Chapter four : don't hurt her

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~Kylo's pov~

I open my eyes and look at the clock in my room. It's just past 6am.
I quietly sit up on my bed and stretch my back. The foldable bed isn't the most comfortable thing I've ever slept on but it'll do for now.
I glance over at the big bed where Mirta is still sleeping peacefully.
She looks so beautiful, like an angel.
That's why I keep calling her that.
The first time it slipped out before I even realised it and I regretted it immediately, but after seeing the way she reacted to it and feeling her heartbeat quicken I decided that that's what I'll call her from now on.
I rub my temples and take a deep breath.
Why do I feel so responsible for her?
I can't think of anything else but to keep her safe. I've never felt this way before and it makes me feel weak.
I cannot let anyone know the way I feel towards her, not even Mirta.
I quietly get up and step into the bathroom to get dressed.
I put on my knight attire and my black cloak.
I go back into the bedroom to put on my gloves and my mask before turning to the girl again.
Her eyes are still shut and I silently hope she'll get a few more hours of sleep.
I can imagine this is all hard on her, but it's for the better.
I clench my fists thinking about how her aura felt when I looked at her bruised face.
She was in pain, and scared. But most of all... lonely.
Before I can dwell on it even longer I turn around and walk out the door into the hallway
I have a lot to prepare today.
I need to get Mirta a nice dress and someone to do her hair for her for when she meets supreme leader Snoke later.
But first, I have a meeting with the knights of Ren to let them know that we will have someone new training with us.

~Mirta's pov~

I look around the room, slowly opening my eyes.
My heart rate quickens as I forget where I am for a second but then reality settles in.
Maybe I had hoped this was all just a bad dream.
But what was the alternative? Waking up in my home on Tatooine with my drunk of a father bashing down on me?
I sigh and slowly get up out of bed.
I see a pile of clothes on the armchair in the corner and raise an eyebrow.
Someone must have left it here for me while I was still sleeping.
My eyes fall on the empty foldable bed as I realise that Kylo has already left.
My heart kind of clenches at the thought of him not being here, but I quickly shake that thought out of my head.
I walk up to the pile of clothes and start putting them on.
I walk into the bathroom and try to look for some stuff.
I open the first cabinet and find a brand new hairbrush, toothpaste, toothbrush, hairties
and some other basic stuff.
I could have sworn this wasn't here yet yesterday.
I get myself ready and start heading back into the bedroom before I hear the door of the bedroom open.
I glance at it to see if maybe it was Kylo but then my breath catches in the back of my throat as I see a stormtrooper in the doorway.
She doesn't look like the other ones.
I can tell she's a female by her figure and she's not white like all the other ones, she's silver.
My eyes catch her blaster at her hip as she looks up at me.
I jump into the bedroom and raise my arms in front of me in defence.
"Who are you!?" I scream at her.
"I am captain Phasma" She defends herself.
I can slowly see her reach for her blaster as she says "you need to come with me little girl." in a sinister tone.
I panic and push my arms out with the force.
She goes flying all the way down the hallway she just came from right past a group of white stormtroopers.
She lays groaning on the floor as I look at her in shock before she turns to the stormtroopers and screams.
"what are you all looking at!? Get her!!"
All of them turn and start running towards me with their blasters pointed right at me.
One of them takes a shot and grazes my hip lightly.
I push down on the wound with my hand and wince at the pain.
I look up in fear and my mind starts racing, not knowing what to do.
I raise my arms once again and pick all of them up of their feet as I raise them into the air.
They all just hang there flailing, dropping their blasters before I see Kylo running around the corner towards me.
He stops in the distance as he sees me hold all these men in the air before I drop all of them at once.
They all hit the floor with a painful sound of men groaning and plastic clanging against the hard metal.
The silver stormtrooper has gotten back up now and points her blaster at me again before she starts shaking and stops in place.
Behind her I see Kylo look at her disgustedly with his arm stretched out towards her when he says through gritted teeth
"phasma, stand down. You will not hurt her."
He lets go of his hold on her and she drops to her knees with her head held down.
"Yes sir."
"Get you and your men out of here. Now!"
Kylo spits towards her before walking past her and the other stormtroopers towards me.

He looks furious and I feel the air escaping my lungs as I fear what will come next.
I start raising my hands in front of me again muttering "I'm sorry, please, I- Don't hurt me."
Kylo stops walking.
He raises one hand slowly towards his face as he clicks his helmet off.
He reveals his face and I see him with a confused expression.
I try to find what he's feeling and for a second I manage to slip through the cracks of the wall he has built around himself and sense hurt and anger. He feels hurt at my actions towards him and angry at what has just happened.
He softly speaks up. "Please, calm down. I won't hurt you. Let me take a look at you."
He looks down at my hip and I follow his gaze.
I see a bit of blood staining the pants that I had just put on earlier and wince again at the burning pain coming from the wound.
He slowly starts inching towards me again and this time I make no attempts to stop him.
"I'll take care of that for you. Let me get some stuff."
He passes by me as he heads into the bathroom and I stumble back to sit on the edge of the bed.
Seconds later he appears again in the doorway and kneels on the floor in front of me.
He puts a metal box down besides me and starts pulling some stuff out.
"We have some great medics on this base, but I think I can handle this one."
He says smiling up at me.
I give him a weak smile back as I'm trying to keep my mind off the pain in my hip.
He preps a cotton ball with some disinfectant and puts a bandage ready with some ointment on it but then he stops and looks at me with uncertainty.
"I- You'll... have to lower your pants a bit for me to be able to take care of that..."
He mutters as I look down at my wound.
it's a few centimetres below my waistband.
I nod and pull them slightly down my hips.
He starts disinfecting it and wrapping it up before stating
"I will get you a fresh set of clothes, we need to go meet Snoke soon so I will fetch you your formal dress straight away."
I take a deep breath as I am reminded that I will be meeting this Snoke person today.
I feel the nervousness rising as I think about what will happen to me.
"If you want you could come with me to pick one out. So you can choose one that you like." Kylo says.
I pause a second to think before replying
"Yes. I'd like that, thank you."
He nods and stand back up, putting all the stuff he just used away.
I stand up after him and follow him towards the door.
He waves his hand and it opens before we start walking down the endlessly long hallways of the starkiller base again together.

A few minutes later we arrive at another set of doors which he opens with one movement of his hand.
When we walk in I see racks stacked against the wall with all different kinds of clothes hanging on them.
A bit further down the long room I see a woman.
I can tell she is an Aki-Aki. I have seen a few on Tatooine before.
She has greyish skin and bulging eyes.
There are two tentacle like shapes at the bottom of her face and she is wearing a red cloak. She looks friendly.
Kylo approaches her and says
" Would you have any formal dresses for our guest?"
She nods and guides us towards a section of clothes that looks like it's filled with the most expensive types of fabric.
She starts pulling out some dresses and showing them to me, mumbling something in a language I can't quite understand.
I look up at Kylo and see him already looking at me, waiting for me to make a decision.
"I don't know which one to pick."
I let out almost like a whisper.
I feel overwhelmed with all the choices and I feel myself getting hot.
He rests a hand on my shoulder and says
"Don't worry, just pick one that you like. I'll select a few while you go fit this one already. Then you can pick your favourite."
He hands me a random dress and pushes me in the direction of the dressing rooms.
I step inside the small cubicle and close the curtain to shut me off from Kylo and the woman.
I start trying on the dress and look at myself in the full length mirror that is placed in the cubicle when I see a hand come through the side of the curtain.
Kylo hands me four more dresses that all look different.
After trying out all of them I decide on the one that I like best and put it on to show them.
I carefully push the curtain aside and step out towards Kylo and the woman.

They both look in my direction and scan my body.
The dress I picked is a dusty blue colour.
It's a simple satin dress that goes all the way down to the floor.
The shoulders are two thin straps, the front is cut almost straight and doesn't show too much cleavage but the back hangs quite low, almost at the bottom of my back.
Down the side there is a slit that runs all the way to my upper thigh. The lady hands me a pair of heels that are completely open and just have a band of silver rhinestones on my ankle and my toes.
I put them on and step closer to Kylo, who looks at me dumbfounded.
I keep my eyes on him as I wait for him to say something to me that will easy my mind about my decision.
"You look beautiful angel, even more beautiful than before."
I look down at the floor as I feel the heat rise to my cheeks.
Kylo clears his throat and speaks again
"shall we? Supreme leader Snoke is waiting for us."
We both start walking down the same hallway again and I follow him closely.
Now my nerves are really getting the better of me but I try to steady my breathing and stay in control.
It'll be fine.

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