After The Nap

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Fuwawa pov: We all ended up getting some rest, with varying success. Nerissa was exhausted since we kept her up for awhile, but we need her to wake up.

I kissed her cheek gently, and Moco-chan followed, only for Nerissa to turn her head and genuinely capture my lips with hers.

"You know, if you wanted to kiss me, you could've just said so," Nerrisa laughed.

"Shut it," I said in shock.

"Sorry-I pushed my boundaries!"

Nerissa apologized, but I can't be mad about that, not that I am mad about the kiss. I'm just shocked.

Oh, welcome back, shadow."

Nerissa let her bird land on my little sister's head.

"What the hell is this bird? I want to eat it!" Moco-chan said

"No-don't eat shadow!" She shouted

"Why not?" I asked

"I wouldn't eat your pet Perroccino!"

Nerissa did have a fair point, but at the same time, if that creature didn't come back, it wouldn't be so bad for us.

"Did you have any good dreams?" Moco-chan asked

Yes, I dreamed about going on a date with Mumei-senpai. She stared at me with her beautiful beads for eyes, and her long, luscious silky hair flowed gorgeously in the wind. Her aroma filled the air, and my nostrils sent me into a sweet bliss. I kissed her roughly and clung my lips to hers, capturing her sweet breath."

God, you are so horny." Shiori mumbled

"Shut up. At least I didn't mention the part of my dream before with Kiara-senpai we had hot steamy."

"Okay, this is where you shut up." Biboo said

"Come on, Biboo, give me a morning kiss!" Nerisss said

"Ugh, no," she said.

"Why not?" Nerissa whined

"No one is ready yet!" Moco-chan said

"Well, I'm sorry that you all are just cute, hot, and sexy women. I want to be with you all. I just want to kiss and love you and marry you because I'm a filthy woman!"

Nerissa clearly has some mental issues. She needs to work out that constant affection isn't bad, but at the same time, she really needs to show less of it right now. There is no way that we can all bear her affection right now.

"What are we doing?" I asked

Everyone looked at me and stopped bickering. "What?" Biboo said

"What are we doing? What is the goal of Advent?" I asked

"To save the gods," Bijou said.

"To kill the gods," Nerissa said.

Both girls glared at one another as their ideals clashed with one another. This shouldn't be a problem; we have the ability to do both, but I don't think this is going to work out at all.

"I just want freedom," Shiori said.

"We just want to play..." Moco-chan said

All our wants and needs can coexist; the problem is as it is right now. Advent doesn't know how to work together with Moco-chan, and we need to fix that.

Biboo and Nerissa stared one another down, ready to battle. "Wait, no need to fight!" I shouted

"Why not?" Nerissa asked

"Well, you see, why don't we do both? Kill the gods that locked us up and spare the ones that didn't!" I said

"But I want to save all of the gods; I think they don't deserve a horrid fate," Biboo said.

"And I think Bijou is thinking poorly and that the gods are just dangerous and should be dealt with; we spare council, however."

"Nerissa-this is stupid if you spare five; spare all of them!" Biboo yelled

"No!" Nerissa yelled

Hey, I think all of humanity and the gods are all just pawns in our Advent." Shiori claimed

"You're just crazy..." The two girls agreed.

"You agree that I'm crazy, but you two keep arguing with each other about nonsense if I'm crazy." Shiroi sighed

It's not that I don't agree that Shiori is crazy, but Biboo and Nerissa need to agree on what we need to do. After all, it was Nerissa's idea to be a team for the most part, so I can't let her create a rift between us.

We just need to focus on us right now, and then we need to focus on our actual plan. This is tough.

"Fuwawa and Mococo, come with me," Nerissa said.

"You're splitting us up again?" I sighed

"This time it may be better for us to split up because we need to do multiple tasks to set up base, you know," Shiori said.

I know we need to set it up, but it's just frustrating that we have to do it separately; we aren't being a team.

"Fuwa-chan and I will do it by ourselves." Moco-chan said

No, you're with me." Nerissa said

She really wants us to be with her. I mean, we have been with her the longest. It just makes me feel weird that she is going to be difficult, but have us follow her around.

"Then I'll take Shiori..." Bijou said

"Fine..." Nerissa scowled

Shiori, Moco-chan, and I looked around, trying to end this dispute, but nothing seemed to happen.

"Come on..." I sighed

Those two wouldn't stop glaring at one another; they seriously are acting like little children.

"Nerissa, let's go!" Moco-chan cried out.

We managed to tug the girl out of the room, and as soon as she was out of Biboo's sight and hearing range, she fell to the floor.

"Ahhhhh-Bijou is so sexy! It took all my power not to kiss her right there!" She cried out.

Moco-chan and I glared at her, so it's just a pride thing. At this point, Nerissa likes Bijou, but her pride won't allow her to agree or work with her. This is a frustrating case for sure because it isn't a compatibility issue; it is an issue with everything but that.

"Let's work on compatability," I said.

Nerissa seemed confused by that, but I'm not going to let her mess this up.

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