked up her phone and glanced at the caller I

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She picked up her phone and glanced at the caller I.D. Kiyo froze, wide eyes staring at her phone as if it had threatened to kill her. Her arm lifted slowly, shaking as she pressed the answer button. 

A beat of silence;


And an immediate reply. Calm

"Yes, Mother."


"TADA! Here you go, don't they look yummy?" Honey presented the plates of crab he was holding. His cousin was behind him, also holding plates filled with crabs. They placed it on the table.

Kyoya walked forward, "I apologize that there aren't any maids around to help you cook, senpai." he voiced. "It's no big deal. We appreciate you letting us stay here." Honey exclaimed then turned to the stoic boy, "Hey Takashi, will you go get Haru-chan?" Mori grunted a response and began walking to said girl's room.

"I'll go get Ki-chan!" The short blond grinned and started to walk in the same direction as the tall dark haired boy, but he stopped when he saw the girl he was just gonna call. "Oh, Hi Ki-chan!" Honey waved.

Kiyo blinked a few times before giving him a smile "Hello, Mi-kun. I could smell the crab from the hallway. Smells delicious." She glanced at the plates full of crab. The lolita boy giggled and jumped next to her, "C'mon, sit next to me." he gave her his hand.

She just smiled and let him drag her to their seats. Honey pulled out a chair and let her sit on it first before carefully pushing it forward. The white haired princess smiles in adoration at the action.

The short blond locked eyes with her and he gave her a cheeky smile before facing forward. "It's awfully gloomy out there huh?" Honey placed his hands on the table in front of him, gazing out of the window and at the slowly darkening sky.

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