Hunting Owl

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Mumei pov: "Selen I think I found your friend!" I said as I lifted up the garbage bag in the council hall.

"Ha-very funny, Mumei..." Selen scoffed under her breath.

"No, in all seriousness, I think I found Rosemi. Here are the coordinates," I said as I tossed her the balled-up paper ball.

She opened it and glared at it, and then at me. "I guess you did find it," she said.

"Let's get there now!" I said

"What?" Selen questioned

I snapped my fingers, trying out my instant transmission. We got to the destination in a moment. Selen looked around in shock.

"Where are we?" She asked

"Oh, we are at the coordinates," I said.

"Mumei-senpai, I didn't expect it to be so seemless," Zeta said.

"I know!" I laughed after she said that.

Selen glared at me. "What is that power?" She asked

"Oh, I gained it when I lost Omegaα, and now it's even more powerful since I absorbed her," I explained.

"Selen?" Rosemi asked as she stared at the three of us.

"Grab her..." I sighed

Selen flew forward and grabbed Rosemi. "Wait-wha!" She yelled before coming back to me. I visualized Kiara and Nerissa and transported us all to them. Selen faceplanted as we transported

"That was on purpose!" She yelled

"Yeah," I told her.

"Mumei-senpai, now what?" Zeta asked

"I have to do something," I said.

"Oh, I know what it is!" Zeta said

The four of us went to see a certain someone who was pinned down to the floor, not being able to move the worthless being that had returned for no reason but to annoy the hell out of me and waste space on this planet with absolute trash that needs to burn and will burn after today.

"Oh Friend!" I called out, getting the worthless paper bag's attention.

"What?" a friend asked.

I looked at the creature that was pinned down to the ground. Getting rid of this thing is necessary.

"Mumei, you better not be thinking of hurting me!" Friend said

"Me? No, why would I hurt my best friend?" I asked sarcastically.

"Because you did hurt me before!" Friend shouted

"Mumei-senpai, just end this thing and make it suffer," Zeta said.

"My friend doesn't know what sarcasm is," I giggled.

Kiara walked up to me and hugged me. I smiled. "Burn this thing." I said

"Got it," she responded. A friend glared at us and began to sweat, or that's what it looked like.

"Mumei, I'll kick Friend's ass," Selen said.

"Selen, your friend is weak, so you don't want to fight it," I said.

"I only fight strong people," Selen said.

"I'm aware that she is silly," I said.

"What are you talking about?" Friend asked

"I forgot!" I giggled

"Of course you forgot," Friend said.

I went over to Nerissa and whispered into her ear.

Fiend looked at me confused and asked, "What are you plotting?" The paper bag babbled.

Nerissa shot sound waves at Friend, making it scream in agony and ripple.

"I'm going to leave," I said.

"Don't you dare leave me!" Friend screamed

"You aren't needed anymore." I told it

"You are going to abandon me again!" Friend yelled

"Of course I am..." I told it

"You...worthless....grr...." Friend growled

I rolled my eyes. "Shut up..." I spat

"You are going to leave your only friend to die in the spirit world, even though I came back for your sake. I'm your friend!" Friend yelled

"Friend? You are not my friend; you are just a follower, a companion, a worthless creature that I have to crush and that I have crushed; they don't exist currently, try either, so leave me alone," I told it.

"How can you say that!" Friend yelled

"I'm a senpai... I have two wives and plenty of friends and family too; I don't need you; besides, I have everything I'd ever need. I don't need more enemies!" I yelled

"You have grown too much; where is Omega?" Friend yelled

I smirked. "Absorbed by me?"

"N-No!" Friend said

"You are trying to make me a pawn again; I know you are, but I won't stand for it. I am the fucking guardian of civilization, not a vessel. I am my own person, and I won't stand for anyone telling me I am not worth anything. I will carve a path with the council and promise!"I yelled

My friend was taken aback by what I said. "You said the F-word!" Friend said

"Yeah, of course," I said merrily.

"You are corrupted!" Friend yelled

"Incorrect; as you can see, I became my own person, someone who isn't a vessel to be trampled," I said.

"You are pathetic!" Friend yelled.

"Not quite, but I am Omega's favorite still," I said.

"You were made to eliminate the council and then the world!" Friend yelled

"That was my previous mission; my mission now is to keep being their friend and protecting their happiness!" I yelled

Friend Mamater broke free and flew at Zeta as fast as it could.

"You're mine!" Friend screamed

Selen grabbed Friend and stopped him from getting to Zetw.

"Whoever you are, let go!" Friend hissed

She did as told, but I immediately stomped the paper bag to the ground.

"It's over," I said.

"Wait, did you learn how to clone yourself, Mumei?" Friend asked

I didn't reply. I just pinned my friend to the ground and went towards the exit.

"Goodbye..." I calmly sighed as I stepped out. I began to pull Friend back into the spirit realm.

"Good job," Kiara said.

I looked at her and smiled.

"Thank you; after all, I got to show you all how much I don't need friends," I told her.

What is next? I wondered. I looked at Ame, who was worried about something.

I wonder what it is.

She seems to have messed up time and needs to fix it, so she should get to that very quickly before it's too late.

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