The Fight I Want

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Mumei pov: What is the fight I want?

Selen launched past me, and I saw as my arm flew into the air, blood spraying out of me.

"Holy shit..." Calli said as my arm landed in front of her.

"Good hit, Selen." I laughed

"Yeah, I got your arm!" She laughed

"Cool..." I said

All of a sudden, a new arm appeared in place.

"Wait-I thought you said you couldn't regenerate!" Selen yelled

"I can, but I just didn't think someone like you would manage to hurt me like that," I said.

"What the hell!" Selen sighed

"It takes no stamina for me to regenerate my arm," I said.

"Yeah, that is bullshit," she said.

"It may be, but you are going to see me take this more seriously now because I want to win!" I said

"You want to win..." She scoffed, "That isn't happening!" She screamed She flew forward and stopped as our faces were inches apart, and then she blew fire.

"Do flames ever work?" I asked

I placed my hand over her mouth and covered it so she couldn't breathe fire on me. She stopped breathing fire so she wouldn't implode or whatever, and as soon as she stopped breathing fire, I clasped my hands together and slammed them into her head.

"Kiara, I know how I want to win." I said

Kiara smiled. "How so?"

"I want to punch her around and thrash her around until she admits I'm stronger," I said.

"Fuck that!!!" Selen screamed She flew out of the ground and uppercut me. I flew up, but I did something similar to earlier and wrapped my legs around her neck and pressed as close to her face as possible. "Mnph!" She went since I muffled her

"Heavy Don Don!" I yelled

I did a backflip, slammed her through a table, and burrowed her until the ground was within a safe distance.

"Gah-shit..." She grumbled

I took a deep breath and jumped up before going for a drop kick. She barely dodged, and my leg got stuck in the ground.

"Oh no!" I yelled

Selen slammed into me and sent me flying through the ground, but then she flew up with me and smashed me through the ceiling. "Mumei!" She yelled loudly, then spiraled downward with me and hit me with a spinning piledriver. My head got stuck in the ground.

"Owww, that's got to hurt," Nerissa said.

I awaited for Selen to approach me before the tornado kicked her. I jumped out of the ground and launched past her, slicing her human arm up and cutting her tail off once again. I threw my dagger at her face, and she went to block it.

I smirked and teleported in place of my knife, using similar powers as Sana, and I palmed her in the face, launching her back with air pressure.

This is nice. I seem to be winning, but that doesn't mean I will have the upper hand for the rest of this.

"Why do you keep wearing me down?" she panted.

"That is one way to put down a dragon," I stated.

"Selen, you need to back down!" Elira yelled

"No..." Selen growled

This is our serious battle; we need to end it right here and now.

Selen regenerated her tail and launched it forward. It stabbed into my side and tried to pull out. "God, you are... wait," she said.

I was embarrassed by her, but she knew that her sentence was odd, so she decided not to finish it.

"This is the end," I said to her.

She hit me with a lariat. "No." She said

I slammed into the wall and wheezed, "Shit." I coughed

I grabbed my knife and jabbed it into her shoulder. "Gyaaa!" She yelled

"You lose..." I said

"No!" she hissed before punching me again.

She managed to make my nose bleed and send me flying back. "Damn it!" I huffed.

"Why don't you give up, Mumei?" She asked

"Why would I be Selen?" I asked

"Because you are weaker!" Selen said

"Okay, tell me who decided that I'm weaker." I asked

"Me?" She sighed

"Exactly you," I said.

She nodded. "It's the truth," she said.

I wanted to prove to her how wrong she was by winning with this attack. I launched forward and hit her with an upper cut, then a nasty overhand, then with a back hand, and then an axe kick. "Don Don!" I yelled as I slammed my foot down on the back of her head.

"Nice try..." She said

I cracked my head a few times and said, "It's over."

"Not yet," she replied.

I sighed and puffed my cheeks up before punt-kicking her. She was sent flying yet again.

"Damn..." I sighed

I need a way to end her really fast because I need to sleep right now. I don't know what is going to happen if this battle goes on for longer. I need to stop this, and I need to win.

Selen shot a fireball at me, but I dodged it, but she kept shooting them at me. I can't let her have distance on me. I will end this in one shot right here, and now if I get up close, I need to hurt her enough that I can win. She really can't continue either, so it is a war of attrition at this point.

I flew as fast as I could and flew faster at high speed and slammed into Selen. We both were sent flying, and we flew into the other side of the council room. We flew into a portal and flew back to where we started. Selen rolled on the ground.

"Ugh," she said.

"That actually hurt me too." I groaned

Selen sat up. "You win..." She muttered

"What?" I asked.

"You win," she said again.

"What was that?" I asked again.

"You win!" She yelled

"Pfft, at least you admit it," I said.

Selen glared at me, stood up, ran at me again, and attacked me. Now we have new energy to get out.

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