Chapter three : goodnight angel

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~Mirta's pov~

I quietly glance around the room.
There is a desk in the middle of the left wall with a big window above it.
Right in front of the door there is a king sized bed with black sheets and pillows.
To the right there are some built in closets and a door.
Next to the dark oak desk there is also a wide armchair that could comfortably fit more than one person.
Kylo walks in and sets his helmet down on the desk. He takes both of his leather gloves off and sets them down next to it.
I hesitantly walk in after him and the door closes behind me.
I look back at the door for a second, almost feeling trapped. I slowly turn back around and walk closer to the window.
It extends on the wall even past where the desk is located.
I stop right next to the desk on the other side of where Kylo just put his stuff down and peer outside.
I can see a big field of concrete with multiple spaceships parked on it.
I recognise the ship we just came out of earlier today.
I feel Kylo's eyes burning holes into my back as I'm trying to keep myself together.
I know he is waiting for me to turn around so he can speak to me.
"Do you want to clean up a bit? I can show you to the bathroom and get you a fresh pair of clothes to sleep in if you'd like?"
He says, as if he gave up on waiting.
I turn around, now facing him.
"I- Um- Yeah that- That would be nice."
I mentally slap myself for not even being able to muster out a coherent sentence in front of him. I feel like a scared child and I hate it.
I feel my cheeks flush red with embarrassment when I hear him speak again.
"You don't have anything to worry about angel. You don't need to be nervous around me. I'm human, just like you."
"Are you sure that the Kylo Ren is just human?" I say while giving him a faint smile.
"Don't tell anyone else." He chuckles.
We both look down to our shoes.
Now it almost seems as if he is embarrassed.
I look around the room thinking of something to say when my eyes fall on the other door again.
"Is that the bathroom?" I ask.
He nods and walks towards it, opening the door.
He steps aside, holding the door open for me to let me peer inside.

There is a big bathtub in the corner left of the door and a big walk in shower on the opposite wall. On the right there is a large mirror almost covering the entire wall with a sink and some cupboards.
It looks very neat and sophisticated.
The bathroom floor is covered in a light gray marbled tile and the walls have plain gray tiles. I step in and feel how the temperature is perfect, it's not cold in here eventho it would look like it and I don't see any heating elements around the room.
"I will give you some privacy while you wash up and I'll go fetch you some fresh clothes in the meantime." Kylo says in a friendlier tone than I would expect to hear from him and he walks out closing the door behind him.

I take one more look around the room and then decide on a quick shower.
I can feel how dirty my body is and my hair could definitely use a wash.
Tatooine is always hot so sweating isn't negotiable and with the dry, dusty desert outside the grime on your skin builds up fast.
On top of all that I haven't been allowed to take showers as frequently as I would've liked thanks to my father and the moisture vaporator giving up on us.
The vaporator is the only way for us to collect water on the desert planet and most of that then goes towards drinking and watering the dying crops.
My mind wanders to my father.
Does he know I'm gone?
Did he see me get taken away?
Does he miss me?
Does he care?
Will he hold up on his own?
I close my eyes and shake my head trying to ignore the thousands of questions going through my mind.
I place my hands on the sink and lean my body onto it.
I sigh and rub one of my palms on my forehead.
I glance at myself in the mirror and now I truly see how dirty my face and skin are.
I flush red again thinking about the fact that Kylo Ren, the leader of the first order saw me like this. That's why he requested for me to wash up.
I close my eyes harder this time and groan.
"I really need to shower."
I start by taking of my shoes and socks and when I touch my bare feet back to the floor I can feel that it isn't cold as one would expect it to be. It actually feels comfortable and warm and suddenly I understand why the whole room has such a comfortable temperature.
I take the rest of my worn clothes off and discard them onto the floor.
I step in the shower and look around, seeing a few bottles of soap on a shelf on the shower wall.

When I'm done washing myself and granting myself a few minutes to enjoy the nice, lukewarm running water I step out.
Water droplets are falling down from my body onto the floor as I step through the bathroom towards the cupboards next to the sink.
I open a few trying to look for a towel and succeed on the second cupboard I look into.
I take one towel out and wrap it around myself. I then take another, smaller one and wrap my hair up in it.
I look at myself in the mirror again and already feel a lot better.
Just then I hear a knock on the bathroom door followed by Kylo's voice.
"I got you something. Do you want me to leave it on the bed or give it to you?"
I inch closer towards the door and open it, seeing him stand right on the other side.
I only open it a crack and look at him sheepishly while sticking out my hand to take the fabric from him.
His eyes wander down my face and linger on my shoulders.
Before he can scan down my body even more I say "Thank you." and stick out my hand even further, making it clear that I just want him to hand it to me.
He clears his throat and hands it to me quickly while muttering out "Of course."
I close the door again and hear his footsteps receding.
I hold out the fabric he just handed me in front of me and look at it.
It is a dark, wine red nightgown in a smooth silky fabric.
It has lace around the edges and just two thin straps on the shoulders.
I quickly dry myself and throw the towel on the floor before putting on the nightgown.
The front is cut out in almost a heart shape, and the back is cut out quite low.
It goes down to my knees but has a small slit on one side.
It feels nice on my body. It has been so long, longer than I can remember, since I've had new clothes. And even when they were new, the clothes we wore on Tatooine could never be described as comfortable.
I take my hair out of the towel and while it's still damp it's not dripping water everywhere anymore.

I walk up to the door and slowly open it.
I peek out into the bedroom not really sure what to do next.
The nightgown is not necessary revealing but I still feel quite exposed.
I see Kylo sitting down on the bed with his back against the headboard and his legs stretched out.
He's not wearing his black attire anymore as he was before but now he has dark grey sweatpants and a loose, lighter grey, short sleeved t-shirt on.
He's reading a book but as soon as he sees me appear he closes it and puts it down on the nightstand besides him to look at me.
"You look beautiful angel."
He says but then immediately changes his expression and comes to stand up as if he didn't mean to say that out loud.
I can tell he feels flustered as he walks to the bottom of the bed to stand a few feet in front of me.
No one ever called me beautiful before, I think to myself and as if he just read my mind it instantly makes him calm down as he softly smiles at me.
We both stand there for a minute, neither of us really sure what to do before Kylo speaks up once again.

"I will prepare the spare bed for me and you can go ahead and take this one." He says while pointing at the big double bed in the middle of the room.
I nod and walk towards it before pulling back the covers and slipping myself underneath them.
I prop up my pillow on the headboard like he had done with his and sit up against it while still under the covers.
I watch him as he opens one of the built in closets and pulls out a foldable camping bed and some blankets to go with it.
He makes his bed before lying down in it and looking at me one last time.
"Tomorrow I will take you to meet supreme leader Snoke. Get some rest now, it's getting late and you had an exhausting day today."
I nod at him and settle down into the bed, ready to drift off to sleep when I hear him mumble.
"Goodnight angel."
Not sure wether or not I should reply I just keep quiet and then I hear him shuffle and turn off the lights.
Eventho I feel out of place and a little scared, it doesn't take me long to close my eyes and fall into a deep sleep.

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