Divine Intervention

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Mumei pov: "You won't pass here."

Oneerissa stared at me and cocked her head to the side. "Why?" She asked

"As the older sibling of Nerissa, I won't let you take her!" I said

Oneerissa scoffed. "I'm her older sister."

"We are both her older sister; what should we do?" I asked

"We fight," she said.

Oneerissa shot a barrage of light at me, and all I could do was dodge it. She clearly is a well-seasoned fighter and is way too strong, but I'm stronger. There is no way I'll lose when Nerissa is on the line.

"Mumei, don't hold back!" Kiara said

She is right. I can't hold back; if I do, then I'll probably lose. "Oneerissa, watch out!" Anerissa shouted

I launched past Oneerissa and slashed her with my dagger. She began to fall down towards the ground due to the attack. "Really should have watched out," I said.

"You... what are you?" Oneerissa asked

"Nanashi Mumei, the guardian of civilization, the previous vessel of Omegaα, and the leader of the council," I said.

"The leader?" Kiara questioned

"Fine true leader," I corrected.

"I don't care what you are." Oneerissa said

I laughed, "How rude..." I sighed at her.

She cracked her neck and began to spray light at me, but I dodged her onslaught.

"How are you so fast?" She asked

"Becsuse I'm an owl," Itold her.

"Owls are fast." Oneerissa questioned

"Yeah," I said.

I flew around her quickly and caused a tornado to brew up and began to thrash her around. I sensed Nerissa was a safe distance away so I could stop the assault.

'Where are you going?" Oneerissa said.

"No need to fight you anymore," I said.

"I'll kill you!" Oneerissa yelled

She began to spray light at me again for no reason, and I kept trying to dodge the attacks and did so with ease. I can't keep wasting my time here; we just need Hajime. I don't want to waste my time here.

"Mumei!" Zeta called out in my head.

She must be with Iofi-senpai since she is talking to me telepathically without me initiating the conversation.

"What do you need, cutie?" I asked

"Cute-Cutie!?" She questioned

"What do you need?" I asked again.

"Oh, well, I just wanted to tell you that Sana can't open portals for about a minute," she said.

"How come?" I asked

"She is fishing in the timestream for Amelia-senpai and Kronii-senpai," Zeta said.

"Damn, well, that doesn't matter much," I said to her.

I'm trying to focus on what the hell I'm trying to do, but I really like Zeta. She is a cute woman, so I really want her to talk to me more.

"How are Fauna and Kronii doing?" I asked

"They are doing well; they want you to come back soon, though," Zeta said.

"Tell them I'll be there in two minutes," I said.

Zeta agreed and then ended the call with me, instantly leaving me alone.

I can't keep fighting and focus on Zeta at the same time. No matter how much I care about Zeta, it just isn't possible at all. I began to fly away and zoom towards the direction Nerissa and Kiara decided to follow.

"Where are we going?" She asked

"Towards Nerissa!" I said

I baited the two girls to follow us, and then at the last moment, I opened up a portal, and Kiara and I went through, "Hey senpai," Lui-nee said.

"Hello, Lui-nee," I told her.

"Where is Nerissa?" Kiara asked me

"Oh, the council room. I'll bring her back in a few seconds," I said.

"Wait, why did you say that she was in that direction then?" I asked

"We just needed a good out to that," I said.

"Mumei-senpai!" Bijou called out

"Kiara! Mumei!" Reine Senpai called out

"What?" I asked.

I looked over and saw Mr. Ravencroft bashing Bijou around. She really was out of her league in this battle, and Reine-senpai can't dish enough damage out for it to even be worth it at all. She really isn't going to be able to finish this at all. She really can't do so.

"Hold on, I'll help you fight!" Kiara said

I stopped her. "Hold it!" I said

"Why!?" Kiara asked me

"You need to think. about this rationally, we won't overpower Mr. Ravencroft," I admitted.

She nodded and understood that she was weaker than him, but she needed help. Reine-senpai "Please be smart!" I said

Kiara nodded, swooped in, and sprayed fire on Mr. Ravencroft. Meanwhile, I grabbed Biboo.

"You should leave," I suggested.

"How come?" She asked

"Because you are outmatched, you aren't strong enough for this level yet," I said.

"But how can we achieve Nerissa's dream if we just run away?" Biboo asked

"That is true. At the same time, if you lose here, you may not be able to even help her at all," I said.

"Still, it is worth a shot. Maybe I will teach her father, sister, and brother that she is a strong girl and the gods should be scared of her. Nerissa made me respect her; she really gave me something to respect, and I don't want to tarnish her wants with my pacifistic tendencies. I agree we do need justice for what happened to us, and we don't have to kill all the gods," she said.

Biboo is giving me the rundown, despite the fact that I already know the rundown; I just know it already. This isn't something new to me.

"Let's continue to fight from now on, and I'll help you get stronger, Biboo," I said

"Thank you!" She said to me

Earth manipulation is a strong ability, so I would assume she would use it to its maximum potential, but she doesn't. Every move she makes seems to lack. I don't know why, but it doesn't seem like she understands what to do at all.

But that is fine.

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