Getting Better

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Ina pov: "Sana, can we go again?" I asked

Sana looked at me and panted. "Yeah," she said.

I shot tentacles at her, and she dodged, and then she ran in and kicked me.

"You good?" She asked

"Yeah, I can continue," I panted.

"Right, Ina, come on!" Sana, my beautiful girlfriend, called out, and I ran up to her as she opened a portal.

"Are you sure we should interfere?" I asked her, and as the portal grew larger, I began to think about the question.

"Mumei told us to observe and act if we think we need to," Sana said.

The two of us ran into the portal, came out on the other side, and looked around. Blood was all over. "Oh," I said as she saw Shiori have a hole in her. The twins were draped over a tree and a rock. Bijou was in a million pieces. Nerissa was still standing, but blood rushed out of her.

"Okay, we should help." I mentioned

Sana lunged forward and swung her leg. Her foot collided with the reflection of Matsuri-senpai. She exploded into glass shards that began to cut her leg and foot.

"Sana-senpai!" Nerissa quietly gasped.

"Be careful!" I yelled at her.

Blood seeped from my leg and foot; no glass was stuck inside me. Luckily, as the head reformed, I noticed a glass shard that didn't reunite with her.

"Tsukumo Sana... Ninomae Ina'nis?"

The reflection seemed angry that we had arrived. Nerissa fell over and said, "Go, please..." She barely managed to say

"Let me see your leg! I told her:
Sana-senpai lifted up my leg and showed it to her. I made a thin tentacle and wrapped it tightly around her leg before tearing it off. Maybe fighting a glass construction barefoot isn't a good idea. "Only use your right leg," I told her.


"I made you fight back then, but never again. I won't make you fight ever again!" I hissed

"Why are you so insistent?" Sana asked

"Because I haven't grown!!!" I yelled

"Oh," Sana replied. She seemed to understand me now.

"Ina!!!" Sana yelled as she ran to me and pulled me into a bear hug. "I was so worried!" She cried out at me.

"Sana, you were supposed to be watching Irys," Fauna claimed.

"I did, and she passed out again, so I wanted to at least check in on Ina and see how she was doing!" Sana loudly said:

Fauna glared at the speaker in space and wrapped roots around her so she wouldn't be able to move.

"I need to train Ina, and I don't want you getting in the way." Fauna growled

"Wait... why would I?" Sana was cut off by Fauna, who sent thorny roots my way. They slammed into me badly, cutting me.

"You could have blocked that," she stated.

"No, I couldn't have," I told her.

Sana was clearly angry. "Fauna, not too rough!" She yelled at the woman.

"Sana, I need results," she told the girl before she retracted the roots and healed me with the golden apple. "Again!" She yelled

I summoned my tentacles and threw them at her. She plucked a blade of grass and threw it. The grass didn't even hit any of my tentacles, but they still sliced apart instantly. The blade of grass flew through my body, causing me to fall over.

"Dang, what the heck is that made of?" I asked as I saw my blood exit my body.

"We are going to keep going at this until you get it right. I hope you understand that," Fauna told me as she healed me.

"What does she even have to do?" Sana asked

"She needs to master the power of the active ones; she is literally the strongest one in that group of six, yet she is also the most disappointing." Fauna stated

"Yeah, I get that she has a lot of latent potential, but because of that, she needs to learn slowly; she can't just speed run while getting stronger!" Sana stated

"Well, we don't have time," Fauna replied.

"What do you mean?" I asked

"Supposedly the end of this world may be near, and Mumei at least wants to prevent at least one of the incoming issues," Fauna explained.

"Do any of us even care?" Sana asked

No, but still, we need to stop Omega somehow, and these six are the ones that are being targeted first before council since they stopped her last time!" Fauna stated

Fair, but please be gentle with Ina; she's a sweetheart!" Sana stated

She just sent normal roots my way. This time I closed my book and threw it to the side before running at her and saying, "No!" I yelled at her.

"You... pick up the book and fight me for real!" She hissed

I dodged the incoming roots and managed to punch her in the face, knocking her back. "I am fighting seriously!" I told her.

Fauna sat back up and spit blood onto the ground. "You can't be serious." She stated

"Last time I lost control, I hurt Sana, and I will not lose control again." I told her she understood what I was getting at, but at the moment all she cared about were the results.

"We need to continue and end this," Fauna said.

"I agree..." I huffed

I ran over to Sana and broke her out, and then she swiftly incapacitated Fauna, who was squirming. "Stop it," is all she said.

Look, Ina needs to get stronger!" Fauna said

"Then let her get stronger in her own way; don't keep pushing her beyond her limits; she isn't someone you can keep playing with like this; she is a human!" Sana said
"Ina, please use the ancient ones," Sana said.

Okay, but I will only use it minorly; I won't overuse it," I stated.

Sana gave me a thumbs up, and she walked towards my tome, picking it up before tossing it to me.

I summoned my tentacles back out and suddenly felt chills fall down my spine. "What the heck?" I sighed.

Look, don't use the tentacles if you don't want to or can't use them!" Sana told me

"No, I'll do it; I won't disappoint you!" I said

Fauna exhaled and sat down on a tree stump, looking at us. "Get to it then," she said. "Before I go bald..." She then said, for some bizarre reason,

"Sana, help me get stronger!!!" I yelled

"Okay, I will help you, but make sure you show me results!" She said it firmly.

This is all I needed.

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