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Attack of the Lady Manager! (Part 2)

So apparently, Renge is their manager now?.. What?

It was the next day after meeting Renge

"I thought about it a lot last night, and maybe having a lady manager isn't such a bad idea!" Tamaki said as they gathered around a table, drinking tea as they discussed what happened yesterday

"Why do you say that?" The twins asked as they sat on either side of Kiyo. "Well it's fairly obvious isn't it? Renge just transferred into the same class as Haruhi"

Kiyo looked at him with a raised eyebrow as she sipped her tea. "So if Haruhi has a girlfriend around, it could bring out the female within her. Renge's girlish air of tenderness might be able to stimulate Haruhi's own sense of femininity" Tamaki explained

Haruhi sighed. Tamaki stood up "Now it's our chance to help Haruhi get in touch with her feminine side! This is an important project men." He posed then pointed at the twins

"She doesn't have any friends in class right now except for these two shady twins. That's no good for her" The twins had their arms and legs crossed as they looked at him, irritated. 

"Like you have room to talk" The twins huffed. Their cousin, who also had her arms crossed, just closed her eyes and stayed silent.

The door then opened and in came the voice of their new manager "Hey everyone! You'll be happy to know that you're new manager Renge, has baked all of you some cookies! I made an extra batch for Kiyo-senpai too! To apologize for yesterday" She smiled

Kiyo blinked and looked at her, but then Tamaki popped up beside Renge "Isn't she lady like? I'm so moved by your generosity-" He dramatically started before being cut of by Renge 

"I didn't bake these cookies for you, you phony prince" Tamaki went back to sulking against the wall as Renge approached Kyoya and Kiyo

"I'm sorry I burnt them a little bit.. I did the best I could~ And I already know what you're going to say.." Renge had heart floating around her as she spoke to Kyoya. Kiyo was already handed her cookies as she hesitantly took a bite out of it 

"Anything that you make for me is going to taste delicious, my dear"

"Oh, you're always so sweet to me Kyoya~" Renge blushed as she imagine the Miyabi character in her head

Kiyo froze when her teeth met with the burnt cookie. It's like Renge made a batch of burnt cookies and decided she didn't want to give it to her 'beloved' and gave it to her instead. Like trial and error

"She wasn't kidding, these cookies really are burnt.." Honey complained as he took a bite out of Kiyo's batch. Mori panicked "Don't eat that Mitsukuni, Kiyo, it's bad for you" 

Renge froze and suddenly her hair turned to snakes... She started chasing them around as Mori picked up both Honey and Kiyo and started to book it away from her, Kiyo still frozen as her face was filled with regret

"Wah! She's scaring me!" Honey cried out in Mori's hold who had a face of dread. Kiyo's soul went out of her body and Honey panicked

"Ki-chan's soul is leaving! Takashi do something!" Mori panicked with a straight face as he jumped up and grabbed Kiyo's soul and shoved it back into her, continuing to run away from Medusa Renge.

Haruhi stared at them then took a bite out of the cookie from Kyoya's batch "They're not that bad at all, they've got a good flavor to them" She mumbled

The twins grinned mischievously as they got an idea. Hikaru placed a finger under Haruhi's chin "May I try?" He asked, not really waiting for an answer as he took a bite out of the cookie from Haruhi's mouth

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