Chapter twelve: fire

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AN: I rewrote the last bit of this chapter a bit because I really wanted to feel all the emotions and pain going through Mirta's after what she had just done.


~Kylo's pov~

I can see the resistance shuttle in the distance as I race behind them clinging onto the steering.
We are far enough behind them for them to have no idea we're following them.
I slam the button to activate the coms as I hear captain Phasma answer on the other side of the line.
"Shuttle CT930, who is this?"
I reply quickly not wanting to waste any time.
"Captain Phasma, this is Kylo Ren speaking.
Track this shuttle and send all out troops here now!" I scream.
"Yes sir." She says and I know they will arrive within minutes.
I can see the resistance shuttle slow down as they start descending onto a planet.
I do the same trying to follow their lead before I see a whole swarm of spaceships appear behind us.
Among them is a cruiser with AT AT's on board.
I land the shuttle onto the small mineral planet as a cloud of red dust settles around us.
I walk down the ramp of the ship with Mirta by my side as I feel all my muscles tense up.
The ground is white but when my boots slam down on it it leaves a trail of red footprints.
Mirta bends down and swipes the dust with her hand. The top layer is white salt but underneath it lays red sand.
When we get closer to the base I see a group of resistance fighters appear.
Alongside them I see my mother.
My throat feels dry and I can feel a knot forming in my stomach as I get nervous about what is coming next.
I look behind me as I see the AT AT's waltzing towards us before coming to a halt and pointing their laser canons in the direction of the group.
I hear my mother yell out.
"Ben please, it doesn't have to be this way."
Her voice sounds painfully desperate.
For a moment I feel my heart clench but I try to regain my composure as I yell at her.
"Han is dead." From a distance I can see her face drop and the feeling of loss fills the air.
"I killed him." I add, showing no emotion.
My mother closes her eyes as she wipes a tear off her cheek.
"It is never too late to turn back Ben."
She says as a final try.
I feel so many emotions flow through my body as I imagine for a moment what it would be like if I just reached out and took her hand right now.
I feel my eyes widen as I feel myself wanting to stop all this madness.
I take a step forward as I open my mouth slightly and tears start building up in the corners of my eyes.
I start stretching out my hand towards my mother as she watches me from a distance still standing with the rest of the resistance.
Suddenly I hear Mirta whisper "Fire."
and when I turn to her I see her arm stretched towards one of the AT AT's that has Hux in it as she uses the force mind control I taught her to give him this order.
I scream out "No!" but before the word can even leave my mouth every AT AT fires their lasers at the group and their base forming a big cloud of sand and smoke.
After minutes of firing all of them stop as I stand there frozen.
All I can do is watch with pain in my heart as the cloud subsides and all that is left is a pile of debris and ashes.
I turn towards Mirta in shock as I try to wrap my head about what has just happened.
"Mirta we didn't have to..." I start but she interrupts me.
"Yes we did Kylo! We are leaders of the first order and our mission is to take out the resistance and restore the galaxy to it's rightful state!" she screams with fire in her eyes as I had told her before.
I stammer, not knowing what to say as a tear slips down my face.
"They were my family... We didn't have to kill them..." I whisper softly and I see how it enrages Mirta even further.
"You have gone weak Ren!" She screams before I see her ignite her lightsaber and point it towards me.
"Angel what are you doing?" I yell at her while fear wells up inside me.
I don't recognise her anymore.

~Mirta's pov~

All I feel is pure rage as I look into Kylo's glassy eyes.
I feel the love I have for him in my heart but it feels as if it is getting drowned by the feeling of hatred now.
I hear Snoke's voice in my head as if he is whispering over my shoulder.
kill him.
we do not need a weakling like him leading the first order.
I clench my lightsaber as I listen to what Snoke's voice is telling me.
kill him.
I scream as I launch myself at Kylo with my lightsaber swinging in his direction.
I see him ignite his saber and block my attack while he pleads "Mirta please stop!"
I see the fear and hurt in his eyes but Snoke speaks up louder.
Kylo stops and drops his lightsaber onto the sand before he says
"I will not fight you angel." and I can see tears now freely falling down his face.
end him! Snoke's voice screams and I lift up my saber before stabbing it right through Kylo's chest.
The second I pull my lightsaber out of Kylo's torso he falls to his knees with a blank expression.
I freeze as Snoke's voice disappears and the reality of what I just did sinks in.
"No." I whisper.
I run to him and kneel down while I catch Kylo in my arms before he falls to the floor.
I rest my hand on his tear stained cheek as I look down at him.
He grabs at my clothes as he breathes with difficulty.
Now tears are streaming down my face as I keep mumbling "No" over and over again looking at the life disappearing out of Kylo's eyes.
I squeeze my eyes shut as I rest my forehead onto his and holding him tight.
I sob uncontrollably into his shoulder.
Suddenly his grunting stops and with that, so does his breathing.
I place my hand on his chest and I can't find his heartbeat anymore.
I look at his lifeless face while screaming at the top of my lungs.
I carefully put him down on the ground as I stumble away from him.
I look down at my hands covered in blood as I struggle to breathe.
My eyes dart around, I can't find anyone in my line of vision.
Everyone has disappeared, the AT AT's, the stormtroopers, the debris of the destroyed resistance base.
I look down to where Kylo was laying before and find his body gone too.
All that is left is a big pool of blood and I shuffle towards it carefully.
I look at my reflection in the red liquid and barely recognise myself.
Even though I am crying uncontrollably I see my reflection looking back at me with a cold emotionless expression.
I am a monster.
A monster that killed the man I loved, the only person who I could trust.
I look at my bloody hands again and cry out in agony before everything goes black.

I look around as I see myself surrounded by darkness.
Suddenly I see someone walk towards me with a blue glow around them.
As he comes closer I recognise my grandfather.
"Mirta" He speaks up.
"You have lost yourself. This isn't you.
Shut out Snoke's voice before it is too late."
My grandfather says.
"Kylo, I killed him." I cry out.
"Please! You have to help him!" I plead.
"I have done all I can by showing you the path you do not want to take." He says.
I look at him confused.
"Grandfather, I don't understand.
I don't know what to do."
I say, breathing heavily.
He walks closer to me before wrapping me in his arms.
I let out a breath as I melt into his embrace and I feel a calmness come over me.
"Make the right decisions my beautiful Mirta.
Do not walk down a path you do not want to be on." He says and with that he disappears, leaving me alone in the darkness.

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