World Shift

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Azki pov: "Eh-What is happening?"

That was the question asked all around the world as gravity seemed to vanish for a bit. More knowledgeable people know that can't be true, but the phenomenon that happened was inhuman but not unfamiliar to us.

Objects began to float up, and people as well. If things suddenly fall, no one will be able to stop them.

The only time we witnessed it was when Sui-chan and I fought one time, but we didn't shift the earth as much as this.

"Sora-chan, hold on to me!" I hissed

My wife did as I told her, clinging to me tightly to stop her ascent. "Not this again!" She yelled

A-chan grabbed a hold of Nodoka-san and held her there, not wanting her wife to float up. We are indoors, yet the danger level isn't gone. If we hit the ceiling, the gravity shift will crush our bones.

"How do you think Suisei is doing?" Nari asked

"Fine..." Robochi said we didn't even see her return, but I guess she did at some point.

"We need to get outside to see what is going on!" Asuka yelled

"We are aware-Roboco, can you grab all of us and fly us out of here?" I asked

Yeah, I can!" She said

"Do it, please!" I said

The cute robot girl shot her arms out and grabbed the four of us. "What about us?" Anemachi cried out

"Not needed!" I told her teasingly:

"Jeez, way to ignore us," Nari laughed.

"Yeah, you better help us later!" Comet-chan stated

Fine, I owe you one." I mentioned

The five of us made it outside, only to see the ground start to break apart and fly up. Whoever did this seriously messed up the world, not intentionally but still...

I can tell from the heat that this is a mixture of fire, air pressure, and a shift in the sound barrier, but that is impossible; it can't happen all at once unless someone with those abilities all clashed...

We landed on a giant chunk of land that was floating in the air, and we looked around. "We need to rescue people," I said.

"Alright, let's go!" Sora-chan said

I looked at my wife and knelt down. "Get on," I said to her.

She looked surprised by my sudden desire for her to piggyback. "Azkichi why?" She questioned

"You are aware of why you can't move around quickly, so hurry up and get on my back," I said.

Sora-chan reluctantly held onto my back, and I jumped off the large chunk of land on a floating roof to a house. I saw people hanging off a floating ladder and ran at full speed, lunging off the roof. I landed on the ladder, grabbing the people.

"Come on..." I sighed, jumping back to the chunk of land floating.

"Roboco, tie them down!" Asuka directed

Robochi nodded and shot a wire connecting those people to a tree so they wouldn't float. "Thank you!" They called out

Even though trees were floating up, there wasn't anything we could do about that, but we have to hope that all the forest won't be plucked up from its roots.

"Damn," I said as I tilted my head to the side.

How the heck are we going to get all the people saved? We can't rescue everyone; we don't have the tools.

"Heeeeeeeeelp!" Mikochi cried out

I looked around, and I saw her floating up. Sui-chan and Toko-chan were jumping up on stuff, trying to reach her.

Sora-chan, I'm going to jump for Miko, but at last, I want you to jump off of me and grab her," I said.

"Wait-but you'll fall; besides, I can't move around like that!" Sora-chan argued

"I will let myself float up, and besides, we need to save her before she flies into space," I said.

"There is a chance we don't have to do that plan." Sora-chan said

"How?" I asked.

"We go to Sui-chan and Toko-chan, and we do what you ask of them, and then once we bounce off one another, we can just fall back into each other," she said.

"That actually is a good idea; let's do it," I said.

I jumped on floating objects until we reached the two girls. "Oh Azkichi!" Sui-chan said happily.

"We have a plan. You get on Toko-chan's back, and I will get on your back, and we will all jump off each other," I said.

"Good idea!" Sui-chan said

She got on her girlfriend's back, and so I got on her back. I was surprised when the blue-haired girl stood up on Toko-chan's back.

"Hold me steady!" Sui-chan said

Understood," Toko-chan commented.

Toko-chan jumped up, and as soon as she reached the pinnacle of her jump Sui-chan jumped off of her. We went higher up, and when we got to max high, I jumped up with a small push from my best friend. Sui-chan fell back into her girlfriend's arms and watched us ascend up.

Sora-chan, get ready!" I told her

Pushing upwards on my shoulders, she pushed herself up and flew towards Mikochi, who screamed herself unconscious. She reached up and tried to grab her arm. "No!" She shouted

She almost missed her, only managing to grab her by her fingertips, and then Sora-chan let herself fall back. She landed on me softly and smiled.

"We did it..." I sighed

"To be honest, why didn't Mikochi ground herself?" Sora-chan asked

"When she began to float, it was too quick for her to respond, so I don't blame her for this one," Sui-chan said.

I was shocked that she defended Mikochi, but then again, there is nothing wrong with defending her in this scenario; this was so random.

"Good thing she is unconscious because she shouldn't know you weren't here." Sui-chan said

That was a fair point; we weren't supposed to show ourselves to her.

But that isn't the problem-what is happening all over the world?

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