Chapter fourteen : the old Jedi temple

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*Arriving on Ossus*
~Mirta's pov~

I walk around the new planet as I take in all the nature and beauty around me.
It looks like a fairytale with green dewy grass everywhere and trees and bushes with berries and fruit all around.
I can see a lake in the distance and an open field with some old looking buildings.
In the distance I can see some hills that are covered with wildflowers.
I look back at Ben with a smile plastered on my face as he is loading stuff out of the ship.
He is wearing dark brown pants and a short sleeved t-shirt.
I am wearing a similar outfit and as I feel the sun beaming down on my skin I'm glad that we changed our clothes before coming here.
The temperature is nice and warm without being scorching hot like on Tatooine.
"We should look for a place to put all of this" Ben speaks up as he walks towards where I'm standing.
I nod at him with a content smile as I follow him walking down the hill towards the old buildings.
There are multiple small round huts that have plants growing all over them.
A bit further I see a taller building that has vines running across it's walls as the sunlight hits it making it look almost magical.

"What is that?" I ask Ben.
He replies "That is Luke Skywalker's old Jedi temple."
I keep my eyes on the building before Ben continues.
"This is where he trained me, I spent most of my childhood here."
I look up at him. He looks sad and sentimental but still happy to be here.
He takes a deep breath and closes his eyes, feeling the sun on his skin.
"Come here, I want to show you something."
He says and I follow his lead.
He walks into one of the small huts and stops right in front of it.
He grunts slightly as he pushes all the plants and vines that have overgrown this hut out of the way so he is able to open the door.
When we step inside the room is more well lit than I expected and feels homey.
I take a look around the hut as I see furniture coated in a layer of dust.
There is a bed, a desk and a trunk, not much more than that.
"This was my hut" Ben speaks up.
I look around in amazement before heading towards the trunk. I squat down as I start to open it.
Inside I find some books and clothes.
I pick up a t-shirt and hold it up to Ben's chest.
"Did you ever fit in this?" I chuckle.
It looks so skinny compared to his muscular build. He has grown so much since he was last here and I can tell it feels heavy for him.

"Can we go see the temple?" I ask while throwing the clothes back in the trunk and closing it.
"Of course." He replies before heading out the door again.
Ben even needs to bend down slightly to pass through the doorway of his hut and it makes me smile.
We walk up to the temple side by side, going up the steps before reaching the big double doors.
Again Ben pulls aside some plants before opening the creaking doors.
I gasp slightly, seeing the sunlight reflect through the windows of the temple as it lights up the big open space.
The air feels cooler in here but it feels nice.
There is some training material in a corner and some type of kitchen and extra supplies against one of the walls.
I turn back to Ben and wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him close.
"Thank you for bringing me here. I know it's not easy for you." I give him a sympathetic smile.
"I would do anything for you angel." He says lovingly as he lets out a breath.
I can feel his hands on my back as his whole body relaxes.

"Let's get settled before the sun sets." I speak up, pulling away from him.
I help him bring most of the food and supplies into the temple, we decided it would be best to keep it here since it is the coolest spot we could find.
We put all of our clothes in Ben's old hut and while he is getting the last stuff from the ship I put some fresh, not dusty sheets and pillows on the bed.
I can't help but keep smiling at the thought of us being here together, finally at peace.
When we get settled we walk around a bit as Ben shows me stuff like the path he used to run when he was training to become a jedi and the lake he used to sit at with Luke to meditate.
"The sun is starting to set." Ben speaks up.
"I'll go find some wood in the forest and make us a little campfire."
"I'll go get us some food in the meantime." I reply with a smile.

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