Chapter sixteen : don't leave me angel

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*the next day*
~Kylo's pov~

I make my way towards Snoke's throne room since he requested to speak to me before I left on my mission.
I had spent all morning preparing and hoped no one caught onto my plan.
I feel nervousness rise in my stomach thinking about what I'll do once I find Mirta's mother.
What do I even say to that woman?
How will I convince her to come with me and save Mirta, after all she left her all these years ago so who's to say she even cares.
I open the doors with the force before walking in a few steps.
I see Snoke already sitting on his throne but when I look around I also see Mirta with two guards behind her.
My eyes widen and I feel fear pumping through my veins.
I take my helmet off, dropping it to the floor and speak up to Snoke.
"Why is she here?"
Mirta looks at me with glassy eyes and a scared expression on her face.
"Don't be so rude Kylo Ren, we have a visitor." Snoke says while smirking down at me.
The door opens again and in walk another two guards with a women struggling against them.
They stop on my right before I hear Mirta whimper from my left.
My eyes widen even more as I take everything in.
He knows.
He knows of my plan.
I think to myself, losing my composure.
I panic trying to think of all the ways this could possibly end and I don't like most of the outcomes.
Mirta's mother grunts out.
"My baby girl, I'm so sorry I left. I should have told you but I didn't know how to explain."
The woman starts crying too now just like Mirta as I look back to her.
"Mom, it's okay. You're here now."
Mirta tries to convince herself.
"My baby. I missed you so much."
Her mom cries.
Before Mirta can reply Snoke speaks up in a sinister, deep voice.
"How lovely, a family reunion. Such a shame I have to cut it short."
A wide smirk appears on his face and he activates his lightsaber with a humming sound as he lifts his other arm pulling Mirta's mother closer to him through the air.
I hear Mirta scream out for her mother before Snoke stretches out his hand with his lightsaber clenched in it, pushing it through her mother's chest.
He lets her go with the force and she falls limp to the floor.
I hear Mirta cry out and I want to do nothing but hold her.
I try to run towards her as I see her fall to her knees but I am stopped in my tracks as Snoke keeps me glued to the floor with the force.
"You need to be more obedient Kylo Ren."
Snoke speaks up again.
"No one needs to suffer if you stick to your duties."
"I will never be your puppet Snoke." I spit out and I can see he is taken aback by it.
He scrunches his eyebrows and leans forwards in his throne before saying with hatred in his voice.
"Then so be it."
Snoke glances over at the guards who are standing next to Mirta as if he is giving them a silent order.
My heart drops as I realise what he is about to do to her and before I can even think I muster all of my energy and push Snoke out of my head.
Now able to move again I launch myself towards Mirta's guards while igniting my lightsaber.
I stab one of them in the chest as the other one reaches for his blaster.
Before he can point it at me I slice off the arm he was holding it with and it falls to the floor still holding onto the blaster.
The guard falls to his knees as he's screaming in agony before I lift my saber and with all my strength hit it down on the man.
He falls to the floor in front of me and I look at Mirta.
Before I can do anything else Snoke screams out.
"Enough! You were always weak Kylo! You are no Vader, just a lonely little child!"
He lifts his arm and my lightsaber flies towards him as he catches it.
He sets it down on the armrest of the throne before he continues.
"You are worthless, and so is the girl. Both of you have so much raw power but instead of wielding it you waste it on love." He spits out with a disgusted look.
"Your grandfather would be ashamed of you."
He growls.
"No he wouldn't. His grandfather would be nothing but proud. You will never compare to Ben's power and it scares you Snoke!"
Mirta yells out at him.
"Is that so?" Snoke says in a low voice as I feel anger grow inside him.
He reaches his arm out again and lifts Mirta up in the air.
I watch her as she scratches at her neck, unable to breathe.
"No!" I scream, unable to think.
I look back at Snoke as he's laughing condescendingly, watching her struggle.
Without another thought I reach for my lightsaber and turn it around in it's place, making it face Snoke.
I ignite it and pull it towards me making it fly through the room and landing in my palm, but not before it slices through Snoke's body, cutting him in half.
Snoke's face goes blank before the upper half of his body slides down and lands on the floor with a thump.
Mirta falls to the floor catching her breath as she stares at Snoke's body with wide eyes.
After a few seconds of pure silence where no one knew what to do or say I see the guards that were standing all around the room launching themselves at us.
I pull Snoke's lightsaber out of his dead hand with the force before throwing it to Mirta.
We both step closer to each other and press our backs together as the soldiers close in on us.
The first guard comes at me and I slice my saber across his chest, making him drop to my feet.
I see two guards coming at me at the same time so I lift one up with the force and twist him in the air making him take the hit from the other one before also falling to the floor.
The second man looks down in confusion and before he can gather his thoughts I pierce my saber through his chest.
More and more come to attack me making me unable to glance back at Mirta to make sure she's okay, but her grunting and the screaming of the guards is enough indication for me that she is holding up.
When I block the attacks of the last guard and strike him down before he lands on the floor with all the other bodies I quickly spin around to look at Mirta.
I find her panting and slightly hunched over while she tries to catch her breath.
I grab her arm and pull her into my chest, resting my hand on the back of her head.
"We need to get out of here." I pant and she nods.

~Mirta's pov~

Kylo takes my hand in his as we run out into the hallway.
"It probably won't take them long to figure out Snoke is dead and then everyone on this base will be after us." Kylo says still slightly out of breath.
I glance back to the door we just came from and see some stormtroopers open it before looking in our direction and pointing at us.
"I think it's already too late." I say and Kylo looks back to see what I mean.
He picks up the pace and drags me through the hallway behind him.
He frantically looks around to see where we can go, pushing some clueless stormtroopers out of the way every now and then.

After running around the base for a few minutes we finally reach the shuttle bay.
We spot a shuttle that is ready to leave but before we can make a run for it we see a group of stormtroopers close in on us from all sides as general Hux appears.
"Snoke is dead, and you will soon be too."
He yells as he points his blaster at us.
"Snoke is dead. Which makes me the supreme leader, or did you forget about that Hux?" Kylo snarls back at him
Hux's face drops in surprise as all the stormtroopers stand down at Kylo's command.
I feel a slimmer of hope form in my stomach before a sharp pain shoots through my body.
I look up to see Hux's blaster pointed at me, smoke coming out of it before I glance down at my chest and find a hole burnt through it.
"No!" Kylo screams out as he throws his saber at Hux, piercing it through his torso before he falls to the floor lifelessly.
He turns to me and catches me in his arms as I feel my body go limp.
I gasp for air as the pain radiates through my body and I feel my consciousness slip away from me.
I catch Ben's eyes as I see tears fall down his cheeks uncontrollably and I hear him sob.
"Please, don't leave me angel! I need you. Please my love stay here with me. We'll go back to our house and- and-" He stammers.
I reach my hand to his face and try to dry away his tears while tears are still flowing freely down my cheeks. "I'll always be right here." I cough out as I gasp for air.
"Please. Please!" He pleads with a helplessness in his voice that shatters my heart.
I try to keep my eyes open and ignore the pain that is now engulfing my entire body trying to stay awake for him.
But slowly my vision goes dark and all sounds around me start being muffled.
I feel my entire body go numb as I stop feeling the weight of Kylo's arms around me.
I try to fight even more but slowly I close my eyes and everything stops.

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