Chapter nine : forget about him

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*in the shuttle*
~Mirta's pov~

There is no time to argue about this right now. We need to be a team when we walk into battle.
I'm planning on demanding Kylo to show me where my father is once we arrive back at the base but for now I try to forget about it.
I hear Kylo talk to one of the stormtroopers on the ship and order him to call in the other Knights of Ren to assist us.
We're flying to a nearby planet where Kylo knows some of the resistance fighters are waiting for us.
I feel myself get more nervous as I see the planet get bigger through the window.
I feel a knot forming in my stomach but then Kylo comes to stand behind me and squeezes my shoulder.
With that most of my nerves leave my body and I am determined to stand by his side.
I promised him.

As we land the ship I see another similar one land right next to us.
Both of the ramps open and I see all six of the knights of Ren walk out of their ship just as we walk down the metal ramp of ours.
When my heavy boots hit the dirt floor I look around with my mouth slightly opened.
There are trees surrounding us with bushes in between but it looks like we landed in a big clearing.
Where we landed there are barely any plants, just a bunch of dry dirt.
It's warm here but not like on Tatooine.
There is a cool breeze and it feels more humid.
I've never really seen plants or trees like this.
In the distance I see people coming out of the line of trees.
I see Kylo ignite his lightsaber and I do the same. Soon all six knights follow our example as we all stand ready to fight.
As they come closer one of the resistance fighters speaks up.
"Our people are on the way, just leave us be and no one needs to get hurt!" He yells out sounding almost like a plead.
I turn to look at Kylo but he acts like he didn't even hear what the man just said.

He walks forward with the knights spreading out behind him and me a few steps away from him following his lead.
He starts running and as soon as he gets within arms reach from one of the resistance fighters he slashes his lightsaber at them.
Before I can continue to watch him I see someone come in my direction with a lightsaber as yelling erupts around us.
I dodge their attack and slash my saber right across their back. They fall to the ground without moving as another one tries to stab their saber at me.
I block it with mine before pushing them away from me with the force.
They fly back as another person comes to attack me. They try to take a swipe at my side but again I block it and the second they lift their saber off of mine to try and attack again I stab mine through their stomach.
They also fall to the ground not too far from the other one, who's still not moving.
People keep coming at me and I take them out one by one.
There is bodies all around me now and I still see people coming my way.
I start to breathe heavily as I look down on all the lifeless people at my feet.
I look up at the fighters and unignite my lightsaber while putting up my hands in defence. They see the uncertainty and fear in my eyes and come to a halt a few metres away from me, looking at me expectantly.
"I don't want to hurt you!" I yell out at them.

At that moment I look in the distance and see Kylo fighting with a girl. He looks like he's winning until he pushes her away from him and stops. He takes off his helmet and reaches his hand out to her when she pauses, looking at him.
I feel my heart break as I wait for her to take his hand, feeling betrayal and fury shooting through my veins as I clench my fists around my saber.
Seconds later I see her take a swing at him with her lightsaber and he barely manages to dodge it, falling backwards onto the floor.
I scream out for him before turning my eyes to the resistance fighters in front of me, igniting my lightsaber again and slaughtering all of them in a matter of seconds with no remorse.
I sprint towards where Kylo is but before I can reach him I see the girl slash her lightsaber across his face.
I scream even louder as I stretch out my arm and push her away from him, she falls flat on her back and I come to stand over her.
Without a second thought I lift up my arms, clenching my saber and stab it right through the side of her stomach.
She grunts and her eyes go wide while I pull my lightsaber back out of her, unigniting it.
Immediately I take a few steps closer to Kylo and fall to my knees next to him.
He has one hand covering the side of his face as he wails out in pain.
I carefully hold his face and make him look up at me.
I feel all the air leave my lungs as I see a big wound stretch across his face.
I feel tears well up in my eyes before he screams at me "Mirta watch out!"

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