Raven In Blood

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Nerissa pov: "Mumei!!!!!" I screeched

I have to win. I have to beat her so Aradia and Malpha know I'm strong and not just a sitting duck. I need to show I'm a strong woman.

"Nerissa!!!" Mumei yelled, mocking me and my shout.

"Don't mock me!" I hissed

I tried to jab her with my tuning fork, and she dodged.

"That attack was good. I almost was hit by it. You didn't think, but your anger clouded your attack. You need to think and be calm at the same time." Mumei told me

Do both... I can't do both at the same time. I thought about that more and shot a soundwave at her; it almost hit her, but a clone of Mumei got in front of the attack, blocking it. She was pushed into Mumei-senpai, sending them booth-flying, "Good!" Mumei-senpai yelled. She destroyed the clone and flew forward.

She flew at me within a blink of an eye and swung her dagger. I barely managed to block it with my staff. She turned in midair, suddenly hitting me with a powerful kick to the face. As I stumbled back, she kneed me in the face.

"Not good enough..." She declared

I need to come up with a better plan quickly, but what should I do to get the upper hand?

"Mumei, I'm going to try something," I said.

"Got it..." She told me

I used my sound to rattle my brain and make it so she couldn't hear me think, and then I rushed forward. Mumei-senpai glared at me and got ready for my attacks. Despite not being able to read my attacks, she still dodged them.

"Too straightforward, Nerissa!" She commented

"Not close..." I said before hitting her in the face, she was knocked back but smirked.

"Now you need to meet Selen..." She said

"Wha—" I said before getting slammed by the lunar sky dragon. I landed on my feet and looked at her.

"What happened? Didn't we say this was going to be one-on one!?" I asked

"Nerissa, I only said I'd train you, not the parameters of how we were going to train," I said.

I felt a shift in presence all of a sudden and jumped back as I was almost hit by an attack of light. I glared back and saw Aradia and Malpha flying in at me.

"Shit!!! I yelled as I dodged their assault, only to be hit by Mumei and Selen.

"Should I hold back?" Selen asked

"No, go all out!" Mumei claimed

I need a strategy to beat them all, but at this time I know it isn't possible, so I have to find a way to win and get them separated.

"Nerissa, you keep running," Malpha said.

"I have to keep running; my car beat you on a head-on assault!" I hissed

"Nerrisa..." Oneerissa said that as she caught up to me, she kicked me and sent me flying.

I quickly recovered. "Crap!" I launched myself with sound to gain some further distance, but I was about to hit a wall.

"Light is faster than sound," Malpha said.

The light priestess got behind me and blasted me, sending me flying. Aradia got in front of me and then kicked me back towards our older sister. "This is like before!" Malpha told me as she began to pelt me with light beams.

I got away, but Malpha Vegan wanted to shoot a light beam at me, so I swapped my staff for a microphone. "Laaaaaa!" I sang

I began to push the beam back, but it overpowered me in the end. "No!" I yelled as I was hit and burrowed into the ground. "Shit," I mumbled.

"Hey Nerissa!" Mumei-senpai said as I stood up.

"What!" I asked.

"You are distracted!" Aradia said

I glared at my older sister and blocked her attack. "Wrong," I said.

"Am I, though?" Aradia asked

"You are?" I said it in confusion, only to see what she meant. Malpha appeared in front of us, and she went for a kick. Aradia vanished before me, and I was slammed by her leg, and that kick sent me flying, only for me to be stopped when my back slammed into Mumei-senpai's fist.

"It looks like I've blown your back out, Nerissa." Mumei-senpai declared

"Ahh—gah," I said with happiness and also agony as I fell to the ground and almost passed out.

"Get up." Mumei-senpai told me

I stood up and almost threw up all over. This is tough, but then again, this is what I wanted.

"Nerissa, you can't blame me for my training; I want you to become stronger." Mumei-senpai told me

"I got it," I said to her.

All of a sudden, a sharp pain shot through my head. I jumped back, dodging the oncoming fire attack from Kiara-senpai. "Good sensing!" Mumei-senpai told me

Kiara-senpai flew in and swung her sword at me since she couldn't read my mind. This battle is more fair, but it won't be easy. "Don't hurt me, Nerissa!" Kiara said

I paused and let her hit me. "Don't let your enemy get into your head!" Mumei-senpai told me

This was true. I'm letting Kiara-senpai get into my head; she is using my love for her against me.

"Got it!" I yelled

Mumei-senpai and Kiara-senpai flew at me and proceeded to rapidly slash at me. I have to remember that at any point my biological siblings can attack me. I have to be on my "game." If not, then I will lose, and that isn't what I want.

"You can't beat us, Nerissa." Aradia claimed

Sue proved that she can read minds as well, and she slammed into me, letting me get slashed, but Kiara-senpai didn't actually hit me, so I wouldn't be hurt.

"Nerissa, we should let you recover, and then we'll try again," Kiara said.

Mumei nodded All I know is that I have to figure something out. I know the rest of Advent would want me to be stronger.

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