Chapter two: join me

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*arriving at the Starkiller base*

~Kylo's pov~

As we land the ship I turn to the stormtroopers who are guarding the girl.
"Bring her to one of the holding cells for now while I figure out what we will do with her. Anyone who harms her will be personally dealt with."  I give them a stern look to let them know they do not want to mess this up.
Before turning away from them I glance at the girl again.
She looked out the window the entire flight as if she's just seen something magical.
The thought of her eyes sparkling like the millions of stars we were passing were all inside her mesmerising blue eyes makes my lips curl up in a smile.
I quickly regain my composure, I can't have anyone see me as weak.
I try to keep my mind off of the girl we just brought here with us and think about how I will explain all of this.
Before I can even finish my thoughts the ramp of the ship opens with a hiss.
I can see general Hux stand in front of the entrance to our ship with his feet together and his hands behind his back.

"Ah Kylo, you're finally back. Where is the droid?"
I silently sigh to myself, dreading this next conversation.
"We don't have it." I say simply.
I don't even wait for him to answer me and start walking out of the ship and towards the building in front of us.
Hux's face drops in surprise before he shakes it off and comes to walk next to me.
"What do you mean sir? The entire mission was for you to go to Tatooine and bring back the droid that possesses the map to Luke Skywalker."
I stop abruptly, already tired of this conversation and Hux's judging expression.
All he wants is for me to fail and make a fool of myself so he can swoop in and take my place.
I turn to him. "When we got there I felt a presence in the force. We gathered all the locals and we found a girl."
"A girl!" Hux yells out. "And what is so extremely special about this... girl... that makes you abandon the entire mission!"
His face gets red as he gets angrier. He's flailing his arms around and looking at me in utter shock.
"General Hux, you will not question me!"
I say slightly raising my voice.
"When I approached her I could feel how strong she was with the force. I do not even feel the force this strong with any of the other knights. I will train her personally and make her a knight of Ren. She will help us destroy the resistance."
Hux pauses when I say all this and takes a moment to think.
I can tell he is not at all pleased with everything I just said but there is nothing he can do about it.
Finally he speaks.
"Supreme leader Snoke wants a word with you."
Hux glares at me and trots away.

I sigh and say to myself "ofcourse he does."
I make my way through the cold metal hallways of the Starkiller base towards Snokes throne room.
I know he sensed her force the second we landed the ship and he is curious about what is happening.
I wanted to take her with us because I felt her fear and suffering.
I felt the overwhelming need to keep her safe, but now I am fearing wether or not I will be able to. It all depends on Snokes order.

I arrive at the big silver doors and lift my hand to open them with the force.
The doors part and I walk through them stopping in front of the throne.
I kneel on one knee and keep my head down.
Snoke appears on his throne and speaks in a low sinister voice.
"Kylo Ren"
Snoke closes his eyes and breathes in deeply.
"I can sense you have something you would like to share with me. Did you find the droid?"
I look up to where he is sitting and stand up, trying to keep my composure.
I can feel him trying to dig around in my mind and I need to focus to keep him locked out.
I cannot let him sense weakness in me.
"Supreme leader Snoke." I state.
"We haven't retrieved the droid yet, but-"
before I can finish explaining I get interrupted by Snoke raising his voice.
"Care to explain why not?"
"I found a girl, she is very strong with the force.
I can sense she is powerful, more powerful than any of my knights. I want to become her mentor and make her one of us."
I'm surprised by how confident I sound.
Inside I feel a pit form in my stomach, afraid of his reaction to the news but on the outside I stay calm.
"Very well." Snoke speaks up suddenly.
I blink a few times, not sure what to make of this. I thought I would have to prove my case to him and convince him to let me keep her.
"You may train her. But first, I want to meet her."
I nod, "Yes master."
Snoke disappears again and I don't waste any time standing around.

I turn on my heel and walk away through the doors the same way I just came from.
After walking through endless corridors I finally arrive at the hallway where we have the holding cells.
I approach some of the guards that are standing in front of one of the doors.
"Is she in here?" I ask, pointing at the door behind them.
They nod at me and step aside.
I take a deep breath and raise my hand, opening the door.
Once the door opens I can see a tiny room with a small bed in one of the corners.
Next to the bed there is not a whole lot of room left. There are no windows and it is dimly lit.
I see the girl sitting on the edge of the bed, looking down at her lap.
I can sense her looking at me from the corner of her eye but she's too scared to look up.
I slowly step towards her.
I scrape my mind trying to think of the best way to approach her and what I want to say next but before I can muster something I hear her say something in a frail voice.
"What do you want with me?"
She looks up at me with her glassy eyes.
She looks scared and unsure.
"I want to train you and make you one of the strongest force users in the galaxy.
In time you will become my equal.
Join me." I stretch out my hand towards her, waiting for her to take it.
I see her hesitate and I feel a million thoughts flashing through her mind, but not even a second later she raises her hand and places it in mine.

~Mirta's pov~

I feel his leather glove against my skin as I grab his hand softly.
My body reacted on it's own not even giving me time to think this decision through.
Was it even a decision at all though? It's not as if I could have refused, who knows what would have happened to me then...
He slightly pulls me and I come to stand.
I meet his gaze and find him intently staring at me. I can't seem to read his expression just like before but I feel like he is staring directly into my soul.
I don't even know how to explain it but it feels as if he is inside my head, looking through my thoughts.
My eyes wander away from his dark brown eyes and roam his face.
His hair is almost shoulder length, black and wavy, hugging his face.
He's still in his black uniform with his black leather gloves on both hands and clenching his helmet to his side.
He suddenly lets go of my hand making me look into his eyes again as he turns away from me.
"come with me."

Slowly I walk out of the room following after him.
When I step through the doors I carefully glance at the stormtroopers that were guarding me, unsure of how they would react.
Almost as if I'm counting on them jumping me and pushing me back into the cell.
But Kylo keeps walking down the hallway and I keep walking to stay close to him.
When we are a few metres away from where I was just held captive I glance back again, letting out a breath.
The stormtroopers didn't even flinch when I walked past and again I get that feeling that as long as I stay with Kylo Ren I will be safe.
"What is your name?" Kylo speaks up, breaking the silence.
All I can hear is the clanging of his heavy boots on the metal floor and the faint tapping of my soft, worn shoes next to him.
I take a deep breath, preparing to answer his question.
"Mirta, Mirta Gev"
"Mirta." He quietly breathes out.
Silence falls over us again until we reach a set of double doors.
He slides them open with the force and we both enter.
Kylo speaks again, "This is my bedroom.
You will be staying here with me for the time being."

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