Chapter eight : what are you?

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~Kylo's pov~

I put her down on the bed when we reach the bedroom.
I sit down on the bed next to her as she reaches out to me.
I wrap my arms around her again as she clings to my chest.
I let her snuggle up inside my arms and I feel myself calm down knowing she's safe now.
I look down at her and mumble
"Oh angel, I'm so sorry."
She moves her head off of my chest and looks up at me.
"It's not your fault."
I let out a sigh and feel my heart become a bit lighter from her words.
I thought she would blame me, be angry at me and she has every right to.
It is my fault, I should've never left her alone.
"Stop blaming yourself Ren. I'm not angry at you, I'm just glad you're back."
She looks up at me with a ghost of a smile on her lips as I answer
"I told you not to read my thoughts." with a playful smile.
I am proud of how far she has come in her training. She has grown so much and gotten so much stronger.
I can't believe how well and easily she can slip into someone's mind without them even realising.
I feel myself falling asleep and I wrap my arms around her even tighter, not wanting to let her go.

~Mirta's pov~

I feel Kylo's arms around me as I look up at him. I see him look down to my lips while parting his slightly. I feel my breath quicken as I feel his hand rest on my hip and hold it tightly.
His other hand trails his fingertips up my body giving me goosebumps when his fingers touch my bare skin on my neck.
His hand stops and stays on the back of my head.
He looks down from my eyes to my lips again as I feel his hand push my head closer to him.
I close my eyes before I feel his lips slam into mine.
He deepens the kiss while letting out a soft moan, feeling it vibrating against my lips.
His other hand roams up and down my back.
I feel both his hands go down to my hips as he picks me up and puts me down on the bed next to him.
He hoovers his body on top of mine as he holds himself up on one arm.
He bends down to kiss me again when-

I open my eyes.
I look around the room with the sunlight peeking through the window as I realised what I had just dreamed.
I look up to see Kylo still asleep and take a deep breath to steady my heartbeat.
I can never let him find out about this.

*later that day*
~Kylo's pov~

I told her she could just rest today if she wanted to but she insisted on continuing our training.
As we're fighting eachother with our lightsabers I can sense something is on her mind.
It's not allowing her to focus.
I take a swing at her and almost knick her by accident.
I remind myself to go softer on her today so I don't end up injuring her.
She grunts and tosses her lightsaber onto the floor. It unignites before hitting the floor with a clanging sound.
"Stop letting me win Ren!" She yells out.
I take a step towards her and raise my hands in defence
"I can sense there's something on your mind, you're not focusing. I don't want to hurt you."
I say. Her cheeks flush red as she defends herself.
"Don't treat me like a child Kylo! I'm fine, I don't know what you're talking about."
"Don't lie to me. I can feel it. There is something bothering you." I say.
"Show me what you're thinking about. What's distracting you?"
I walk closer to her and lift my hand to her forehead.
I see a glimpse of my body on top of hers before she throws me away with the force.
"Stop it Ren!" she screams.
But I can't help but wonder what I just saw.
With a confused expression I step closer to her once again and try one more time.
This time I see a flash of our lips touching.
She screams at me before pushing me away harder this time.
"I told you to stop" she says quietly.
I can tell she's embarrassed and suddenly I feel bad for invading her mind like that.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"
I start, not knowing what to say next.
I clear my throat and think of an excuse.
"I need to go deal with general Hux.
I will see you later in our bedroom."
I shoot a quick emotionless smile at her before walking out of the training room.

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