Chapter seven : where are you Kylo?

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~Mirta's pov~

A few days have gone by on the Starkiller base. Kylo has been training me and I've even been allowed to fight with real lightsabers.
He taught me how to win in a battle even if my opponent is physically stronger than me but he has also shown me how to control the force with my mind.
He taught me how to close off my mind when people try to read my thoughts.

He told me today he will be teaching me something new and I can't help but feel exited about it.
"Today I will teach you how to mind control people. I called in some stormtroopers so we can practise on them." Kylo declares.
My eyes sparkle at the thought of that, it sounds like something fun, better than running endless laps around this room.
Not even a minute later two stormtroopers walk in and turn to Kylo.
"Sir? you requested assistance?"
Kylo nods. "Yes. Just stand there for me."
They obey him and wait for us to do something.
Kylo looks at me before waving his hand in front of the stormtroopers's faces and saying
"You will kneel in front of me."
To my surprise, they do exactly as they're told while repeating.
"We will kneel in front of you."
Kylo speaks up again.
"You wil lay down on the ground."
And surely enough, they follow the instructions while repeating again.
"We will lay down on the ground."
"And they're not just doing this because you're Kylo Ren?" I ask with a smirk.
"No" Kylo says, smiling back at me before saying "Go ahead and try it on me then."
I hesitate for a moment before reluctantly bringing my hand up and waving it in front of his face. "You will kneel"
He does as he's told with a blank expression on his face while repeating
"I will kneel."
Thinking about what I can ask of him next I glance around the room before deciding on something simple.
"You will walk to the table."
Without hesitation Kylo turns on his heel and starts walking in the direction of the table I pointed out while repeating
"I will walk towards the table."
When he reaches it he stops and I give him a new order.
"You will walk back to me."
He repeats "I will walk back to you." while he starts walking.
When he gets a few feet away from me I expect him to stop but when he doesn't I look around in confusion.
He keeps walking until he is only an arms length away from me and doesn't show any sign of stopping.
I hold my arms out in front of my and shake my head. "No. Stop. Kylo stop walking. You will stop walking." I declare while waving my hand in front of his face again and again.
Kylo doesn't obey my order and just keeps walking. I walk backwards trying to keep some distance between us until I feel my back press up against the wall.
I swallow while panic races through my mind as I watch him walk so close to me that I can almost feel his body pressed up against mine.
Finally he stops walking, hoovering only a few centimetres away from me.
He leans his face down to mine and for a moment I think he's going to kiss me.
I feel the heat burning in my cheeks and my stomach turning in knots while my heart beats uncontrollably.
Just before his lips are about to touch mine he leans over to my ear instead and whispers
"I might have forgotten to tell you. This only works on non- force users."
I give myself a second to let his words sink in and then push him away from me while he laughs uncontrollably.
My jaw drops as I frown at him and yell out.
"Damn you Ren! Playing me for a fool?"
I can't help but chuckle along with him.
He calms himself down as he says
"I'm sorry Mirta. I just wanted to see what you would make me do."
"Well I hope I didn't disappoint."
I say while smirking at him.
We both stay quiet for a moment and just look at eachother catching our breaths, still smiling.
Kylo raises his eyebrows ever so slightly and his smile drops as he glances down to my lips.
I part my lips before biting my bottom lip as I look down from his eyes to the floor.
I see Kylo's figure slowly stepping closer to me as his hand reaches out to touch my face.
I feel his fingertips softly graze my jaw before his palm settles on my cheek.
I look up at him as his other hand comes to rest on my hip.
We both stare at eachother and I can see the lust in his eyes.
Suddenly we hear the doors hiss open as general Phasma walks in.
We let go of eachother and both turn to face the door. I feel my cheeks flush red as I look over at Kylo but he looks as calm as ever. I cannot detect any emotion on his face at all.
Phasma speaks up.
"FN4925 and FR3482, I have been looking for you. I need you in the shuttle bay."
She nods our way and turns to Kylo
"That is if you don't need their assistance anymore Sir?"
Kylo waves dismissively and says "No, go ahead."
Just as fast as she came Phasma disappears back into the hallway as the two stormtroopers follow her out.
Before the doors manage to close Kylo starts walking away from me as he clears his throat.
"I think we have done enough training for today. I will meet you back at our bedroom in a bit." he says before giving me a short smile and also walking out the room.
I guess that leaves me then.
I don't think anyone will be coming to bring me to our room but it doesn't bother me too much.
Over the past few days I have tried to memorise the hallways the best I can since I have walked them multiple times a day.
I start heading down the hallway and slowly but surely make my way to the bedroom.
When I arrive there I praisingly nod to myself and hum. "Wow, good job Mirta."
I plop down on the bed and start reading the book from yesterday again waiting for Kylo to come in.

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