Chapter thirteen : My loyalties lie with you

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~Mirta's pov~

I gasp for air as my eyes flutter open.
I look around the room and see that I'm in the medical bay.
I sit up on the bed breathing heavily as my chest rises and falls.
I bring my hand to my forehead as I wince at the pain shooting through my head.
The curtain around me opens and a nurse walks closer to me.
She looks at me with a shocked but relieved expression before saying.
"You're finally awake! We weren't sure if you would ever wake up..."
Her face drops a little as she says that.
"Finally? How long have I been unconscious for? What happened?" I say while I feel tears stinging in my eyes.
"For 5 days now. Don't you remember? You got hurt while practicing with the knights of Ren." The nurse says.
My jaw drops slightly as I try to wrap my head around everything.
The knights of Ren?
"Kylo." I mumble as I feel my heart clench.
"He must be around here somewhere, he comes to visit you every free moment he has." The nurse says.
I let out an audible breath as I feel something heavy lift off of my heart.
He's okay...
I stand up before wobbling my way towards the hallway not listening to the nurse telling me to take it easy.
I need to find Kylo.
I make my way towards our bedroom, not knowing where else to go but before I can reach it I see a tall black figure come around the corner and walk in my direction.
I stop in my tracks as he is now only a couple of feet away from me.
Kylo takes off his mask revealing his wide glassy eyes and unbelief on his face.
All of it turns into a smile as he reaches his arms out to me.
I take a few steps towards him and throw myself in his arms.
He pulls away and takes my face in his hands before gently pressing his lips down on mine.
He kisses me as if he thought he would never get the chance to again.
Before I can say anything he sweeps me off my feet and carries me the rest of the way towards the bedroom.
He places me on the bed "you should rest angel."
As he tries to walk away I pull him back into my arms forcefully, making him chuckle.
"Hey! I wasn't planning on going anywhere angel. I just wanted to grab you an extra blanket." He says.
He looks down at me and sees tears rolling down my cheeks.
"What's going on?" He asks with worry in his eyes as he wipes away the tears from my face.
"I saw my grandfather Kylo." I stammer.
"He showed me... a future... a path? I'm not sure." I say with uncertainty in my voice.
"Talk to me Mirta." Kylo says as he sits down next to me pulling me into his chest.
I hesitate telling him what happened in fear of his reaction to it all.
"I... killed you. Snoke forced me to." I say almost in a whisper.
Kylo pauses for a moment before saying without a doubt in his mind.
"I am not afraid of you angel. I know you would never hurt me just like I will never hurt you. I am right here by your side."
He says while smiling down at me.
We stay in the bed for hours while we talk and it makes me feel a lot better.
He has this way of calming me down, he makes my heart feel light again and it is now that I realise that I will never agree to be a part of the dark side. I will never give into Snoke.
I am leaning into Kylo, drawing figures on his chest with my fingertip.
I look up at him as I see the sun rising and starting to light up the room.
"Kylo?" I speak up
"Yes angel?" He says while giving me a tired but content smile.
"I swore to be loyal to you.
But where do your loyalties lie?"
He lets out a soft chuckle as if what I'm asking is a ridiculous question.
"My loyalties lie with you my love, no one else." he answers.
My heart jumps at the nickname, he has never called me that before but it feels right.
My love... does that mean he loves me?
I look into his eyes with a confused expression.
"Me? Not with the first order?"
He shakes his head before planting a kiss on my forehead and saying.
"You, Angel. I will give you the galaxy if you'll let me." He says softly.
I take a deep breath as I think about my dream. How everything happened because we were both too connected to the dark side.
"I don't want the galaxy." I say without thinking.
Kylo looks at me with a puzzled look on his face. I can tell he doesn't understand where all of this is coming from.
"I just want you Kylo. I want to be with you."
I say but before Kylo can answer I hear an alarm going off in the hallway.
My eyes widen in fear as I recall what happened in my dream.
"No." I whisper and Kylo turns to me.
"Mirta? What is going on?" He asks worriedly.
"Kylo listen to me." I say in a hurry.
"It's your father and Rey. We need to go with them. I can't resist Snoke much longer, we need to get out of here before it's too late."
I feel tears threatening to escape my eyes as Kylo looks me up and down.
I can feel how confused he is but how he also trusts me without a doubt in his mind.
"Wha- How- How do you know?
I thought you killed Rey? And what do you mean go with them?" He stammers.
We hear commotion in the hallway sounding like people running and yelling orders.
Kylo and I look at each other as I say.
"Please, we don't have any time. Trust me, we need to go with them."
We run into the hallway side by side and I can tell there are a million things going on inside Kylo's head.
I can sense how worried he is about seeing his father again.
Kylo follows my lead as I run towards the big room with all the platforms and bridges where we had ran into Han Solo in my dream.
When we reach the doors Kylo hesitates but I rest my hand in his and give him an encouraging smile before we walk into the room.
As I had hoped we see a man walking towards us onto the bridge and we do the same.
Kylo's eyes go wide as if he wasn't fully sure about everything I said until this point.
Everything is quiet around us as he takes in the sight of his father standing before him.
I see Han's eyes water before he speaks up
raising his voice slightly so we can hear him.
"Son, come home with me. It's not too late, everyone will forgive you!"
neither of us say anything and the man continues.
"We miss you Ben, please come home."
The man pleads and I see Kylo's face soften as it stays focussed on his father.
This time I know exactly how I want this to play out.
I want us to go with him and start over somewhere only we know.
I need to get away from Snoke's grasp and Kylo does too, I feel the darkness in him and it doesn't do him justice.
I see the doubt in Kylo's eyes so I softly speak out to him.
"Please, we need to get away from Snoke.
He will never let both of us live Kylo- Ben."
I say and he snaps his head towards me.
I see tears now building up in his eyes too as he looks at me restlessly.
I can feel the conflict his mind but suddenly his look changes into one of determination and he reaches out for my hand.

~Kylo's pov~

My mind is so conflicted between light and dark, Snoke and my father, the empire or the rebellion.
I reach out for her hand as I suddenly realise that none of those things matter.
I don't need to choose between light or dark, I don't need to pick anyones side.
All I need is Mirta, and I will do absolutely anything to keep her safe and with me.
I thought that meant being loyal to Snoke but now I realise that he never meant any good for her.
We need to go with my father even if I don't know how I feel about that.
We need to get out of here just like she asked of me and as that thought passes through my head I know exactly what to do.

I walk towards my father and speak up in a serious voice.
"Please help us. Help me keep her safe."
He nods with a smile as his face looks like he almost can't believe this is real and says
"Of course, but we need to go right now."
Without another word we both follow behind him as he leads the way, glancing back at us every so often as if he doesn't believe we're there.

~Mirta's pov~

I know how hard it must have been on Kylo to accept his father's help.
He never told me exactly what had happened but I can tell he always felt alone even with his family.
I make a mental note to talk to him about it when all of this is over so I can understand him better.
We ran into the resistance shuttle that they all came in and flew off into space.
We're all quiet, no one really knows what to say to one another.
Rey is on the ship too but she has kept to herself and disappeared into one of the backrooms. She can probably tell it is best to keep her distance from us.
I would kill her for real this time after what she did to Kylo if it wasn't for his father being on this ship and them rescuing us.
Suddenly Han speaks up, looking at me.
"I'm Han Solo, who are you?" he says with a friendly smile.
I look at Kylo who looks more okay than I had expected as he shoots me a smile, putting me at ease.
"I am Mirta, Mirta Gev." I say as I go to shake his hand.
"Boba Fett's granddaughter?" He says with an approving smile.
After a moment of silence again Kylo speaks up now, turning to his father.
"I think we should go to Ossus."
Han looks at him surprised as he says
"I thought we were going to the resistance base? Rey and I are needed there."
"We can go there first then but I don't think it's a good idea for us to stay." Kylo says with some sadness in his voice.
He looks at me as if he's looking for approval so I say.
"I will go wherever you go Kylo." before giving him a warm smile.
"At least come with us so the resistance can give you a shuttle, we can't leave you stranded there." Han says.
Kylo nods and we go the rest of the way barely speaking to each other.
I can tell Han wants to talk to his son but he doesn't know what to say.

*arriving at the resistance base*

I can tell Kylo is struggling with all of his emotions as we walk into the base.
He knows he will now also have to face his mother and all the people that were fighting against him only minutes ago.
I can sense that no one is really happy about us being here and they keep their distance from us being sceptical about the whole ordeal.
Suddenly I see a woman come up to us with her grey hair nicely bundled together on top of her head and wearing a smart looking grey outfit.
Her lip quivers and her eyes water as she walks up to Kylo with her arm stretching out towards him.
"My Ben." She almost whispers as her hand touches his cheek.
I can now see Kylo's eyes filling with tears at the sight of his mother after all these years but he stays strong.
"You are welcome here son." She smiles at him.
He hangs his head in defeat before looking up at me for support.
My presence is the only thing holding him together and he knows it.
I speak up trying to take the attention away from him as I feel him struggle.
"Hello, I'm Mirta. Thank you so much for helping us."
She now comes towards me after shooting another smile at Kylo and engulfs me in a warm embrace.
She holds me tight as if she really needed this but was too worried wether or not Kylo would appreciate it if she did this to him.
I hold her back as I feel my loneliness and loss of my family creep up on me.
"I am Leia Organa, general of the resistance."
She says with a smile.
Kylo breaks the silence between all of us
"I'm sorry but we really can't stay. Snoke will not be pleased with us leaving and us being here is a risk for everyone. It is best if we disappear for a while to somewhere the first order won't look for us." He says.
"Where would you go then?" Leia asks.
"Ossus." Kylo answers, clearly shocking the woman.
I don't understand why everyone is so shocked by Kylo choosing this planet but I can feel it in the force.
"Very well." Leia says.
"We will provide you with a ship and everything you might need. Fresh clothes, food, supplies."
She smiles at the both of us warmly again before walking off into the building, ordering people to get the ship ready for us.

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