Friend or Foe

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Nerissa pov: "Rissa, what are we looking for?" Shior~rin asked me

"Being completely transparent, I have no idea," I told Shior~rin as we continued to walk down the hall.

"Do you smell anything?" Biboo asked

Fuwawa and Mococo sniffed around "another Mumei-senpai-like scent over there," they both said.

A paper bag flew towards us. "You know Mumei?" It asked as it showed itself fully.

"Yeah, she's my older sister," I softly said.

The paper bag flew around me as if it were checking me out. "Nice body!" It quickly complimented

"Thank you?" I said it with confusion.

"Is this the intruder?" Biboo asked

"It looks like it," Shior~rin replied.

"Don't call me an intruder. Mumei is so rude to me, I don't care for how mean she has been to her only friend," it said.

"Your name is friend, and Mumei-senpai gave it to you, right?" I asked

"Yup!" Friend said

I heard about Friend briefly. I know she doesn't like it much, and I want to know why it seems fine to me.

"Mumei-senpai wouldn't want to see you if she had been acting rude to you," I claimed.

Friend waved around. "Wrong," it said.

"How so?" I asked.

"Well, Mumei has just been a jerk; she doesn't understand that. I mean, no harm. All I want is her body so I can rule the world!" Friend said

"Wha-" Biboo said

"Oh sh*t, I said that out loud." Freind sighed

"Time to cut you up!" Shior~rin said as she pulled scissors out and began to snip with them.

"Give me your body!" A friend yelled as it flew towards me, trying to capture my body. Biboo manipulated the ground and bluntly hit it.

"You could have pierced it!" I yelled

"Yeah, and it probably could survive it!" She said it in defense.

"Nope, without holding a body captive, I would die from that. Anything sharp that cuts me can do me in," it said.

"Good to know," Mococo said.

"Shit, me and my big mouth!" Friend yelled

"Ironic because you don't actually have a mouth since you are a paper bag," Fuwawa stated.

"What the hell is wrong with you people? I'm a person, not a paper bag!" Friend said

Friend is a paper bag, and from what I heard from Mumei-senpai, it is a creature that we need to get rid of. She is annoyed by it.

"You need to give me a body so I can get Mumei's body!" Friend said

"No, sorry, we won't let you get Mumei-senpai's body," Biboo said.

"Shut up..." Freind said Fuwawa and Mococo launched forward to slash Friend, but they barely missed, and then Friend flew at me and said, "Your body is mine!" It said

"No, its noooooot!" I sang

It got pushed back by the sound wave, and then Yorick wrapped around it. Shior~rin ran in and went to jab it with scissors, but it managed to break out. Biboo responded by sending sharp rocks at it, but it weaved out of the way.

"Tsk, this bastard is fast." Shior~rin scowled

"Of course I don't want to die!" Friend yelled

"Bau Bau!" Mococo barked, darted forward, and stabbed Friend with her claws.

"Gyaaaaaa!" It screeched in agony.

"Bau Bau, nice Moco-chan!" Fuwawa said

"Thank you, Fuwa-chan!" Mococo replied

"What is wrong with you people?" Friend yelled

"We are all criminals imprisoned by the gods because we are so dangerous." Shiori~rin stated

"Really?" Friend asked

"Correct," I said.

"Well, then you are stronger than Mumei, right?" It asked

"No, why would I be?" I asked

"Because you are strong and you seem like you know our tactics well!" It said

"She is my older sister, and she has kicked my ass. I can't beat her. I tried to believe me!" I said

"Shit, well, it doesn't matter as long as I can get your body since my power adds to yours and then gets multiplied by two times," it said.

What the hell multiplied? That is too much. I don't think we could defeat this thing if it gets a body.

"New plan; don't get caught by it." I said

"Come on, Rissa, we don't need to worry about it." Shior~rin stated

"What the hell... I whatever?" I sighed.

We just need to keep it at bay so it can't get Mumei-senpai because she will be exhausted after the battle royal and may be easy pickings.

"Mumei-senpai needs us!" Bijou said

"I want horned girls bodies; give it here!" Friend screamed

"I have a name, ya'know, it is Nerissa Ravencroft. I'm the demon of sound and soup, and I'm a raven sister of Nanashi Mumei and lover of Takahashi Kiara!" I said

"Well, she only sees you as a sister, Rissa." Shior~rin said

I was going to get on her case for calling me out, but I think this is more important. A friend flew at me, and I screamed, keeping it at bay with the sound, "What is going on?" It asked

"I'm the demon of sound!" I continued to sing in order to push it back. Friend couldn't do anything about it; that was smart. I really like that because it shows that it can't beat us without a body.

"I need a body," it thought to itself, and then I heard another thought: "I'll go for a rock girl."

"Bijou defend!" I said

Bijou did as told and hid under a dome of rock. "How did you know!" Friend yelled

"I can read minds," I said

My friend was angry at me for this, but as long as we win, it doesn't matter. I want Mumei-senpai to tell me how much she loves me since I also love her a lot.

Friend was on the ropes, but I can't help but think that this is way too easy. I mean, Friend can't do anything.

So what is going on?

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