Chapter eleven : dad?

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~Kylo's pov~

I walk into the training room looking for Mirta but then my heart drops.
I feel everything around me disappear as I see her lay unconscious on the floor.
I don't even see or hear any of the knights of Ren as they try to talk to me.
I don't care what happened, all I care about is if she's okay.
I run to her and kneel by her side.
I pick her up as carefully as I can while looking at her pale, emotionless face.
As I start running down the hallways with Mirta hanging lifelessly in my arms there is only one thought racing through my mind.
please be okay.
I keep looking down at her every few seconds to make sure she's still breathing as I can sense her heartbeat slowing down.
Tears are starting to blur my vision but I push them away, trying to stay focused.
I run even faster towards the medical bay and within minutes I reach the doors.
As I walk in multiple doctors face my way as their expressions drop.
They have seen her around when I was in here after Rey gave me my wound.
Everyone on this base knows that she is mine and I would kill whoever harms her.
They all rush towards us as I put her down on one of the beds.
Some of them start tending to her while one nurse carefully pushes me out of the room.
I can sense her fear of doing so but she keeps telling me how they need me to give them space.
I let go of Mirta's hand as I get shoved into the hallway.
My eyes stay glued to her face before I get cut off by the curtain being pulled around her bed and the doctors who are still frantically moving around her.
I stumble back and place my hand on the wall trying to steady myself.

I walk into the bedroom.
I don't even know how I got here, I've just been aimlessly walking around not knowing what to do.
The nurse told me to leave after I burst through the door when I felt Mirta's heart stop.
I can still sense her force so that means they got her heart to start beating again.
My heart feels as if it is being ripped out of my chest as I struggle to breathe.
It feels as if the air just isn't reaching my lungs.
I sit on the bed in silence, all I can hear is my heavy breathing.
I feel tears rolling down my cheeks and I don't even try to stop them.
I can't remember the last time I allowed myself to cry but this time there was no fighting it.
What will I do if she dies? I think.
I scream, angry at myself for even thinking that.
I reach for my lightsaber before igniting it and I slash around me while I scream at the top of my lungs.
I stand there panting as I think about what happened.
Who did this? I try to think as my vision turns red.
Before I know it I am walking back to the training room and to my surprise all six knights are still there.
They all look at me when I walk in but before anyone can say anything I yell
"Who? Who hurt her?" I growl at them.
I look around the room and see everyone's eyes fall on Vicrul.
He steps forward as he spits out
"She was making you weak. You shouldn't waste your time training a girl. She is not one of us!" He says with darkness in his voice.
I don't say anything.
I raise my lightsaber as I ignite it and cut Vicrul across his arm.
He winces in pain as he grabs his arm.
I slice across his chest without cutting deep enough to kill him just yet.
He bends over and falls to his knees writhing in pain.
I look at him with a cold expression on my face as I think about my angel fighting for her life because of the man in front of me.
"You are no longer one of us." I say through gritted teeth.
I can sense panic in him as he knows what will come next.
He puts up his arms in defence and tries to grab his saber to fight back but before he can even reach it I swing my saber across his neck.
His body falls to the floor as his head lands a bit further.
I turn around and walk out without looking at any of the other knights.
I need to go see her.

~Mirta's pov~

I wake up as I gasp for air.
I sit up on the bed in one swift movement and regret it immediately.
I feel pain shoot through my head as I reach my hand to my forehead and I lay back down.
I groan and squint my eyes shut.
I hear a door open and heavy footsteps walk towards me with a quick pace.
I open my eyes slightly as I see Kylo stand over me.
I meet his eyes and I see a tear slide down his cheek.
He smiles at me with a pained expression as he reaches for my hand.
"Where am I?" I ask in a drowsy voice.
"You're in the medical bay angel, you're going to be okay." He says while squeezing my hand.
"Vicrul." I snarl before Kylo speaks up with anger laced in his words.
"He won't be a problem anymore." He clenches his jaw and I know exactly what he means.
Vicrul was a good fighter and he was loyal to the knights of Ren, but he has always been unpredictable and selfish.
I feel the resentment for this man well up inside me and it makes me feel sick.
"I should have killed him when he attacked me the first time." I growl.
Kylo looks down at me with a shocked expression. I don't care what he thinks of me.
I have always tried to be good to everyone but where has that gotten me?
I pull my hand away from his as I pull the covers off of my legs, trying to stand up.
He walks around the bed and helps me upright while he supports my arm.
"I'll bring you to our bedroom so you can rest angel." He says as we start slowly making our way down the hallway.
I can tell he wants to just pick me up and carry me but he can sense that I am angry and could explode at any moment.
Besides, I can walk just fine on my own.
He should be grateful I am even letting him help support me. I scrunch my brows in anger.
I shake my head and rub my eyes.
What is happening to me?
He has done everything for me since the day we met, why am I so angry? Why do I feel so much resentment towards the man I have come to love?
I try to calm myself as we reach the bedroom.
I want to talk to him about what is going on in my head but I just can't bring myself to.
Instead I feel myself pulling away from him even more.
I turn around in the bed as he goes to lay beside me.
I feel his eyes on me as I turn to face away from him closing my eyes.

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