Chapter fifteen : Snoke wants you alive

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~Mirta's pov~

I wake up on the blanket as the sun shines on my face.
I look next to me and see the campfire from last night burnt out, leaving a pile of ashes and some burnt wood but Ben is no where in sight.
I stretch and let out a yawn before standing up and walking around, trying to find where he is.
After a few minutes of walking I see him pulling big logs towards the open spot at the lake.
"What are you doing?" I yell out at him while letting out a giggle.
He stops what he's doing to turn to me while smiling and gestures me to come.
I walk up to him and he wraps his arms around me giving me a soft kiss before he smiles and speaks up.
"I'm sorry I didn't wake you but you were sleeping so peacefully. I reconned you needed a good night's rest." He plants a kiss on my forehead.
I look around at all the logs he has pulled out of the forest and thrown on a pile.
I look up at him with a questioning expression.
As if he knows exactly what I'm thinking he speaks up before I even say anything.

"You said you want to stay here forever.
Then we'll need a house won't we?
My old hut is too small for the both of us and you deserve a place to finally call home.
I saw you look out at the lake yesterday while you were washing the plates and you looked mesmerised so I went ahead and picked out this spot for us, I hope that's okay."
He smiles down at me with the most pure and heartwarming joy on his face.
He looks like a kid that is proud to show of this new thing he did.
"I love it Ben." I say softly before pulling him into an embrace.

*a few weeks later*

I walk towards our house with the basket full of freshly picked berries and fruit on my arm.
It looks beautiful.
Some plants and flowers have started growing around it and it makes it fit into the landscape perfectly.
It's not too big but definitely big enough for the both of us.
It has a few windows on all sides and the front door facing the lake.
We reused a lot of stuff such as the door and window frames from some of the buildings who were too far gone to restore anyway.
I walk inside through the living room into the kitchen. It also has a nice double bedroom and bathroom.
It took us a while but eventually Ben figured out how to lead pipes from the lake into the house giving us working taps, a toilet and a shower.
It felt so nice being able to wash ourselves under running water.
I put the berries onto the table and look out of the window.
I see Ben wiping sweat off his forehead with the back of his hand before he looks in my direction and waves with a joyful smile.
I decide to go out there and help him with the crops.
Ben is in our little make shift garden getting it ready to plants some more crops so we can easily get through winter.
We have more than enough food around with all the fruit from the trees and bushes but we both thought it would be nice to have some variety.
As I walk up to him I can't help but think about how handsome he looks with his muscles showing through his shirt and his shoulder length, black hair framing his face loosely.
I stop next to him and he wraps his arms tightly around me planting kisses all over my face as I chuckle.
Ever since we arrived here everything has been nothing but perfect.
We talked a lot, about his past and mine and even the future.
We have been training every day to keep us sharp and we also meditate every morning to stay connected to the force and our families.
Han even stopped by once a few weeks after we first arrived here and he helped Ben with the water pipes and a few final touches to our house.
I know it will always be hard for Ben to be around his family but I felt the relief in his heart as he spent time with his father.
It was nice seeing them smiling together and talk about when Ben was a kid when we were sitting around the campfire at night.
I couldn't help but think about my family too, but it makes me feel at peace knowing I have my own family now. Ben is my family.
I look at him and smile contently.
"Why are you smiling? Not that I'm complaining." He says with a smirk.
"I'm just happy to be here, with you." I answer honestly.
"Thank you for taking me away from there. I know it was your dream to finish what your grandfather had started. I didn't mean to take that away from you."
He tucks a strand of hair behind my ear and smiles at me, shaking his head as if I'm being silly.
"You didn't take anything away from me. You gave me everything I had ever wished for and so much more. I don't need anything but you."
I rest my head on his chest and close my eyes while his arms are still around me as I listen to his steady heartbeat.
I can sense in the force that he feels just as peaceful and content as I do.

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