Chapter six : I will stand by you

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*later that day during the training session*
~Mirta's pov~

I patiently wait in the training room after being brought here by one of the stormtroopers.
I pace around the room looking at all the stuff laying around.
The door hisses open and I see Kylo walk in with his black cloak draped over his shoulders.
He's wearing his mask and gloves as well.
I look up at him unsure of what to expect from todays lesson.
He takes his helmet off and sets it down onto one of the tables.
He walks up to me before speaking up.
"Today I want to practice your mental strength within the force. This afternoon we'll do physical training." he states coldly.
I hate the way he has been acting and it terrifies me how unpredictable he is.
He steps closer to me, we're now within arms length from eachother.
He lifts his arm until his gloved fingertips hover in front of my forehead.
"I've been able to tap into your mind whenever I've wanted to. Now you need to learn to lock me out."
I widen my eyes and raise my eyebrows at him. "You can read my mind?" I ask him.
He nods without emotion.
I never thought about the possibility of him being able to do that and it makes me feel violated.
Determined to do well in todays lesson I tense up and look him right in the eyes.
I feel him starting to pull at my thoughts and I try to resist it.
I've never done this before and I have no idea what I should even be doing exactly.
He keeps tugging inside my head and I refuse him with more force this time.
I can feel him look through a memory of my dad hitting his fist across my face and I start to shake thinking about it.
I feel anger bubbling inside me while I keep trying to fight off Kylo in my head.
Suddenly I feel him push a feeling of loneliness and helplessness forward in my mind and I snap, pushing him away from me with the force.
I try to control my force and it only makes him fly back a few feet.
He starts stepping closer to me with something that looks a lot like determination in his eyes before I take my turn trying to force myself into his mind.
His eyes widen as he feels me slip through the cracks and seep into his thoughts.
I can sense the thoughts he has about me.
I see him holding me close in the middle of the night.
Suddenly he growls and lifts me up with the force, shoving me to back me into the wall.
He runs towards me with big steps and brings his hand up to my neck.
I can feel the leather glove on my delicate skin pushing down carefully but firm at the same time.
I can feel him control his anger to try and not hurt me.
He keeps my in place as we both breathe heavily.
He leans his face closer to me and says almost in a whisper
"Never do that again angel."
The second those words leave his mouth he lets go of me and walks to the other side of the room.

I slide down to the floor and a single tear fights it's way down my face.
I quickly wipe it away and clear my throat
"I'm sorry..." I whisper.
He doesn't react and just rests his palms on the table with his helmet.
I can hear him sigh and sense he's trying to calm himself down.
"I know you don't want to hurt me. It's my fault, I'm sorry."
He snaps his head back at me and takes a few steps closer again.
"No one should ever hurt you! Especially not me." he hisses.
I can see a hint of sadness and disappointment in his eyes.
I walk up to him and without thinking I rest my palm on the side of his face.
"It's okay. You're just human, remember."
He looks into my eyes and I see him smile slightly before looking down again.
"You took me away from my abusive father and have not let anyone hurt me since I have arrived here. You are willing to train me so I can become stronger with the force.
Thank you for that." I say carefully.
He looks up at me surprised but suddenly his face goes cold again.
I step back and let my arm fall back down, away from his face.
"You have gotten shot at. But you are not my responsibility."
Kylo says before walking away from me and out the door.
I watch him disappear behind the door and stand there dumbfounded.
What is his problem?

*later that day*

Kylo hands me a stick before speaking up.
"For now we will practice with these instead of real lightsabers until you get more familiar with it."
He goes to stand a few feet away from me with his feet spread apart to give him more stability.
He clenches the stick in both of his hands while getting into position and I do the same.
Suddenly he launches himself at me, swinging the stick in my direction.
I jump aside and block his attack with mine.
My body moves on it's own as if I already know what to do as Kylo keeps attacking me.
Every time he takes a swing I block it.
Suddenly he swipes his stick at my legs, making me fall on my back.
Straight after that he goes to slam his stick into my chest but I raise my hand and hold him in place with the force.
We both stand still, breathing heavily before I let him go and he steps back.
I can see him relax as he goes to take his cloak off.
"I didn't know you'd fought before." he says.
"I haven't" I tell him as he shoots me a surprised look.
"I'm impressed, you're really good at this.
You will have to learn to control it better though. If these were real lightsabers you would have gotten seriously hurt.
And other people won't go as easy on you."
I huff at him and stand up.
"Are we done?" I say and he nods.
We both walk back towards the bedroom without saying a single word to eachother.

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